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Has your visa 457 been a successful route?


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I am thinking about going down the 457 route, as I have only 1 years experience in nursing. I need a band score of 8.0 to get a pr visa, unless we go down 489 which means we are not able to live in the areas we like. We have recently come back from a reccie and decided to buy/live if we were successful in Brighton new build. My husbands job is in demand in Perth city. This would be another problem. I am also concerned about the lack of points against those more senior to me on the eoi part and I will not get invited. My daughter is 13 this year (year 8) I limited with time due to education.


We are looking to go on the 457 route, but I'm worried about the 30 day rule. Now the transmission from

457 to pr after 2 years seems simple this would be a good option. I'm so scared about this rule. I'm also thinking being a nurse I should be able to get sponsored and I will join agencies to work in case I do lose my job.


Any advice would be welcomed. I will ask my agent to help me get registered. I believe I can register with the nursing agency without an ielts. It's the skills assessment that requires an ielts. I was born in the uk, all my education has been in English.

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I am thinking about going down the 457 route, as I have only 1 years experience in nursing. I need a band score of 8.0 to get a pr visa, unless we go down 489 which means we are not able to live in the areas we like. We have recently come back from a reccie and decided to buy/live if we were successful in Brighton new build. My husbands job is in demand in Perth city. This would be another problem. I am also concerned about the lack of points against those more senior to me on the eoi part and I will not get invited. My daughter is 13 this year (year 8) I limited with time due to education.


We are looking to go on the 457 route, but I'm worried about the 30 day rule. Now the transmission from

457 to pr after 2 years seems simple this would be a good option. I'm so scared about this rule. I'm also thinking being a nurse I should be able to get sponsored and I will join agencies to work in case I do lose my job.


Any advice would be welcomed. I will ask my agent to help me get registered. I believe I can register with the nursing agency without an ielts. It's the skills assessment that requires an ielts. I was born in the uk, all my education has been in English.


Hey there,


You have a right to be worried, we came out last July 2011 on my husbands 457 visa thinking all would be great in our new adventure then getting PR after 2 years - 6 months after arriving my husband was told that he was being made redundant at the end of Sept! Panic mode set in but we had 9 months to sort ourselves out where some people do not have that and only have the 28days.


You can get another company to take over the 457 visa without having to lodge a new application but companies are not inteterested in the hassel and as he is in telcoms, all 3 of the major telcoms providers have made redundancies here so theres a large number of people fighting for minimal jobs.


Its been a crappy 7.5 months and we have 1.5 months left before his last day and the 28 day "get a job or get out" period kicks in. My company who have never sponsered anyone before have just got their Business Sponsorship approved (Woo-Hoo) and lodged my 457 last week - I have everything crossed or its back to crappy England for us!


I would not change this expereince for the world, neither of us qualified for PR on a skills basis so 457 was the only way. The stress we can do without but we have great friends and a great life that we are trying not to let it get to us - Once my visa has been granted (thinking positive) we can get on with living and hubby can find a role not having to worry about sponsorship as he will be on my visa.


I say go for, its quicker to get a 457 and you can start enjoying your dream - We are loving it! Will keep you updated!


Dee :-)

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Hi if OH has trade skills and his trade is in demand in WA surely a 457 visa sponsor on his skills would be the best way then you have more time to gain experience before applying for PR, I am going through an employment agency who is sponsoring trades for Perth they have been recruiting in the UK for 7 years I am hoping to get my start date this month and fly next, the company is called Industry Partners might be worth a look for OH. Good luck

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Thank you for your advice. I'm hoping being a nurse there would be enough demand and hoping with a less chance of redundancies. I feel the 28 day is rather harsh considering you have all moved abroad, especially being able to get credit on a 457 it doesn't make sense. Oh well.



I hope it all goes well for you, sounds like a right nightmare and please keep in touch to let me know how you got on.


Unfortunately my husband does not have any qualification in his job to be able to get any points and being 33 I'm losing points if I do not start the process. I need to see if I still need to do an ielts for registration and awaiting response at the moment.

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Thank you for your advice. I'm hoping being a nurse there would be enough demand and hoping with a less chance of redundancies. I feel the 28 day is rather harsh considering you have all moved abroad, especially being able to get credit on a 457 it doesn't make sense. Oh well.



I hope it all goes well for you, sounds like a right nightmare and please keep in touch to let me know how you got on.


