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but do you think it will work?


I dont want to do anything I want to be a film star, model or rich bum but because I have to work I will do something and then it may as well be something what gets me to Oz. Remember work is a secondary factor to me.


If work is a secondary factor for you, then I really don't know what to say. To get anywhere in life you need to work and often be prepared to work hard. Not take short cuts or keep coming up with plans that swing wildly in their aims.


You want to be in Aus, you want to be there NOW. You hate the UK. So you want to study in Aus to get a visa at the end. IIRC I have read they are cutting back on giving out visas to international students at the end of their study. Perhaps research that. If you return to the UK and apply from there, as to if you'd find a sponsor or even get an invite for SS who knows. Things can change in two years and not one of us here could tell you if your current idea would work.


I think you post these wild comments to get reactions from people. I think you need to grow up a bit, stop behaving like a petulant kid and live in the real world where people who get places in life put some actual effort into doing so not just pull it out of thin air and change their plan at the drop of a hat because it takes a couple of years longer or is too hard and they want something easier.


My husband did his years at Uni to enable him to get his degree and that degree means he can work pretty much anywhere should he wish. US, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Europe.... but he had to put in the hard work and slog it out for 3 years plus work a shelf stacking job in the supermarket to help support himself and study round that. You sound to me like you just want an easy ticket and expect it to be handed to you on a plate. Well, that isn't happening.

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I have decided to just go over on tourist long stay and get a mate to tie the knot with me. I need to get married to make the family proud.


So may as well be to an Aussie! And its gonna be the wedding of the year :) Wills and Kate eat your heart out!

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If work is a secondary factor for you, then I really don't know what to say. To get anywhere in life you need to work and often be prepared to work hard. Not take short cuts or keep coming up with plans that swing wildly in their aims.


You want to be in Aus, you want to be there NOW. You hate the UK. So you want to study in Aus to get a visa at the end. IIRC I have read they are cutting back on giving out visas to international students at the end of their study. Perhaps research that. If you return to the UK and apply from there, as to if you'd find a sponsor or even get an invite for SS who knows. Things can change in two years and not one of us here could tell you if your current idea would work.


I think you post these wild comments to get reactions from people. I think you need to grow up a bit, stop behaving like a petulant kid and live in the real world where people who get places in life put some actual effort into doing so not just pull it out of thin air and change their plan at the drop of a hat because it takes a couple of years longer or is too hard and they want something easier.


My husband did his years at Uni to enable him to get his degree and that degree means he can work pretty much anywhere should he wish. US, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Europe.... but he had to put in the hard work and slog it out for 3 years plus work a shelf stacking job in the supermarket to help support himself and study round that. You sound to me like you just want an easy ticket and expect it to be handed to you on a plate. Well, that isn't happening.

You see I dont live to work I work to live. Wheras with msot of you if for whatever reason you couldnt live in Australia you would pretty much all be merry to do your jobs in England. For me living is the primary factor and work is just something that I have to do to source that.


My dream jobs or ambitions in life are to act, sing or be a reality TV star or better still a Disney character.


I don't want to be a nurse, a doctor or a geologist. But still there is a use for me in life, to entertain and to be the center of attention. After all its what I'm used to.


Iv'e been an entertainer singing bar staff worked in face to face promotions. Acting is what i do best. Now not everyone values my talents so I need to fins another way of getting to Australia. I love Australia but I must find an Australian to love and like in Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid, to be part of that world they must love me back as I am so kind and I always share things, that shouldn't be to hard.


If it dosent work I shall teach English to Thai orphans, because I love working with children probably because mentally I am one. Sounds great! i am like Peter Pan :)

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