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Job before or after?


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Just wondering the success rate in obtaining employment prior to landing in Oz?


We have been granted permanent residency and validated our visa's. Whilst over I was applying for work, still not heard anything apart from a cheeky offer that was 1/2 the salary that was advertised and not enough to live off (think the owner was trying to exploit me for being a migrant).


It is just that I have been applying prior to visa commencement and after visa was granted and also after visa was activated.


Employers and agencies keep seem to be moving the goal posts, first it was if you have residency then we would gladly pursue your application further, then it was we will gladly pursue your application once you are in Oz, then it just seems to be that they want to pay bottom dollar.


Hate to have a moan, but I just feel like a dog chasing a bone...:arghh:

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Look at it from the employers point of view - would you want to employ someone who wasn't living in the country yet and didn't even have a date for moving over? Like others have said it depends on what you do, but if there are plenty of people already in Australia with the skills applying for the job then why would they consider someone at the other side of the world?


My OH did get a job from the UK but he is an Australian citizen, he has the skills and experience they were looking for and they were not in any hurry to fill the role. There are plenty of people who struggle to get a job even when they are in the country so you can't really expect too much applying from the UK.

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Hi there, I went the sponsored route so a bit different from you guys. I knew I had a job and where I was going etc. I had to apply to over two hundred garages before getting a dozen offers. Maybe best to search on seek and the like for where the most adverts for your jobs are before renting a place and hoping there is work. What trades are you in?

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Success rate is pretty low in most occupations, but it does depend what you do and you haven't said.


Most of us need to be on the ground or at least be able to say "my moving date is X" and I can meet you in person from that date.


Make sure you don't flood the market with your details, it can be counter productive in some occupations.

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