Unfortunately my husband does not have any qualification in his job to be able to get any points and being 33 I'm losing points if I do not start the process. I need to see if I still need to do an ielts for registration and awaiting response at the moment.


Hey Michelle659, Im all good and confirmed so we are going nowhere!


With Nursing you should be pretty fine, just do it! I know 28days is harsh but its a country where they dont want freeloaders from other countries on benefits (one reason i left the UK) completely understand.


Where are you heading to? 457s are turning round quick at the moment without medicals.


Good Luck! :-)

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Hi there, the employer is responsible for paying for your airfares out of the country. The trick is move somewhere your skills are in such shortage that either 1, your employer would rather cut his arm of than lose you, or 2 its a regional area and you can be quickly sponsored onto a rms rsms type visa and gain Pr. Good luck with it.

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Hi Michelle,

I am a nurse and I moved out to Melbourne in June. You do not need to take the IELTs exam if you can get a letter off your secondary school stating that you were taught and assessed in English. I couldn't get that as my secondary school is no longer open so had to take the exam. You will need a medical for the 457 as you intend to work as a nurse, but unlike the PR visas, your husband and any other dependents will not need a medical. Once you start work on a 457 you need to remain working for the employer who is sponsoring your visa, therefore if you lose your job you need to find not only another employer but one who is prepared to sponsor you. An agency who offers work on a casual basis would not do that. Also check the terms of employment and job offer as many who offer sponsorship will expect a minimum term of employment of 1-2 years. Sounds nothing now but if you get here and hate the place or the job you may struggle to get out of the contract without paying. Nursing jobs are still around unlike in the UK but there are not as many vacancies as there used to be or the agencies would like you to think so be prepared that it may take a while. Also make sure all your paperwork is in order before sending it to AHPRA as they are very strict and will delay your application every time they find something wrong or missing.

Good luck with everything and don't hesitate to message me if you need any advice as I have only just done it myself so know what you're going through.


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I have GCSE certificates which state my secondary school name but AHPRA said that was not proof that I was taught and assessed in the English language for 5 years as the certificate does not say how long I attended the school. I even have an A grade in GCSE Englush Language but that wasn't enough so I would check with AHPRA on that one before paying to have the certificates certified as unless they've changed the rules they will not suffice. And sending insufficient or incorrect information will delay your application as every time they have a query your paperwork goes to the bottom of the pile. I know this through experience of the English language issue and then my uni transcript was missing evidence that I had studied Mental Health during my training. These two errors resulted in my registration taking 9 months to approve.

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Hi there, the employer is responsible for paying for your airfares out of the country. The trick is move somewhere your skills are in such shortage that either 1, your employer would rather cut his arm of than lose you, or 2 its a regional area and you can be quickly sponsored onto a rms rsms type visa and gain Pr. Good luck with it.

Thanks for that, I was a little concerned as i was going on the 119 visa but the agent did not apply in time and the new boss want me asap so that's why the 457 visa. My better half will not be joining me initially so will be keeping the house and everything else on until she joins me so until that time funds will be tight.

I am pretty sure i could get another job as i was offered 3 with sponsorship out of the 10 i applied for and there appears to be a few advertised for my trade.

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Sorry to hear of your AHPRA experience Joanne, I think this forum proves time and time again that AHPRA are not consistent with their processes. I sent off certificates from both my degrees, A level and o level certificates and all AHPRA in Sydney have asked for is a certificate of good standing from the nmc and a reference from current employer. however I agree the original poster would be wise to dot all the i's and cross all the T's. Glad you managed to get everything sorted in the end.

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Guest sadiesmum
Hey there,


You have a right to be worried, we came out last July 2011 on my husbands 457 visa thinking all would be great in our new adventure then getting PR after 2 years - 6 months after arriving my husband was told that he was being made redundant at the end of Sept! Panic mode set in but we had 9 months to sort ourselves out where some people do not have that and only have the 28days.


You can get another company to take over the 457 visa without having to lodge a new application but companies are not inteterested in the hassel and as he is in telcoms, all 3 of the major telcoms providers have made redundancies here so theres a large number of people fighting for minimal jobs.


Its been a crappy 7.5 months and we have 1.5 months left before his last day and the 28 day "get a job or get out" period kicks in. My company who have never sponsered anyone before have just got their Business Sponsorship approved (Woo-Hoo) and lodged my 457 last week - I have everything crossed or its back to crappy England for us!


