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Jo & Jon have a new arrival!!


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Wow, 3 pages of messages!!


Cheers everyone - and thanks for the good wishes.


And ok ..... in response to requests, here is one of the drugged up photos, soon to be followed by a human looking photo.


Please remember this is me on morphine, within an hour of a General Anaesthetic and after ~3.5 days worth of labour/contractions.

You'll note my rather large double chin and general puffiness - a result of multiple bags of IV fluids etc

Please pretend our daughter isn't picking her nose....


And phwoar, how the hell did my husband manage to look so gorgeous ???? Ahhh, yes a lil bit of sleep always helps ....




More photos later ....




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Love the photos Jo


Already congratulated you on the sister site


Jon is obviously catching up on sleep prior to and during all your hard efforts of the last 9 months so that he can get up during the night for the next nine months.


Seems fair to me




PS you will need to update your signature now :biggrin:

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Well the only other photos of me at the moment are whilst learning to breastfeed.... as I don't think we're quite close friends enough to share that sort of detail, you'll have to wait :)


But, here's another one of the little girl that may well show what entertainment genre's she may be interested in - live long and prosper :)Siena livelongprosper.jpg

Siena livelongprosper.jpg

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Guest The Pom Queen
Yah, I think Jon's pretty damned gorgeous too

Hey less of that Siena doesn't want a brother or sister that quick.

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Hey less of that Siena doesn't want a brother or sister that quick.


No risk of that Kate - it's WAY too fresh in my memory to allow that sort of risk at the moment! Although IF (big IF) there's a next time, it'll definitely be a planned C-section. No way could I face the same thing again without some serious trauma counselling!

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What a gorgeous name for a gorgeous little girl. Congratulations to you both and welcome to the world Siena.


Definitely make sure you take it easy after having the C-section. I've had 3 of them (2 emergency and 1 planned) so know only too well that within about 3 weeks or so you'll feel like you can do normal things but you really do need to be patient for the full 6 weeks and enjoy them getting to know Siena.


Over the next couple of years that big IF will be come a lot smaller, there's a reason so many people have more than one child you do forget very quickly but planned C-sections are completely different... as long as you don't get travel sick on the trolley like I did. Anyway, enjoy every second as they grow far too fast and I hope the breastfeeding is going well.

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I agree with Masken I've had 3 also you have to resist the urge to do stuff! When they tell you in the hospital you think great an excuse not to do stuff but by the time you start to feel better you notice things that need to be done and it will drive you mental not being able to do them but you have to take it easy!

As for breastfeeding, the 1st one wouldn't latch on properly so had to start bottle feeding, the 2nd one was no bother latched on straight away, so thought I had it sussed but no number 3 wouldn't latch on properly either so had to start bottle feeding him too! So if you are having trouble don't feel bad it might be the baby's fault rather than your own, I felt completely useless with the 1st (the hormones don't help)! Don't know what they're like in Oz but here they badger you to keep trying and trying but anyway that's me, you may not be having a prob at all! I think it depends more on the baby than the Mum is my point I guess.


And I'm definitely done after 3 C-sections my DH is off to get the snip next week :ssign19:!

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Cheers girls,


She is a bit problematic latching on, and most of the midwives here are the same - they push you to keep trying .... I've come to a compromise already (but haven't told the midwives!), and am expressing milk for some feeds and using a bottle, and going direct with others :) It's particularly useful for the overnight feeds when I don't have my contacts in and have to do everything partially-sighted! I've done it over the last 2 nights now and feel much more like I can do it ;) Besides - this lets Jon get involved for more than just the nasty end!




p.s. I don't think we're quite ready for the snip just yet, although right now it seems like a great idea!

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