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Shopping Lists

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

When you go shopping do you take a list with you or do you just buy what you deal at the time. I know some people have all their meals marked out for the week. We tend to decide what we want on the day.

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Guest Bazinga

I plan my meals for the week and do it based on that but I buy basics in bulk and often freeze meat for future meals

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I make a list but don't really plan meals, just make a list of what's running low in the pantry (we're not too pushed for space in our kitchen since there's just the two of us, so usually stockpile things like pasta, cans, flour,), and then go buy that list and a whatever fruit/veg look good on the day. I buy meat once a month or so from the butcher and freeze it, so then it's a case of look at what's in the fridge/freezer/pantry and make/improvise whatever I feel like on any given day.

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I plan my meals for the week and make a list of everything I need for the meals and everything we have run out of. I then don't look at the list until I'm all the way round the shop, and sometimes not even until I get home, but making it helps me remember what we need.


Planning meals means less waste and also less last minute dashes to the shops to get something to make up a full meal. It also means that if I decide to make something using a large veggie like celery then I can plan other meals that will also use it rather than allowing it to go to waste. I'm capable enough in the kitchen to be able to make substitutions and changes to what I planned if I find something is on offer. And there is no more getting to 5 o'clock, not being able to decide what to cook and ordering a pizza. I plan pizza nights in instead.

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Guest guest17301

You're everything I'm not Nic, we are masters of the 6pm iga run....no wonder we never eat before 7.30 and thats on a good night. I'm not much of a planner, never write a list..just have some vague ideas floating around in my head then realise I haven't got a vital ingredient, like tonight was chilli, just been shopping, got home...no kidney beans....tsk tsk.....

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Guest The Pom Queen
I plan my meals for the week and make a list of everything I need for the meals and everything we have run out of. I then don't look at the list until I'm all the way round the shop, and sometimes not even until I get home, but making it helps me remember what we need.


Planning meals means less waste and also less last minute dashes to the shops to get something to make up a full meal. It also means that if I decide to make something using a large veggie like celery then I can plan other meals that will also use it rather than allowing it to go to waste. I'm capable enough in the kitchen to be able to make substitutions and changes to what I planned if I find something is on offer. And there is no more getting to 5 o'clock, not being able to decide what to cook and ordering a pizza. I plan pizza nights in instead.

I was thinking if you do have a list it would stop impulse buying as I'm terrible at buying something just because it's on offer even if I don't need it

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Guest JK2510

Do lists very very rarely....normally gets left at home on side...have a rough idea on what we need as the kids write down when we're running low on something....I just tend to remember what was on there most of the time.....have had a few IGA runs at last minute...:laugh:

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I was thinking if you do have a list it would stop impulse buying as I'm terrible at buying something just because it's on offer even if I don't need it


Nope, doesn't do that. Well it used to a bit in the UK when I did my shopping on line, but even then they would throw in a page of stuff on sale as you were checking out so I would sometimes end up with something a bit nice. Here we're a bit shorter on disposable income until I get a job (not trying too hard to be honest) so I do tend to mostly stick to the list, or appropriate substitutes, unless it's something on offer that I can freeze or have as a special treat. Bought mint slices on offer the other day but normally just stick to plain cheapo biscuits.

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Guest JK2510

I remember watching a uk programme...prob this morning or something like that and it is proven if you don't take a list you spend more money buying bits you don't really need....but I believe we all need that choc bar and those cakes.:wubclub:

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I plan meals too. I plan out what we are going to be eating for the half week (I shop twice a week), and then go through the list and put the things I will need on my list. Then I organise by section, because if OH happens to be doing the shopping for me, he takes three times as long running backwards and forwards getting carrots, then to the other end for cheese, then back to veg, then... You get the idea! We keep a bit of paper and a pen on the fridge too, so if I notice i am running low on something it goes on the fridge list and added to the shopping list.

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You're everything I'm not Nic, we are masters of the 6pm iga run....no wonder we never eat before 7.30 and thats on a good night. I'm not much of a planner, never write a list..just have some vague ideas floating around in my head then realise I haven't got a vital ingredient, like tonight was chilli, just been shopping, got home...no kidney beans....tsk tsk.....


This is me! :laugh: Good to know I'm not the only unorganised one!

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I'm sort of a halfway house...we don't plan meals in great detail, just "Should we have lasagne sometime this week? Yeah, and I fancy chicken wings one night too" so the list reflects that.


We tend to do one big stock up on staples/essentials at the beginning of the month, then buy fresh stuff as required.


However, I like to have a written list every shop, both to make sure I don't forget something but also to discourage impulse buys. With a list, I'm much better at resisting temptation!

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I have always shopped with a list and have a week of menus up on the fridge but am easily swayed by items on "special".... I am not a great cook so meals tend to be simple - lasagna, spag bol, fish pie, shepherds pie, meatballs with mash and veg etc. MIL left me a lovely family handwritten cook book on her last visit so am slowly expanding my menu choice...


I have now implemented a monthly food budget for the first time in ages as we are saving for our validation trip in March to Perth and to be honest its a killer trying to stick below the figure.....


Wish I was (a) a better cook and (b) better at sticking to budgets..... :rolleyes:

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not in australia yet, but here, i do a weekly meal plan for brekkie, lunch and dinner and stick it on the fridge, i have no muuummmm what we havin for dinner........ i buy according to plan, always take a list and always put a price next to things and try to beat it he he xxx my own little competition.... omg i sound sad, however we have no wastage at all, and it leaves the little extra cash if we fancy a change from the plan once a week. i do shop twice a week for fresh veg and salad and thats always from the markets xx

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Guest The Pom Queen
I have always shopped with a list and have a week of menus up on the fridge but am easily swayed by items on "special".... I am not a great cook so meals tend to be simple - lasagna, spag bol, fish pie, shepherds pie, meatballs with mash and veg etc. MIL left me a lovely family handwritten cook book on her last visit so am slowly expanding my menu choice...


I have now implemented a monthly food budget for the first time in ages as we are saving for our validation trip in March to Perth and to be honest its a killer trying to stick below the figure.....


Wish I was (a) a better cook and (b) better at sticking to budgets..... :rolleyes:

I must admit I can't cook, well I suppose I don't have the confidence, we didn't get cookery classes at school and my mother never showed me anything, I have done a few things before and the kids have eaten it, but Rob hates tomatoes and onions so to me this cancels out a lot of dishes I'd do.

I think your idea of the list etc is great and I'm going to try to start planning more after reading these threads

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If I want just the stuff on the list I send the husband.


You are lucky! If I send OH he comes home with loads of expensive items and often misses the BOGOF or "2 for x" specials... plus he buys the most expensive eggs.... I buy basics for a lot of things especially items I use as base ingredients like cheese, eggs, flour... and he always comes back loaded with chocolate bars and biscuits - his excuse "they are comfort food for putting me through the trauma of grocery shopping!!"....:arghh:

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