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Yearning to go home

chrisrich 5

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Yearning to return home . I have lived in Australia for 42 years apart from when i returned home back in 1973 and then when to canada for a year . It had been 30 years since I had set foot on home soil and this all started because of a car that Wanted to buy in the uk so thought i would sit down and write my reason for wanting to return to the uk as i have mentioned before on this forum I returned to the uk in 2010 and ended up spending 16 months there and it was in that 16 months that I felll in love with the country I was born in .I could sit down and write pages on all the things that make me proud to be English ,

the beautiful country side which I believe is breath taking in every aspect the history of our great nation .the sense of belonging was to me over welming I felt that I belonged there.

I found it such a gentle place,I found the people lovely where ever we went and it to have such a great divisibly for such a small island .

I never left England because I wonted to get away i but wanted to see a bit of the world and I could do that for only ten pounds.

There are so many things that i miss, the long summer evening,the country walks with my dogs along country lanes, the buzz of a great city like London ,I miss the change in seasons ,I now live in Queensland and it has come to the stage that I hate the prolonged heat that we have here,I could move down south where its cooler but that would not help the way I feel. Have not been to the beach in twenty years .

I have not seen much of Europe apart from the places we saw when we spent that 16 months living there and there is so much more to see . and so many ways you can do it .

we booked our tickets in Mach last year to leave on the 15th of Jan but unfortunately I will have to cancel them as our house has not sold either and what we where offered we would have taken a lost of near 600 thousand dollars so we have now decided to rent it out so as soon as we find some one to rent it we will re book our fares and hopefully all my dreams will come true .

we are looking to move to Mayfield in East Sussex with a few Acres and live happy ever after in a country that I at last can call Home.

Good luck to all those wanting to move back Home .

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600 thousand is a lot to lose, but what you need to appreciate is that money is lost. It's gone. You may get it back if you hold onto the house for long enough, but you may also get it back if you buy a new house in the UK with it. I assume your house is worth substantially more than 600 thousand if you are taking that kind of hit. You need to think about how the exchange rate could shift against you, maybe even increasing that loss. Having let a house on the other side of the world, it is a lot of hassle. I wouldn't do it again.


Enjoy Mayfield - it's a lovely part of the country.

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Guest stateymeff

I moved back to England in March after spending nearly 10 years in Australia and it was the best decision I ever made. I have never been happier and 2012 has been a great year for the UK with the Olympics and the Jubilee the whole country has come together and communities have reconnected, its been lovely. This will be my first Christmas in the UK for 10 years and I'm really looking forward to spending it with family and friends. Its the first time in 10 years that its felt like Christmas, the crisp cold days, the dark evenings, the Christmas markets and cosy pubs with log fires you just cant beat it. This feels like home because it is home. I wish you the best of luck and I'm sure if you want to return to the UK so badly you will find a way :)

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Well the exchange rate is good at present and let's hope it lasts into next year when we get our present rental home sold. 600k loss sounds extreme unless you bought at the height of the boom. We sold a 4 bed, 3 bathroom home in Currumbin with granny flat and pool and good rear garden near Currumbin Sanctuary for $600. We were told by agents that we would get at least $740K which we though fair but despite the Gold Coast Bulletin coming out to feature the home - 3 weeks running we got free feature pages - our highest offer was what we accepted - ie the $600K We had to be realistic - that's what the market would pay at the time. We too want to go home and I have been here 32 years and my husband came out 1967. Same reasons as you but it does depend where you live in UK as it has a lot of the same problems as we have here with crime in some places. We have no rose tinted glasses on - we are very aware what is not good as well as what is good. We are aware that many things will drive us barmy and I'm glad we do so we are prepared. I wish you both well and hope your dreams come true for you

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White Xmas forecast, this Is Pub near me that I use a lot, it is wend by the national trust and is just full of Georgian furniture 3 massive log fires going, ale and food is to die for.





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Mayfield is a lovely place - My house in near Lewes, a beautiful part of the world! Not sure where you live taking an estimated 600K hit - do you have an apartment overlooking sydney harbour bridge? Can't imagine house prices rising in Oz very much in the near future - despite the realtor spin

Houses in UK are very well priced at the moment, the dollar is strong against the pound. IF I had a house in Oz (don't think I could ever afford it!), I'd be taking advantage of this, selling up and buying in UK. Of course you may be so rich you can afford a mansion in both countries!!

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Wow, you make me feel like a newcomer! I only stuck 32 years in Australia and have been back in UK for14 months. I have to say this has been far and away the happiest year of my life for a very long time! I hope you can make your I e soon and that things fall nicely into place for you! It's a fabulous place to be!

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Guest stateymeff

I managed to save alot of cash whilst working in Australia and took advantage of the good exchange rate which enabled me to buy a nice 2 bed apartment in a lovely part of the Wirral overlooking the Dee estuary and Welsh hills. I wouldnt have been able to have bought my own place in Sydney...way too expensive.

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