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Advice please. Don't know where else to ask?

Guest Wanna b warm

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Guest Wanna b warm

Hi we have been in Australia (Gladstone area qld) since April we are on a 457 visa.

Our son has recently had an echocardiogram and the long and short of it is he has a heart defect that may require surgery. Our gp has referred him to a paediatrician in rockhampton who privately has a waiting list for an appointment of 1-2 months. I was asked who I wanted my son to be seen by but being new here just said not a crap one someone you would happily have your son treated by!

I'm now not sure we can live in limbo for that long. We know he will need more tests.

I don't know how to find a different paediatrician.. I'm not even sure he should be seeing a paediatrician, I'd hv thought a paediatric heart specialist?!? But my guess is there probably isn't one of those this far from Brisbane?!?

We don't know how any of this works here. We hv reciprocal cover and some medical insurance but don't know if it would cover heart surgery. We just want the best for him, our problem being not knowing which way to turn and what to do to get him it!



I know I'm probably clutching at straws posting on here but any advice will be greatfully received. TIA.

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Have you spoken with your medical insurance provider? I know if I were in your situation, I might be a little worried about doing just that in case it has some detrimental affect, but they may be the best source of advice.


Sorry, not out there yet so have no other advice, but this would have me pulling my hair out so wanted to offer something.



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Its usual for children up to the age of 15 to be seen by a pediatrician. When my daughter became diabetic as a child it it was a pediatrician who treated her and we were very happy with him. Its usual to have to wait for an appointment too, if the doctors consider the matter urgent then usually they get an appointment within days. Its very hard as most people do not have knowledge of specialists so we do somewhat have to rely on the doctors. However I understand completely how you feel and would want my child seen very quickly as its such a worry. A second opinion is a good idea just ask the GP or see another one.

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Hi we have been in Australia (Gladstone area qld) since April we are on a 457 visa.

Our son has recently had an echocardiogram and the long and short of it is he has a heart defect that may require surgery. Our gp has referred him to a paediatrician in rockhampton who privately has a waiting list for an appointment of 1-2 months. I was asked who I wanted my son to be seen by but being new here just said not a crap one someone you would happily have your son treated by!

I'm now not sure we can live in limbo for that long. We know he will need more tests.

I don't know how to find a different paediatrician.. I'm not even sure he should be seeing a paediatrician, I'd hv thought a paediatric heart specialist?!? But my guess is there probably isn't one of those this far from Brisbane?!?

We don't know how any of this works here. We hv reciprocal cover and some medical insurance but don't know if it would cover heart surgery. We just want the best for him, our problem being not knowing which way to turn and what to do to get him it!



I know I'm probably clutching at straws posting on here but any advice will be greatfully received. TIA.



Hi there,

I am truly sorry that you are having to go through this so soon after arrival.

I'm not a cardiologist but just trying to see if I can be of help. I gather your son had an ECHo--is he symptomatic for his cardiac defect? the main thing you need to know is whether his heart condition even requires a surgery and what his prognosis is. therefore he needs to be seen by a paediatric cardiologist or at least by a cardiologist. Rather than seeing this particular doctor privately is it possible to get a referral to see someone in your local hospital? Your hospital will have a list of the doctors who work there and their specialities. Hopefully you will be able to get re-referred and see someone soon who will be able to put your mind at ease.

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Guest Wanna b warm

Hi.. Thanks all of you. Have seen gp today as I needed prescription filling and he explained why he has done what hes done. Although my son is symptomatic and he thinks he will need surgery he doesn't feel his condition is likely to deteriorate rapidly so he was prepared for the waiting list. He has referred us to this particular paediatrician because she's good and he trusts her opinion. He too is fairly new to the country and doesn't know who the better paediatric cardiologist are, so basically he wants her to referr us on because she has the knowledge to do so! I think the services provided locally aren't necessarily the best and I guess that's the most important bit.

So we just have to wait

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Guest The Pom Queen

Sorry to hear about your son and I hope it's nothing too serious. In the past if I have seen the Dr he will refer me private and I'm usually seen the next day.

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Guest Wanna b warm

It would appear from reading posts on a local mothers page on Facebook we are not the only ones waiting! Gladstone doesn't have a paediatrician it would appear medical care wise Gladstone despite it's size doesn't have alot of services.. Madness when you consider it's high birth rate but I guess it still hasn't caught up service wise with it's ever expanding population.

Something else we now wish we had researched before we came!


It's going to be an awful long wait :confused:

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My son had to be referred as he had a huge lump on is jaw they thought was tuburculosis, the wait was about 3 months but in the end he got in after about 3 weeks due to cancellations from other parents so you may not have to wait as long as you fear. From what I can gather the peadiatician is the one who makes the referral to the specialist service (in our case a mycobacterial surgeon specialist). We had to go to Townsville in the end for the operation but we had costs of travel and accommodation refunded as they couldn't provide the service locally. I don't know what the procedure is for that on a 457, but ask the paediatrician for a form to get it done as it has to be signed by your local doctor and the specialist.

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Guest Wanna b warm

Had a call from paediatricians office late Friday they have had a cancellation so we now have an appointment Monday afternoon. That's pretty good I think. Fingers crossed the wait for the next bit goes so smoothly!

Thankyou to everyone for your replies. It's hard enough dealing with something like this even more daunting in a new country etc etc.

We'll get there. :err: somehow!

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Guest The Pom Queen
Had a call from paediatricians office late Friday they have had a cancellation so we now have an appointment Monday afternoon. That's pretty good I think. Fingers crossed the wait for the next bit goes so smoothly!

Thankyou to everyone for your replies. It's hard enough dealing with something like this even more daunting in a new country etc etc.

We'll get there. :err: somehow!

Lots of hugs :hug: and I hope everything is fine for you all.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Wanna b warm

Hi.. Thankyou so much for your support. My son was referred on to paediatric cardiologist.. We cdnt get an appointment even privately with a cardio in Queensland until december so I got in touch with the children's hosp at westmead in Sydney, they do alot of research there and as my sons condition if it is what the scanner reported is very rare I thought they might be interested.. He has an appointment there on the 27th of this month.

They said to bring our Medicare card so I'm guessing we will be able to claim somet back?!? Luckily I have family in Sydney so we have a place to stay and will be able to show the kids around had it not been half term they wdnt all be coming lol.

Thanks again. Will keep you posted.

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I would ask for your son the be seen by a specialist at The Prince Charles Hospital Brisbane. It is a "centre of excellence" taking referrrals for heart complaints from as far away as Cape York and has a paediatric ward specialising in congenital heart conditions. Specialised state-wide services include heart and lung transplantation; adult cystic fibrosis; congenital heart disease and heart failure; and complex cardiac care.


Good luck.

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If you don't object to flying to Melbourne you could always try the Royal Children's for an appointment.

I used to work there and they have an absolutely brilliant cardiac program (Rob Weintraub and his colleagues are amazing), and the new hospital has a lovely atmosphere (LOVE the aquarium).

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