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health insurance for 457 ?????


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Hello, after waiting months and months (and paying out quite a bit of money) for limited medical registration we are finally able to apply for our 457. Hoping to get there on time for our 4 children to start school in feb '13!!! I know we need health insurance on the 457. can anyone suggest a company. we are a family with 4 children. And once we are in oz can we cancel and just go with the reciprocal medicare agreement. we are coming from ireland. Not an easy time of the year to be applying for a visa, feel a bit emotional with the thought of leaving but we have had nearly a year of to get to this stage and now that we are at this final stage we are just getting a little fearful of saying goodbyes. So if anyone could advise me on an online reasonably priced insurance company it would be great. I did look online before but there seem to be lots of levels and not sure if the basic is enough to satisfy 457. thanks so much.

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I just had my 457 approved with an annual policy from virgin. It was a basic policy and cost me £25 for the year. I won't bother cancelling it at that price.

Is that travel insurance? Check the terms as most of them limit trips to 30 days and you have to be a resident of the uk.

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think that may be travel insurance. have been looking online and bupa, medibank and iman(sorry, might have not spelled this correctly!!) are charging nearly $200 a month for the basic package. Anyone know wich is the best. thanks

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If you are from the Republic of Ireland I dont think you can cancel the policy as you are only entitled to free health care in the hospitals, not same standard of reciprocal health care which is for certain passport holders - i.e. holders of a UK passport. You should check to be sure.


Failure to have appropriate health care is breach of 8501 condition on your visa.




Entitlements are very different for ROI and UK citizens. http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/enablers/medicare/reciprocal-health-care-agreements/health-care-for-visitors-to-australia


Your entitlements


As a resident of one of these countries, the United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Belgium, Norway, Slovenia, Malta and Italy, you are entitled to the following health or injury treatments while you are in Australia:



  • free treatment as a public in-patient or out-patient in a public hospital
  • subsidised medicine under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)
  • Medicare benefits for out-of-hospital treatment provided by a doctor.



Residents of the Republic of Ireland and New Zealand are entitled to :



  • services as a public patient in a public hospital (including outpatient services) for medically necessary treatment medicines available on prescription which are subsidised under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), at the general rate.




Irish or NZ passport holders do not receive Medicare cards but are required to show their passports at hospitals and pharmacies.

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there is a govt site that does a comparison of the best/cheapest policy for your needs,i googled it ,best health ins policy in aus and it came up!Good luck,we moved from Ireland in august,given the state of Ireland your doing the right thing for your family,tough saying goodbye but a whole future to look forward to for your family.Good Luck!

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Is that travel insurance? Check the terms as most of them limit trips to 30 days and you have to be a resident of the uk.


Yes it is travel insurance, DIAC checked the policy and they were happy with it. It covers for trips of maximum 90 days. As soon as I get To Oz I'll be registering with Medicare which will cover me anyway.

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Yes it is travel insurance, DIAC checked the policy and they were happy with it. It covers for trips of maximum 90 days. As soon as I get To Oz I'll be registering with Medicare which will cover me anyway.

Yep, not so good for the op though if they are from Ireland without full Medicare.

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have just signed up with bupa.$178 a month!!! Maybe once we are in the country we can get something cheaper if we cant get the full medicare cover. need to apply for 457 asap as we have 4 children who need to start school as close to the feb 4th start of term date as possible. now that we have come to this stage after months of head wrecking bureaucracy im getting cold feet and feeling very nervous of the move. Thanks everyone for the advise.

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hi just want to know if we are on a 457 are we entitled to medicare free or do we absolutely have to have medical insurance ?

If you are from the uk you get reciprocal health care. So you need to show you have health care to enter the country, which lots of travel insurance will do. Once here you can cancel it.

Ireland however needs insurance as no reciprocal Medicare cards.

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If you are from the uk you get reciprocal health care. So you need to show you have health care to enter the country, which lots of travel insurance will do. Once here you can cancel it.

Ireland however needs insurance as no reciprocal Medicare cards.


Hi, I didn't know you could cancel health insurance once here, this is music to my ears. I hope to get sponsored in my next job and wasn't looking forward to the $200 a month extra outgoings!

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yes, it is pricy. seems like there are a lot more expenses in OZ than what im used to. I will be renting our house as we are in negative equity and the rents in oz are over three times what we would get for our home. really hope we are making the right move!!!!!

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Be aware that lots of people who get full Medicare including Australian citizens keep private as it offers a lot of benefit. For example, my wife needed physio recently. The wait time with Medicare was going to be months. Dental bills can be high here and in some states such as WA you can pay hundreds for an ambulance.

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