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Been in Perth 7 weeks and what I think so far


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Well 7 weeks ago we landed, my husband walked straight into a job as a brick layer I on the other hand not so sucsesful been applying for everything and anything whilst I wait for my childcare qulifacations to be changed to ozzy qulifacations,


Nothing at all, and finding a place for my daughter in nursery is just as hard!!! We have landed r selfs a beautiful rental, a week into to it r sat nav was stolen out of the car :em4600:we haven't seen any wildlife maybe since its winter,


The ozzy's I can't quite place my finger on them!!!! Yet!!!


And it gets really cold of a night time we have had to buy heaters for every room,


The food stores do not have as much variety as England but its not. 2 bad,


The mall are really good tho with plenty of stores,


But still learning a the ropes very much so.

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Well 7 weeks ago we landed, my husband walked straight into a job as a brick layer I on the other hand not so sucsesful been applying for everything and anything whilst I wait for my childcare qulifacations to be changed to ozzy qulifacations,


Nothing at all, and finding a place for my daughter in nursery is just as hard!!! We have landed r selfs a beautiful rental, a week into to it r sat nav was stolen out of the car :em4600:we haven't seen any wildlife maybe since its winter,


The ozzy's I can't quite place my finger on them!!!! Yet!!!


And it gets really cold of a night time we have had to buy heaters for every room,


The food stores do not have as much variety as England but its not. 2 bad,


The mall are really good tho with plenty of stores,


But still learning a the ropes very much so.

did you leave your car door open? that is a no no in perth.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Thanks for the update, hang in there Hun something will become available soon. Sorry to hear about your sat nav we had ours taken in Melbourne, the door was unlocked and the keys in the ignition but they only took the sat nav

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Thanks for the update, hang in there Hun something will become available soon. Sorry to hear about your sat nav we had ours taken in Melbourne, the door was unlocked and the keys in the ignition but they only took the sat nav


woh,,,,,,,,,,lucky girl

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Yeah we had been out to a friends and it was late, my daughter asleep in the car as we took her out must of slipped r minds to lock it, it's just an awful thought someonne being in r car, freaked me out a little, since am from Liverpool I thou we had over come stealing,:mask: (never had anything stolen in Liverpool but it was always around) going to get CCTV installed and an alarm fitted in the house and the car,


Yeah sure as I said I don't have a job or a car and when the weather is awful, am bord out of my skull!!! So will be on here a few times a week,


But am opened minded keen and persistent so shouldn't be much longer,

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