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Finally SO relieved.....


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I know that some people tend to take offence to people posting a less rosy picture of their life in Australia, but as this is in the moving back to the UK section I am going to go for it.


I am SO relieved. I feel like finally it is over. A few months ago I got a massive bill from the government (in Oz) stating they had overpaid me significantly. It was actually making me very stressed and upset as I had to pay the money back and have no income etc.


However, yesterday we got our tax money and it is enough to pay back the debt. So I paid it back and soon I'll be able to close my Ozzie bank account without things like this cropping up, I have contacted everyone I possibly can to make sure there is nothing else that comes out of the blue and companies all know I am no longer there.


For me, I did not have a good time in Oz. I really could slag off the country but I don't see the point it just wasn't for me, and I always knew that really.


I had a few stressful things happen this last week (to do with Oz) and somehow they all resolved themselves. I had a stressful and essentially unhappy time in Oz but now I feel like it is finally over and I breathe a big sigh of relief............


Sometimes, when we are down and lonely and want to go home it is hard to see any good in our lives and I am sad that people on the forum have to take it so personally if another member is not happy in UK/OZ. I honestly felt like the most unhappy person in Australia and tbh I didn't have the energy to slag it off or even tell people how unhappy I was. Most people don't want to have an argument or have to justify the way they feel, they just want to let it out.


You know, my daughter is an Australian and I am proud of that (I am also proud that she is a Scot too). I have lots to thank Australia for, I mean I learnt a LOT about myself, had a breakdown - recovered (just about), earned well, had my first house and my first car that was not a heap of ****, found a love for my job that I thought I had lost, expanded on my sense of humour, met lots of lovely helpful people and I am sure many other things.


If you are going to Australia or living there now I really wish you the best of luck and SO many people really have a successful, happy life there, and as I SO often hear "LOVE IT THERE"


So really, please don't bash me, but I am relieved I am finally, fully and completely at home with nothing hanging over my head......

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wishing you lots of luck and happiness , Ive followed alot of your posts and I can relate to a lot of the things you have said.

Aus has taught us a lot of lessons, some which have been truely awful,awful experiences.

We go home, stronger,wiser ,and know "the grass was not greener"

Hope being home , is everything and more for you :biggrin:

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You tried it, didn't like it and now you are heading back home.


It's a shame really because you have done all the hard work getting there only to return.


Sorry it didn't work out for you. Just wish I could give it a go. Been trying since 2008 and so nearly got that job last March but it didn't come off.


So may people's threads I read about coming back and I just can't get that opportiunity, that lucky break, to get over there.


Everything for a reason, Amor Fati !!

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Good luck whichway1 and hope things just keep on improving for you. Macdonaldo67 keep on trying because although we are going to return to the UK, it is only after spending 18 years here and better off in all ways than if we had stayed in the UK.

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