I would not change this expereince for the world, neither of us qualified for PR on a skills basis so 457 was the only way. The stress we can do without but we have great friends and a great life that we are trying not to let it get to us - Once my visa has been granted (thinking positive) we can get on with living and hubby can find a role not having to worry about sponsorship as he will be on my visa.


I say go for, its quicker to get a 457 and you can start enjoying your dream - We are loving it! Will keep you updated!


Dee :-)



Hi Dee


How long did it take for your company to get their sponsorship approved? We waited 12 weeks for the company sponsoring our 457 to be approved and it was knocked back, it has been re submitted with a couple of changes but I havent got a good feeling....

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Hi Dee


How long did it take for your company to get their sponsorship approved? We waited 12 weeks for the company sponsoring our 457 to be approved and it was knocked back, it has been re submitted with a couple of changes but I havent got a good feeling....


Hi there, It took a while on ourside to get the paperwork together but from lodgement to approval was 8 days, then we lodged my 457 which was 3 days! Cant believe how quick it was. I made sure i was over through and presented everything in a pack with appendices. They only came back with 1 extra requirement that we provided that day and that was it.


Why was it knocked back?? We had to prove that 1% of our Australian payroll was spent on training Australian employees, also had to provide the next 12months of training plans. Its something we do as a company but do not document it so it took a couple of weeks of my time to get it together but we used a migration agent so i followed their guidelines point by point!



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Hi Michelle,

I am a nurse and I moved out to Melbourne in June. You do not need to take the IELTs exam if you can get a letter off your secondary school stating that you were taught and assessed in English. I couldn't get that as my secondary school is no longer open so had to take the exam. You will need a medical for the 457 as you intend to work as a nurse, but unlike the PR visas, your husband and any other dependents will not need a medical. Once you start work on a 457 you need to remain working for the employer who is sponsoring your visa, therefore if you lose your job you need to find not only another employer but one who is prepared to sponsor you. An agency who offers work on a casual basis would not do that. Also check the terms of employment and job offer as many who offer sponsorship will expect a minimum term of employment of 1-2 years. Sounds nothing now but if you get here and hate the place or the job you may struggle to get out of the contract without paying. Nursing jobs are still around unlike in the UK but there are not as many vacancies as there used to be or the agencies would like you to think so be prepared that it may take a while. Also make sure all your paperwork is in order before sending it to AHPRA as they are very strict and will delay your application every time they find something wrong or missing.

Good luck with everything and don't hesitate to message me if you need any advice as I have only just done it myself so know what you're going through.





Thank you so much for that. Sorry in the delay in replying I have been working and its been a very tough week at the moment. I maybe in denial lol but I just keep thinking surely any job in oz must be better working conditions than I am exposed to lol. Thats being silly I know. I am going to start a thread asking peoples experiences who they recommend.


I have so far


Transcript from university

Diploma certificate

A letter from my secondary school arriving shortly stating I studied at thier school from 1990-1995 and I gained 8 GCSE's including maths and English

I will be getting a copy of my NMC renewal pin number shortly due in September.


Is there anything I am missing'? Fees or any paperwork.


Also I am waiting for an umbilical hernia operation, which the doctor said wont stop a VISA post operation. However, I am overweight and wanting to lose weight too. I am doing now, just taking ages!! Been told this does not stop a visa, but further tests would need to be done. I have not taken any time off work or been to the GP about anything weight related illness. I am going to see my nurse next week and will ask for some blood tests to make sure I am 100% fit. I so want this.


So do I get registered with APHRA then apply for jobs and then the VISA? Would you recommend a migration agent? I have 1 years experience and I am unsure as to how I gain pr status out there? I am so nervous about this and I hope with the NHS demands Australia will like me and see i am not a sticky bum lol.

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The 457 route can be a stressful way in ours was good after working for 2 years for not a great company & the pay wasn't good, we gained PR which was really quick as we went through the ENS visa. The downsides on a 457 are: Your stuck for 2 years you could lose your job (only 1 person we have met here that has happened too) thankfully they found another sponsor in the 28 day timeline. If a family you get no help what so ever, was a real struggle for us as oz is so expensive.

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Hi Michelle,


You will need to ask the NMC to send a Certificate of Good Standing direct to AHPRA, your PIN renewal will not be enough. You can request this online or over the phone and they will send you a form to fill in and return with payment, think it cost around £30 from what I remember. Don't do it too early though as it needs to arrive after your application, mine went missing and I had to get another done.

