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Anyone emmigrated to Oz alone?


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I have been offered a job in Perth but would be moving over there alone. I am 22 years old.


Just wanted to know if anyone else has made the move alone? How did you find it? Any tips?



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I came here alone 32 years ago. I'm still here.


I had a great time. Had no trouble settling in and meeting people. People went out of their way to introduce me around and make me feel welcome. I believe a lot of people feel sorry for you when you're on your own so invite you to things. You don't get that so much if you're one of a couple. If you're cheerful and enthusiastic about the place (which I had no trouble with because I loved it here) you'll do just fine. Definitely no whinging allowed.

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I think when you are alone you are far more likely to meet people than a couple or a family is. People will include you and be sociable because, at one time or another, most of us have experienced what it can be to be alone and/or lonely. People are nice, they will want to help. Go for it.

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I came out on my own - both times. First time was on a WHV, 2nd time was on a 457. Agree with all the earlier comments. It does make things easier - you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone and get out and about and meet people. It's a great experience though and I definitely don't regret it.

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Guest GeorgeD

My wife was in Oz for 2 eyars ebfore we got married (I was in the UK)...and she said it was reallys trange, but once we got married she got invited to events she had never been invited to...even though I was still in the UK waiting on my visa! She said it felt like people invited her to family events becase she was married, that she never got a look in for when she was unmarried! Very strange.


If you are on your own I think you need to make sure you are putting yourself out there and join in in some activities. If you have a partner, then you have two potential social circles, if you are on your own, it's all your own making. I suppose the upside of that is you can at least be more sure to have things in common with the people you meet if you meet them through things you like to do.

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I'll be coming out alone (if/when I get my visa) it is of course a very scary prospect but as others have said above, I think it's better to do it alone as you find it much easier/quicker to fit in. As a couple/family you have less need to make the effort to meet new people so can keep yourselves apart without realising.

I took a gap year in Canada before Uni and went by myself. It was the best year of my life and it was so easy to meet people and make friends!


Good luck!

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I think that moving out with a job offer is probably easier than moving without. You'll know you'll be working, where you're working, can budget for and sort out accommodation, etc. That seems to be the hardest part! After that making friends should just fall into place. In my experience people are very friendly.

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I am 25 and flew out here a bit over a year ago now. I have my own place and it has to be said i do find it very hard to meet people. I do fly in fly out on a small mine site and it has to be said i know more people/have more friends in the small town near site than i do in perth. I do try and make it out when ever asked but invitations can be a bit far between. It has started to drag a bit lately but i am seriously looking for new jobs (the market has slowed a bit for people in my line of work) and i hope a larger site will enable me to meet new people.

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