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First question. Should we or shouldn't we?

Guest JessandPaul

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Guest JessandPaul

Ok. So firstly hello to everyone. I have lots of questions, the first being do you think Australia offers a better way of life than the U.K? If yes, please give details on areas which you think are best. We are a young couple, both 21 and are seriously considering migration to Oz within the next 5 years maximum (i.e once both qualified, my boyfriend, an Accountant and me, a Chemistry teacher). How hard would it be for us to get visas, on a scale of 1-10 (1 being absolutely no way and 10 being we already have it in the bag) :cute:

Also if we are able to get in, what would be the average salaries for us both and what kind of house could we afford to live in on those salaries, as I've heard that living Australia is very expensive. One last thing is what accounting qualifications are accepted ( e.g AAT, CIMA, ACA or would it have to be an accounting degree) and would I be able to teach Chemistry or Science in a Secondary school with a BSc in Chemistry/Chemical Sciences and a PGCE in Chemistry or would I need a different type of teaching qualification?


Any help or advice would help greatly.




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Guest guest17301

Jess, a big welcome to PIO to you.


You ask the unanswerable! For every one poster who thinks Australia offers more you will find one who will disagree. There are a lot of positives, better pay, for some occupations) better weather, again state to state variations huge, a more outdoors focused lifestyle (weather again!)


The best bet is to write a list of your interests and dislikes and then hopefully someone can help. Australia is a huge diverse nation so its hard to generalise. (Though many will try;)

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I don't know if this would help you, but what about a Working Holiday Visa first? One of my friends was wildly excited about living in Oz, migrating even, then did a WHV and had a FANTASTIC two years, but felt like he'd had his fill by then, and has since returned home.


Teaching is tricky - it is a very popular career choice is Australia and competition is very high. I have Australian friends who are teachers in Melbourne, who got very good degrees at the 'right' universities, and most of them had to start teaching somewhere fairly rural to begin with. I think that many people from the UK struggle to get going - hopefully someone will be along soon with better advice!

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Some quick answers


Firstly Teacher and Accountant is on the Skills List....but as you are looking at going in 5 years, they might not be then....that is always the gamble





The rest...salary & houses...no-one can say what they will be like in 5 years


Have a look here for some jobs it will give you an idea of current salaries and qualifications required by firms





Houses....depending which State & which Town or City you want to go to





It will take a LOT of research and planning....




Given that you are both 21 you will be able to get a working holiday visa, for 12 months and if the criteria is met you can get 24 months, it might be worth lookin gat this to go and do a trial run in Oz

These are virually guaranteed visas....




If you go to Oz on a WHV there is the chance you could get sponsored to stay

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Jess, hi and welcome to the forum, I would say what are you waiting for you are both only young, go for it.

As to areas we have lived in Melbourne and Cairns, my kids think Cairns wins hands down, work can be a struggle up here although there are a couple of new schools opening, accountants there are a few around but I know ours has just opened two other offices as she was soo busy. There are no guarantees though, come on the WHV and try a couple of States and see how you feel

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Guest JessandPaul

Ok guys thanks a lot for all the advice. Just wondering would it be possible to take a year out from university here and maybe study in Australia for a year and maybe do some work experience whilst living there? Or is that just out of the question. It is just I have taken a few years out of education and worked instead so I wouldn't want to miss another year or two and go over being un-qualified. Boyfriend is in the same boat. I just don't know whether England has anything for us any more and hopefully we could make something of ourselves in Oz.


Thanks Again



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Guest JessandPaul

So with the WHV, what are the rules? And do you have a better chance of getting in after having spent a year or two there? Are you able to spend a few months in different places or are you committed to one place. Does it have to last for a year or would we be able to come for just the summer?

Thanks, Jess

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