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Young couple with 2 year old child wanting to move to Oz (Perth)


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Hey Guys :o)

totally new to all this...

here goes..m


My bf and i have been wanting to move from Ireland to Oz for ages now and now its time to make it happen.. we have a 2 year old daughter and are hoping to move to Perth WA within the next 6 - 8 months. we are after some advice on Visa's etc. my bf already has his visa sorted and is up in june so he is going to go early May time. He applied for his visa last june and was supposed to go however he broke his hand and that kept him from going as he would not be able to work as soon as he got there anyway...he is going in May as his bro lives in Perth and is hoping to get work in the mines or directional drilling as he is a pipe layer and drill operator and also is a qualified mechanic. I am in college currently working towards a qualification in Medical Secetary/Business and Admin Level 3 so i want to eventually work in a Hospital or school..

was wondering if my qualifications here will be accepted in Oz?..and as far as renting a house/apartment goes my bf bro will help him getting that sorted before myself and child go over. Do i get my own Visa or do i wait for my bf to get sponsorship and then go? how does it work? when my child is school age will we have to pay for scholling etc? costs?


any advice at all from anyone would be greatly appreciated...


M xx

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Hi and welcome to PIO


I am just a bit confused by the situation, do you mean your OH is going on a WHV in the hope of finding something?


I think it is unlikely that you would qualify for a visa in your own right at the moment, so you would need be dependent upon your OH obtaining a visa that you can be added onto. I am not sure what his main job is from what you have said, but there could be a chance he would qualify for skilled migration. A much surer route than going on holiday and hoping to get sponsored, although that could work too.


Good luck.

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It is very unlikely in the current climate that you husband will get sponsorship as a driller. Most of the drill companies have laid off drillers in the last few months. Though some specialist drillers are still in demand. To advise more, can you tell me more what sort of rigs he has worked on - Diamond? And to what depths and what methods.

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Hi Verystormy..

not my husband lol just my Boyfriend..he is a Dirrectional Driller, can operate hdd directional drills (horrizontal dirrectional drills)

i would have to ask him to go into detail regarding depths and methods..he has worked in Saudi Arabia..putting pipes into the ground for gas, water etc...He is also a qualified mechanic and is interested in working in the mines as thats where his brother is. jack of all trades lol

regarding me: do you know anything about NVQ Levels 3 qualifications here in the UK if they are recognised in Oz??


thanks for reply


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Got answered about my NVQ and all is good, its recognised in Oz also :) oh i know that type of drilling is not in mining. if he was fortunate enough to get a job in the mines he could drive a digger or use his mechanicing skills..but we will see. emmigration advisor said it would be better for him to go as mechanic on visa.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi my husband is also a directional driller and he has had his TRA approved. He is now trying to get the scores needed for IELTS and with some job offers to satisfy EOI our agent tells us we should have a chance of PR even though Driller is now an off list nomination in WA. We're hoping our agent is right as we really want to go! Does anyone have any more info on directional drilling, has your bf been out to oz yet?

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Hi :)

He heads in May to Perth. Could you explain the abbreviations above please (sorry this is totally new) he has a potential job lined up as he was speaking to a drilling company and they have asked he contacts them as soon as he is in Perth! Hope you get sorted. I will let you know how he gets on come May time. when do yous plan on going yourselves?



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Sorry! He had to prove he is a driller and this was by submitting loads of evidence to TRA (trade Recognition Australia) which included qualifications and evidence of employment. He then has to do the English test IELTS, then get WA sponsership. All of this is to get the points to be able to get an invitation to apply (EOI) where they then decide if they want to invite you to apply for a visa!!! As Driller is now off list (not on the list of Jobs in demand) only a certain amount of people are invited to apply for a visa.


There seem to be so many hoops to jump through and I hope Gary gets the scores needed in IELTS so he can then apply for state sponsership!!! If we get a visa then we'll be going out within a year. Is your husband hoping to get sponsored while out in a working holiday visa? Are you going out with him?


Good luck to you both ;-)

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Morning :)

Yes he is going on a HWV. He applied for it last June so has until 3rd June 2013 to use it. So hes booking his flight today actually. He goes in May and hopes to get sponsored in order for us to follow out after. Im hoping it is within a few months (wishful thinking) :-/ we aren't going through an agent as we just dont have the money to do it that way..we have been speaking to a few agents over the phone and through email and they recommend we do it this way. Will my partner still have to upload work experience/evidence also? where are yous from? there seems to be a far few job opportunites in the drilling business out there! ;) any idea where in WA you are going?


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Fingers crossed that he gets sponsorship soon for you so you don't have to be apart for too long. I don't think I could do it and be apart for that long. If he gets sponsorship there should be no need to do the TRA I don't think, but I've never looked into sponsorship so you’d have to check it out.


We're from Mid-Wales. If / when we go over then we'd live as near as possible to where the company Gary got a job with is based (unless mining), I don't mind where. TBH I don't want to look too much into it until we are further long in the process I don't want to be disappointed!!! We visited Perth and the region about 8 years ago and loved it. Where are you hoping to live?


We're updating Gary's CV at the moment and going to send it out to a few recruitment agencies to see what jobs are out there, maybe someone might offer sponsorship haha!

Good luck :wink:

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Good Luck to yous too:wink: we are planning on living in Perth..Yokine. Close to partners job, same as yourselves. Yea im sick of talking about it at this stage, we have been planning to do this for a long time..my man just booked his flight an hour ago so its starting to feel real. Just need to fast forward to the summer now :) we are from Ireland :) yeah worth your while sending cv to companies. Hope its easy enough to get sponsored, the quicker he does the quicker we can be there in the sun shine. bring it on lol keep in touch :)


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Good Luck to yous too:wink: we are planning on living in Perth..Yokine. Close to partners job, same as yourselves. Yea im sick of talking about it at this stage, we have been planning to do this for a long time..my man just booked his flight an hour ago so its starting to feel real. Just need to fast forward to the summer now :) we are from Ireland :) yeah worth your while sending cv to companies. Hope its easy enough to get sponsored, the quicker he does the quicker we can be there in the sun shine. bring it on lol keep in touch :)


good luck for you all

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