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Those with e visa 176


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Although its not strictly necessary to have a visa label in your passsport. I found that it helps when going for jobs etc as people know and trust the pink visa label :-)

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All governmental and health departments use vevo. You visa is automatically stored on there, your grant notice has the details that's all you need to show, and the rest they can check through vevo. Medicare and centrelink use vevo too.

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Guest Rebecca78

Hi there. We received 176 e-visas and moved to Victoria just over a year ago. We don't have labels in our passports we just printed out our visa letter with the visa numbers on before we left the UK. Everyone we have had dealings with e.g. medicare, tax office, jobs, driving license, renting a house etc. just needed our visa numbers on the letter. No-one has ever asked us to provide the visa label. I too was worried about it before we left but no, we have never needed it. Also when we entered the country the PR visa was already attached to our passport numbers so again no need for the label.


Hope this helps and good luck :-)

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