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Flea, tick, and worming prevention recommendations for dogs


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I've seen a previous thread about heartworm prevention, and our dogs are covered for that by an annual jab, but wondered what others were using for flea, tick, and worm prevention. In UK we used Advocate which was a monthly topical treatment for fleas and worms. Here the vet recommended Advantix for fleas and ticks, but it's needed fortnightly for the ticks, which obviously increases the overall cost! He gave us a separate worming tablet which was fairly cheap. Would love to hear any effective and cost efficient combinations that anyone has found!


Thanks, Fiona

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Fiona

Personally I use and recommend Revolution (Stronghold in the UK) although if you want one to cover everything then look at Advocate.

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I never found the topical applications any good for ticks at all; was regularly pulling up to 10 a day off him no matter where in the treatment cycle he was (luckily not in a paralysis tick area). The most effective treatment I got for ridding the yard of ticks was the get a couple of chooks - haven't had a single one since they were installed, I don't know what the best treatment would be if you regularly walk in bush areas though.

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Guest GeorgeD

We use Frontline for fleas, St Bernard All Wormer Tablets (suggested by our local RSPCA shop) and Alfie gets a SR-12 injection for heartworm.


I always check him when he comes in from outside (and now his hair is clipped it is much easier to do) and we've never had any ticks. It would cost a fortune if we gave him Frontline every 2 weeks to keep ticks at bay. Do people really do this? He's never really in any bush areas although I know possums can carry them so they could appear in the garden any time.


To be fair the only inhabitant of our house to ever get a tick was me a few weeks ago, neither the cat or dog have ever had one!

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We use Advantix for Ticks etc and its a monthly (4 weeks) treatment, however due to the weather we have had/ are having and the amount of dogs picking them up, the vets this last few months are recommending its done every fortnight to protect against Paralysis Ticks. Its not every 2 weeks through winter etc.


Cal x

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The heartworm injection is a nitemare , 12 months of drugs in one smack , it causes **** and problems , the 6 month one was banned in the us. We had ours done this year and she was ill for yonks. I brought our border collie over in 2008 , after awhile he got bad red sore feet , cortisone tabs eased it but it wasn't cured but eased slightly , we list him in November . The vets kept dishin out the steroids wi nowt else. When the pig was ill earlier with the jab , I researched the jab and my old bc first went down with sore feet was the first time he had the heartworm jab, next year the pig will be on the tablets , where you can regulate it

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