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Oz experience to get a job in Oz


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I hear a lot that employers increasingly ask for prior Oz experience, when we apply for jobs in Oz.

We see a lot of jobs posted online, but if employers insist on prior Oz experience, we will be in total disadvantage.


What do we do in such a situation? How do I find a recruiting agency in Australia that can help me find a job? Any pointers....



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I hear a lot that employers increasingly ask for prior Oz experience, when we apply for jobs in Oz.

We see a lot of jobs posted online, but if employers insist on prior Oz experience, we will be in total disadvantage.


What do we do in such a situation? How do I find a recruiting agency in Australia that can help me find a job? Any pointers....




hi mate im a plumber and when i first came here that was all the crap i was getting " how much australian experience do u have?" then i would explain ive just arrived so i have no oz experience but i will adapt to any differences, then they say fine we will call u back and then u hear nothing !its hard to get your foot in the door here on most work types even with agencies. i think the aussies r not too good at taking risks at all. like anywhere else just keep annoying them untill they give u a "chance" lol

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hahaha thanks mate. That surely sounds a hard and tough life before we break in for that first job. I am very happy to see that people do eventually get their first job. So it's tough, but possible. Thank you for sharing your experience, mate. I will remember you every time I get a rejection, and keep the hope alive until I land my first one.


Take care...

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If that's true, then I can surely handle the rejection, and keep looking. But if they say "no local experience", then we think that there's something we are lacking! And if you find more than one person repeating the same thing, we get the idea that we are not wanted here! That's hard for a person who left a lot of things behind to come to Oz. Not finding a job is hard, but being made to feel unwanted is harder!


Thanks for sharing your opinion though. As we see that people do get a job eventually, it shows that there are the ones who will take us in, even with "no local experience".

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If that's true, then I can surely handle the rejection, and keep looking. But if they say "no local experience", then we think that there's something we are lacking! And if you find more than one person repeating the same thing, we get the idea that we are not wanted here! That's hard for a person who left a lot of things behind to come to Oz. Not finding a job is hard, but being made to feel unwanted is harder!


Thanks for sharing your opinion though. As we see that people do get a job eventually, it shows that there are the ones who will take us in, even with "no local experience".


In my industry (IT) it was also a 'nice' way to not hire sub-par foreigners (usually Indian).


But your experience may vary.

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  • 2 months later...

My advice to you would be if you have a good job back home or earn decent money to live on stay there - but depends on what area of work you are in ! if you have hundreds of thousands in the bank and can live and support your self while you sit on your arse for months on end looking for work or doing courses then you should be fine !

trust me i have been ping ponging back and fourth for some years now !

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just say at the interview that your lazy and totally useless but talk air all the time and also you have done lots of stupid courses and have certificates. You should fit in well.

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I hear a lot that employers increasingly ask for prior Oz experience, when we apply for jobs in Oz.

We see a lot of jobs posted online, but if employers insist on prior Oz experience, we will be in total disadvantage.


What do we do in such a situation? How do I find a recruiting agency in Australia that can help me find a job? Any pointers....




Big time mate, as things get tighter they will set the bar higher here that's all you will here "we want Oz experience (and 2 years+ in some cases)" Its like talking to a wall sometimes. Agencies are the worst to deal with they rarely call you back.

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My advice to you would be if you have a good job back home or earn decent money to live on stay there - but depends on what area of work you are in ! if you have hundreds of thousands in the bank and can live and support your self while you sit on your arse for months on end looking for work or doing courses then you should be fine !

trust me i have been ping ponging back and fourth for some years now !


I couldn't agree more! plus a lot of industries are starting to drive down the rates too. stay where you are if you have comfortable life.

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It now seems easier to get a job in England than Oz.


Im a 24 yr old spark and have full-time employment, but looking to head over to Oz later this year. Hoping to spark over there after my whv's but with all this logbook talk and difficulty in finding a job, it seems unlikely it will happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...


It now seems easier to get a job in England than Oz.


Im a 24 yr old spark and have full-time employment, but looking to head over to Oz later this year. Hoping to spark over there after my whv's but with all this logbook talk and difficulty in finding a job, it seems unlikely it will happen.


I have been looking for work here again for some months now bloody frustrating ! over the years I have found that I have only got work through other people unfortunately because I went back to Uk for a while. Now I'm back my contacts have dried up and I'm reduced to applying to advertised jobs to which I hear no response or acknowledgement at all what so ever.

Regardless of experience, and qualifications !

But a week or 2 weeks later the same job is being readvertised!. So obviously not filled !


But yes I do agree strongly I find it easier to get work back in the UK than here in Australia (me personally)

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I guess it really depnds on the industry. As an accountant with all commercial experience, I was quite lucky as the employers I spoke to preferred my experience over the local candidates as it's valuable to get a mix of backgrounds. Also, most Australian accountants seem to come up through chartered companies and the experience is totally different and they often don't fit well into corporates.

Good luck with the job hunt.

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I guess it really depnds on the industry. As an accountant with all commercial experience, I was quite lucky as the employers I spoke to preferred my experience over the local candidates as it's valuable to get a mix of backgrounds. Also, most Australian accountants seem to come up through chartered companies and the experience is totally different and they often don't fit well into corporates.

Good luck with the job hunt.



exactly 100% true this is exactly what I keep saying experienced it long enough now ! (Australian accountants seem to come up through chartered companies) now thats a s surprise for this country I wasn't expecting that !!!!!

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