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We did it!We've arrived in Perth!


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Well six months down and we finally arrived in Perth and its feeling good!Despite two days of rain the sky was blue today and we got out and about.The place has a lovely clean safe feeling about it(i know i might be looking through rose tinted glasses)


My husband came six weeks before us and secured rental,bought car,beds,sofa and Manchester(BedLinen for those of you that don't know that,made me laugh anyway!)He got alot off gum tree and all very good so keep checking what comes up,he bought beds for children and matresses all new,that was expensive and no negotiating to be done!


Despite all the talk of how expensive it is here and it is,there are places to find things more reasonably priced if you look beyond your nose in terms of lamps,glasses etc,there no doubt you have to be savvy with your food shopping.We went for dinner tonight as it was my husbands birthday and that turned out to be $160 for 2 adults,3 kids with 2 pints of beer,so we wont be doing that too often!


I think the sooner you start thinking in dollars and stop converting back to pounds/euros the better!!


But the reason that we came was to be together as a family as my husband has been commuting weekly to his old job and it was wonderful to have him come home this evening and have dinner together,a treat we could only enjoy when he was on holiday .Its a fantastic feeling not having to say goodbye for the week and our commuting is over.


To all of you contemplating the move,its a process you have to go through of varying emotions,i cried so many tears,had so many sleepless nights,it was exausting saying goodbye to everyone,packing up the house and setting up here,but we did it and thats behind us now.Try not to worry as that's wasted energy,things that at first appeared to be major hurdles sorted themselves over time!


I don't know how long we're here for but im going to enjoy every day,we're off for an inteview at the school tomorrow to get the children into school,so fingers crossed we will all like it!

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Faberooney, were following closely behind,due out in feb.We just got back a few week ago from validatingg our visa, yeh its expensive but hey ho.just weighing up shipping companies.Gumtree seems to be the thing there, and garage sales! .Quokas is good for stuff,its like the free ads paper that was here 10 years ago,which just about sums things up in perth ,everything is behind except the pricing which is catapulted into the future. lol. ill be keeping in touch for snippets of info. ps we ent to joondaloop

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Welcome to Perth, sorry the weather wasn't good when you arrived, but i'm sure there is a very hot Summer waiting just around the corner :) Before we came out my husband was also doing a weekly commute, and had been for 4 years :( So this has made quite a difference for us too. You are right about the shopping, whatever you're looking for, do your research, and you can find items from the 'reasonable' to the 'ridiculous' Are you on a 457 visa?

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Guest garyheidi7

Hi, glad you had a safe journey and are enjoying what you see so far, we arrived 5 weeks ago now too, and it is already feeling like home, children settled In school, hubby in work, we love going out and about at weekends no regrets here on the move! Good luck and hope you enjoy life here too. Where have you settled? Heidi.

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