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Good News, Bad News


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Hello Everyone,


Good news

After 11 months of feeling in limbo, I today received a phone call from my agent telling me that we have been granted our 136 visa. Brilliant, thank you, thank you, thank you!:biglaugh:


Bad news


At 6.15pm tonight whilst sharing a bottle of champagne with my wife, I received a phone call from my accountant, just to let me know that I owe £8000 in capital gains tax and just to cheer me up even more he told me that they would like it next week!:sad:


Could they not have let me and my wife enjoy the moment for a little longer?


Anyway, c'est la vie.


All the best to everyone who is still waiting for visas to be granted.

From the oldgit



ps. I don't suppose anyone could lend me a couple of quid, could they?:goofy:

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Guest Ron & Chel

Well oldgit wat can i say if you owe 8k capital gains then you must of made a nice little packet to take to Oz and if your accountant is any good i would have a guess that it should have been more i know my accountant would have good luck on yer and congrats on your visa

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Well oldgit wat can i say if you owe 8k capital gains then you must of made a nice little packet to take to Oz and if your accountant is any good i would have a guess that it should have been more i know my accountant would have good luck on yer and congrats on your visa

Yeh but i want to keep it

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Guest Working to fish

Well done olgit to you and your family on getting your visa. I'm sure you're well over the moon as for that bloody tax man i know how you feel.





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CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING THE VISA, and trust the tax man to try and put a damper on things!! Dont worry your out of here now


Good luck:cool:

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