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Leaving credit card in Australia?

Guest MrPaulJames

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Guest MrPaulJames

Hi all,


I moved to Australia with my Girlfriend just over a year ago, and while here I took out a credit card, currently owing around $7,000.


However a few days ago, unexpectedly, my relationship is now over. There's nothing left for me australia and I have booked a flight home, with the little money I have, for Thursday. Right now I only want to be with my family and friends. Fair to say I'm completely devastated and my life is pretty much wrecked...


I appreciate this is a touch subject, but I have no money, no job and I will be forced to live with my parents until I can get on my feet.


My question is what are the ramifications if I leave without paying the credit, and don't make payments in the UK? Can they take legal action? Will I be hassled left right and centre?

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Guest guest71686

Firstly I'm sorry to hear about your breakup can't imagine its nice at all.


I seriously doubt there would be any ramifications if you dont pay it off other than you have little chance of living here again. If that is ok with you and u can deal with the moral cosequence of not paying then do it but imo if everyone did this new migrants would never get credit, cars, mortgages etc and i couldn't do it

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Guest The Pom Queen

Sorry to hear of your problems, you may find you get a few answers you don't like, but let's hope the members stay to the facts.

If there is no reciprocal agreement (which there isn't ) they would struggle to do anything and unless it's owed to the government it will probably be wrote off

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No doubt you would eventually be declared bankrupt in oz and if you ever wanted to return would be unable to get credit for anything or even find it hard to rent



How can a person be declared bankrupt? Isn't that something that they'd have to file for themselves? I think they'd probably go into default, which would ruin their credit, but even that (Statutes of Limitations - (SOL)) will expire after a certain time.

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Guest MrPaulJames

Thank you all for not having a go at me about the idea, it entirely depends on what I can sort out of my situation.


And thanks for your understanding.

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Thank you all for not having a go at me about the idea, it entirely depends on what I can sort out of my situation.


And thanks for your understanding.


Quite clearly if you have no money then you cannot pay it, however the right thing to do in my opinion would be to start paying it back as soon as you have a job back in England.

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How can a person be declared bankrupt? Isn't that something that they'd have to file for themselves? I think they'd probably go into default, which would ruin their credit, but even that (Statutes of Limitations - (SOL)) will expire after a certain time.

A bank or card company can apply to the courts to bankrupt you. Filing it for yourself is the easy way out of debt you cant be bothered to pay (and can take an immense amount of pressure off).

Try not paying you debt's and eventually they can and may bankrupt you. But to be fair if it's a small ish amount they may just right it off. It depends on whoever the job falls to and what mood they are in. (a bit like case officers i suppose)

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Hi all,


I moved to Australia with my Girlfriend just over a year ago, and while here I took out a credit card, currently owing around $7,000.


However a few days ago, unexpectedly, my relationship is now over. There's nothing left for me australia and I have booked a flight home, with the little money I have, for Thursday. Right now I only want to be with my family and friends. Fair to say I'm completely devastated and my life is pretty much wrecked...


I appreciate this is a touch subject, but I have no money, no job and I will be forced to live with my parents until I can get on my feet.


My question is what are the ramifications if I leave without paying the credit, and don't make payments in the UK? Can they take legal action? Will I be hassled left right and centre?


What i would do personally is talk to the credit card company and explain your situation and tell them you don't want to leave and not pay the debt but when you arrive home will have no job or money. Ask if they can freeze the account so you get no more int added to the account. And tell them you will pay a token amount back per month, somewhere between $1 and $10 should do it.

In my experience they would rather help you pay it off than get your account up to 20/30 grand then righting it off.

Talk to them you may be suprised with the help you get


Good luck

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What i would do personally is talk to the credit card company and explain your situation and tell them you don't want to leave and not pay the debt but when you arrive home will have no job or money. Ask if they can freeze the account so you get no more int added to the account. And tell them you will pay a token amount back per month, somewhere between $1 and $10 should do it.

In my experience they would rather help you pay it off than get your account up to 20/30 grand then righting it off.

Talk to them you may be suprised with the help you get




Good luck


Would they consider such a small amount being offered in payment on his return as even at £10 a month and with no interest it would take 58 years to pay back, or are you just offering this until a job is found?

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Guest Trueblue22

Mate as soon as you get back just set up a £10 per month token payment and also advise the CC company that you will be doing this. Whilst you're paying something they cannot take you court, obtain judgements etc.


P.s I don't understand why anyone feels the need to make silly judgemental remarks when people are asking for advice. If you don't like the thread then don't comment. Sometimes s*%t happens!

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Mate as soon as you get back just set up a £10 per month token payment and also advise the CC company that you will be doing this. Whilst you're paying something they cannot take you court, obtain judgements etc.


P.s I don't understand why anyone feels the need to make silly judgemental remarks when people are asking for advice. If you don't like the thread then don't comment. Sometimes s*%t happens!


Ahhh yer wouldnt believe the amount of self righteous people on here when these threads crop up,like manna from heaven to a good few on here blue i tell yer

They cant wait to slate people and therefore "supposedly" show themselves as angelic types,i take their comments with a pinch of salt tbh,they could owe the banks thousands themselves,but we'l never know will we?:policeman:

As you say,people have bad luck,times and circumstances change.......

