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Has anyone taken a sleeping tablet on their journey's to oz? Advice needed!


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Hi everyone


Well we fly out on 30th August at 9:10am from Manchester to Singapore for our four night stopover before heading to Brisbane. The first leg of the journey to singapore is 15 hours approximately.


I was wondering if anyone had taken a sleeping tablet on the plane before or when they arrive in their new destination to help get them in the local time zone?


I should explain that I used to suffer from terrible insomnia and the slightest disturbance to my sleep pattern can set if off again - last time I had a bad spell (after flying back from Mexico which was only about a 10 hour flight!) I didn't sleep for more than 1-2 hours a night for over a month! I have also gone 3 months with pretty much no sleep in a similar pattern when I was suffering with anxiety after a relationship break up and it nearly sent me over the edge! I'm particularly worried this time with the sleep pattern thing because when we land in brisbane I start work shortly after and I want to be fresh for my first day.


I've been to my GP today who knows about my sleeping history and he has prescribed me 14 days worth of sleeping tablets. He said that when he went to OZ he used the tablets to sleep on the plane and also help him get into the local time zone.


I did think about perhaps not having them on the plane but using them if I found I struggled with the time zones after a couple of days. In particular I have a 14 month old little girl and I want to make sure I'm not totally zonked out where my other half has to deal with her as i'm completed out of it! Having said that though he is having 8 weeks off when we first get there to get everyone settled in so he will be dealing with any getting up in the night etc!


Any thoughts anyone?



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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I thought about doing that, but i struggle sleeping anywhere other than a comfy bed, but if you nod off in a chair at home, i think you will nod ff in the comfy seats on Singapore airlines planes. I just used positive thought and mind over matter, its only staying awake for 30 hours or so, yes you are knackered at the end of it, but its not that bad IMHO.

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Yeah I think the DVT issue is such that you are encouraged to get up and move around. Also I think it actually helps the jet lag at the other end if you can stay awake and sleep when you get there. We flew straight through with only a 1 hour 45 minute stop at Singapore and I didnt even shut my eyes not once, not through choice I just cant sleep on planes. I too have had insomnia problems, but I have to say when we reached our holiday home we went to bed at 9pm and slept through until 11am the following morning, I have never ever done that not even as a teenager, the result was though that we were almost back to normal within a few days, sleeping quite a long time. Good luck.

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I do it all the time haha


1 or 2 tablets and it knocks me out for a good 6/7 hours. Then when I get to the UK or Melbourne I take another on the first night to get me sleeping. Hardly ever get effected by jetlag to be honest

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Thanks for the replies everyone. I think i'll probably skip the pill on the plane and just use on my first night in the new destination(s). I'd feel like a bad mother if I was zonked out whilst zara was screaming her head off on the plane with ant trying to calm her down - don't think i'd be too popular with the other passengers either lol!


As i'm on the contraceptive pill I think that is more of a concern with DVT too.


Thanks again peeps

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I don't take sleeping tablets because even a quarter dose of nightnurse knocks me out for 12hrs so would be very worried to take something on a plane, but I do take a melatonin tablet half an hour before bedtime on the first day in the new timezone. Jetlag then gone within 36hrs as opposed to my usual week. It's available on prescription here in Australia, not sure about other countries.

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