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How to relax?

Guest The Pom Queen

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I tend to be the same, always stuff running through my mind.


Best thing ever is any form of highly aerobic exercise, ideally something where you are exercising at a level where you can't comfortably carry on a conversation. At the moment I am going through an extended love affair with zumba, for example. In the past I've done taebo, high impact aerobics, boxercise, and any of the higher impact Les Mills classes (Bodypump etc).


I find that it really clears my mind and helps relax me, I feel fantastic for the rest of the day.

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I can't remember the last time I relaxed, what with the visa app then the house being flooded, twice, chasing up loss adjusters, builders etc, trying to get it ready to rent out by the time I leave! Sorting through my belongings when half of them are with me at the rental and half upstairs at my house, packing.... Oh I'm having palpatations now. Merlot time methinks!

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Just wondered how people relax. I seem to be on the go (mentally not physically ) non stop. I can't even take deep breathes. The only time I've felt relaxed was a few weeks back before the forby broke down and we were out in the middle of no where. It lasted an hour at most.


You found the answer right there.thumbs.gif


Cheers, Bobj.

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Best thing ever is any form of highly aerobic exercise, ideally something where you are exercising at a level where you can't comfortably carry on a conversation........


I find that it really clears my mind and helps relax me, I feel fantastic for the rest of the day.


Totally agree. Swimming laps does exactly the same for me.

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I can't switch off from here, as admin I really struggle, even today we went to the movies but I was checking every 5 minutes which is silly as we have excellent mods and I trust them to run the place, I just feel guilty for being away.

Also a couple of personal things but nothing important.


Can you "take a holiday" from here? Would it help? I guess the temptation would still be there though.

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