You will also need a CV written to their guidelines, which you can find online, and this will need signing by your current manager to certify it to be true and correct. They also need to provide you with a statement of employment, guidelines also on their website, which states the dates you've worked there in what position, whether full time or part time and sickness record. It is a nursing specific CV, they are not interested in what you did before, it just wants to know what skills you have and what experience of nursing you have gained in your field.

As for the medical, don't worry at all. I too am overweight, though I had lost weight for the move. The doctor said weight is never an issue as long as you are fit and healthy.The medical consisted of weight/height, urine sample, quick physical exam and as a nurse you need a chest xray and blood tests (For TB, HIV, Hepatitis etc.) The cost was £330 but I think it can vary slightly from one clinic to another.

I would suggest getting your AHPRA sorted first as it can take a while, once you receive your letter of intention to register from them (you take this to their office on arrival in Oz with your documents to complete registration) you have 12 months to complete from the date on the letter or you will need to reapply.

I used a nursing recruitment agent (Naiman Clarke) who guided me through the whole process and they have a migration agent working there who provides his service free of charge. Using your own migration agent can cost a lot of money. The recruitment agents don't charge you, they charge the employer who eventually gives you a job a finders fee. Just be aware that the employer may then insist you work for them for a minimum term of 1-2 years and this may be put into your contract. This might not sound like a big deal now but if you get here and hate the place, or the job, you are tied to them unless you pay the money back. My employer asked for a 2 year commitment as a matter of goodwill but it is not in my contract therefore I cannot be held to it as it was only a verbal agreement. I'm not sure about PR as we came on a 457, which is the route the recruitment agents will push you towards as it is the quickest way for them to gain their money. I think it is based on a points system, points for your age, years experience in you field, English Language ability etc. That can be another reason for taking the IELTs as the result can give you more points.

Anyway, hope that was all of some use to you. Good luck with it all, and don't hesitate to ask anything or PM me if you want any help.

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Guest laurakerryns

Hi everyone


I'm afraid mine isn't a good news story. Moved out here end May on a 457 and was made redundant a week ago. I'm trying to get advice from the immigration contact they used to get me out here but it's proving difficult. This is where I think I stand so far: employer has to tell immigration within 10 days of your last day at work. Letter can take about a week to get to you and then you have a month before you leave the country. Employer has to pay all relocation back to UK costs (including furniture, flights etc).


Plan B would be to apply for a bridging visa (not sure how long that lasts?)

Plan C would be to get a 3 month tourist visa to carry on looking for work (as long as you have savings) - this would require exiting country to apply.


Not fantastic options - would appreciate any advice people have out there?

I've also heard there are agencies that will arrange sponsorship if the company that wants to hire you doesn't have a sponsorship license - I think you have to pay and get new company to include in annual salary.. Is that just hearsay?


So gutted - this was a dream opportunity and everything seems to have fallen apart :(

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Sorry to hear your bad news Laurakerryns, we are here on a 457 visa to and it has happened to us a couple of times...It takes a while before Immigration contact you to advise that you will be given 28 days (in fact the last time it took almost 2 months), so in the meantime start looking for another job soonest. I don´t think there are bridging visas for this type of thing, I´m not sure about flying out and getting a tourist visa, didn´t know it was possible. Best of luck.

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  • 1 month later...
Hi everyone


I'm afraid mine isn't a good news story. Moved out here end May on a 457 and was made redundant a week ago. I'm trying to get advice from the immigration contact they used to get me out here but it's proving difficult. This is where I think I stand so far: employer has to tell immigration within 10 days of your last day at work. Letter can take about a week to get to you and then you have a month before you leave the country. Employer has to pay all relocation back to UK costs (including furniture, flights etc).


Plan B would be to apply for a bridging visa (not sure how long that lasts?)

Plan C would be to get a 3 month tourist visa to carry on looking for work (as long as you have savings) - this would require exiting country to apply.


Not fantastic options - would appreciate any advice people have out there?

I've also heard there are agencies that will arrange sponsorship if the company that wants to hire you doesn't have a sponsorship license - I think you have to pay and get new company to include in annual salary.. Is that just hearsay?


So gutted - this was a dream opportunity and everything seems to have fallen apart :(


I am so sorry to hear this. Have you managed to sort anything yet? Where did you work?

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