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Guest Trueblue22
Ahhh yer wouldnt believe the amount of self righteous people on here when these threads crop up,like manna from heaven to a good few on here blue i tell yer

They cant wait to slate people and therefore "supposedly" show themselves as angelic types,i take their comments with a pinch of salt tbh,they could owe the banks thousands themselves,but we'l never know will we?:policeman:

As you say,people have bad luck,times and circumstances change.......



Hahaha!!!!! That's brilliant and very very true!:laugh:

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Pablo you are right 100 percent they owe thousands on there internet bill never off this forum

sitting eating tv dinners( HA HA)


Lol,im guilty of that tho Rico tbh,had a woeful two year run with not much work,so trawling jobsites and sitting on PIO!

There HAS been one or two who have posted threads who were basically just taking the p7ss out of the banks to be fair.

Then people have said the banks costs/losses will be passed on to them as decent customers,again thats probs fair comment.

However,given the banks have admitted to fiddling the Libor rate and various other scams "in a way" i can understand people not having any qualms about scamming banks,i know two wrongs dont make a right etc,but i can understand it a bit....

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IMHO dont take credit unless you are sure you can pay it back.


Life isnt black and white is it tho? if every business,or banking institution took that approach nobody would invest,nobody would employ staff,just "in case" the orders fell off,exchange rates plummeted etc etc,the world is built on companies "speculating",and speculating has no certanties,why should people be so different than business?

Sometimes people fall on hard times,its happened to me in the past and millions of others,nobody knows whats round the corner

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Life isnt black and white is it tho? if every business,or banking institution took that approach nobody would invest,nobody would employ staff,just "in case" the orders fell off,exchange rates plummeted etc etc,the world is built on companies "speculating",and speculating has no certanties,why should people be so different than business?

Sometimes people fall on hard times,its happened to me in the past and millions of others,nobody knows whats round the corner



thats true. why my policy is if i cant afford it, do without...



mortgage, business is different story than a small $7000 loan... probably for something not needed.


most people dont get a loan to pay rent or food bills

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I think the problem is that its easy to get sucked into a lot of debt when the banks are practically throwing credit cards at you. Its only a problem when things go pear shaped. I would contact the bank and see what they say about freezing it for a while. I would also try to pay the money back in time - you never know when these things are going to come back and bite you on the bum. Hope things look up for you soon.

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A bank or card company can apply to the courts to bankrupt you. Filing it for yourself is the easy way out of debt you cant be bothered to pay (and can take an immense amount of pressure off).

Try not paying you debt's and eventually they can and may bankrupt you. But to be fair if it's a small ish amount they may just right it off. It depends on whoever the job falls to and what mood they are in. (a bit like case officers i suppose)


Sorry, but I have never heard of that happen before. No one has the authority to declare anyone else "bankrupt" - that is something very personal that has to be done by the consumer him or herself. Besides, bankruptcy is counterproductive for the person doing the suing, as when someone is bankrupt, all of their debts are automatically dismissed!


Default is something different though. When someone defaults, the bank attempts to contact them to settle at a lesser price. But if the consumer avoids the bank, the bank will simply write the debt off as a loss in their books. The bank then packages the unpaid debt (with other unpaid debts) and sells it to a junk debt collector and then the collector will try to take them to court. (If it's a substantial amount, the bank may sue themselves).


In any case, either the bank or the debt collector will have to take the OP to court, however, if they are unable to serve the OP with the statement of claim, they can't take them to court! It is obvious the OP doesn't have a home in Oz, so there is no address for them to serve him/her at.


By the way, I am not an advisor of any kind, I am just speaking based on a terrible experience I had myself and it wasn't in Oz. So to the OP, read at your own risk.

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Sorry, but I have never heard of that happen before. No one has the authority to declare anyone else "bankrupt" - that is something very personal that has to be done by the consumer him or herself. Besides, bankruptcy is counterproductive for the person doing the suing, as when someone is bankrupt, all of their debts are automatically dismissed!


Default is something different though. When someone defaults, the bank attempts to contact them to settle at a lesser price. But if the consumer avoids the bank, the bank will simply write the debt off as a loss in their books. The bank then packages the unpaid debt (with other unpaid debts) and sells it to a junk debt collector and then the collector will try to take them to court. (If it's a substantial amount, the bank may sue themselves).


In any case, either the bank or the debt collector will have to take the OP to court, however, if they are unable to serve the OP with the statement of claim, they can't take them to court! It is obvious the OP doesn't have a home in Oz, so there is no address for them to serve him/her at.


By the way, I am not an advisor of any kind, I am just speaking based on a terrible experience I had myself and it wasn't in Oz. So to the OP, read at your own risk.

I am talking from the uk so can only give advise from uk law's but i suspect it's pretty much the same all over.


If you owed me money i'm not sure of the minimum figure (i think about a grand) i could apply to bankrupt you.



The only difference is if you apply yourself you have to pay and if you creditor applies they have to pay

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