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How did you spend your first day in Sydney?


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Sorry can't resist.....I was probably crying a lot, sucking on a t*t and sleeping...hahaha (icons not working)


No seriously after i moved back after 5 years in the UK I slept a bit and as we were at my Mun and Dads, we had family and friends over. That was only 3/4 of a day as we landed at 6am. The first full day I went for 2 job interviews and the MD of the company actually commented that I looked very tired, he did know that I only arrived the day before.


Where are you going to be first up?

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Thats impressive, I don't think I could manage an interview the following day!

Well we arrive late thursday, staying with friends in Ultimo, but managed to get a top hotel in the centre for peanuts... long story! We are going to be around the Rocks area where the hotel is :)


How did you like the UK, did you do much travelling?


Sorry can't resist.....I was probably crying a lot, sucking on a t*t and sleeping...hahaha (icons not working)


No seriously after i moved back after 5 years in the UK I slept a bit and as we were at my Mun and Dads, we had family and friends over. That was only 3/4 of a day as we landed at 6am. The first full day I went for 2 job interviews and the MD of the company actually commented that I looked very tired, he did know that I only arrived the day before.


Where are you going to be first up?

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Thats impressive, I don't think I could manage an interview the following day!

Well we arrive late thursday, staying with friends in Ultimo, but managed to get a top hotel in the centre for peanuts... long story! We are going to be around the Rocks area where the hotel is :)


How did you like the UK, did you do much travelling?


The thing is i left the Uk on the Thursday and had just started talking to an agent in Sydney, I was in Dubai for 2 days on the way out and he was bugging me like mad to go and see him as soon as I landed. So trying to enjoy myself in Dubai with friends I just said yeh organise it. So i saw him at 10 amd on the Monday (we got in at 6am on the Sunday) and then saw the employer at 1pm the same day. To be honest I have seen more genuine 2nd hand car salesmen, he was only interisted in 1 thing and I could see right through him, he wasn't happy when I turned the job down.


The UK was good, but I came over to spend 22 months working and travellin but had full time work the whole time so didn't get as much travelling done as I would have liked, still i did a fair bit through the Uk and about 10 trips through Europe in the 5 years. By the start of 2010 I had had enough, working outside in the rain and snow, and i needed to go home (Sydney) for a break. My English wife came with me.


We are now back in the UK, after 15 months in Syd, The wife didn't settle, long story, but the one good thing about being back is that there are still lots of places in Europe and Ireland that I want to visit.


If you arestaying in the Rocks you will be sweet. What hotel are you staying in?

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Random question for today... How did you spend your first day (proper day) in Sydney when starting your new life in Australia?

Its going to be my turn to do so in 2 weeks!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!




I came on ahead and so was by myself on my first day as did not know anyone here. I remember I decided to keep myself busy by doing stuff, like registering with medicare etc. The only other thing I can remember is having something to eat at a SushiTrain. Not the most exciting day of my life then really, I think I spent much of it in a daze. :biggrin:

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I was about to say I can't remember, but actually I do now


My wife's sister had already been living over here for a bit and she had friends of hers from home over staying with her. We met all of them in Darling Harbour for lunch and then took the kids to the Powerhouse museum (in Ultimo, it's pretty good). Then back to the Sis in law's place for a "welcome" party.


Way, way too much to attempt and it wasn't our plan, but wifey's sis was so excited she overdid it. I can't remember anything from the party, it was a bit of a blur really and when I look at the pictures from it I look pretty blurred :smile:


You'll be cool in the Rocks. Bit touristy but there are good reasons for that. There are some really good pubs in the area, I love the Australian Hotel the most. It's slightly away from the main touristy bit down by the harbour so has a more mixed crowd, always plenty of Sydneysiders in there as well as tourists. Also does a great range of excellent Aussie beer - one of the best places in town for that


Where are you staying?

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Guest Nige Richy

There are several lines of thought really and it depends on what state you are in, not area but mind and body.


1. I arrived last year at 0830, hotel 1130 and out on Darling Harbour, asleep in the hotel ffrom 4 to 8 then back out again till 11pm. It didnt stop the jet lag and took me a week to get sorted properly, loved the ferries, Manly, Darling Harbour, The Rocks. There is lots to see and do fill your boots so to speak


2. This year landed 0600 hotel 0900 aim was to stay awake sat on the bed and 6 hours later was woken by the cleaner. Three days I was sorted and into the swing. Dont know why this year was easier but it was.


3. Biggest thing for me is dont rush into things get adjusted and acclimatised


Good Luck

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I think the first day will be a blur, but I managed to get a room at the hotel Shangri-la, Exec Grand Harbour Suite! Bargain price, and I wanted to make it special for me and the wife, even though it might be a bit blurred!


The Rocks does sound nice!! I hear there are some good bars there, especially some of the micro brewery ones (i think)

I think touristy is fine to begin with, and yeah its about acclimatising like Nige says.

It must of been tough to have a full on party! I think I will be going to the opera bar for our welcome drinks, if the weather is nice for it.


I can't wait, I am so counting down now... but 2 or 3 more leaving parties first :)





I was about to say I can't remember, but actually I do now


My wife's sister had already been living over here for a bit and she had friends of hers from home over staying with her. We met all of them in Darling Harbour for lunch and then took the kids to the Powerhouse museum (in Ultimo, it's pretty good). Then back to the Sis in law's place for a "welcome" party.


Way, way too much to attempt and it wasn't our plan, but wifey's sis was so excited she overdid it. I can't remember anything from the party, it was a bit of a blur really and when I look at the pictures from it I look pretty blurred :smile:


You'll be cool in the Rocks. Bit touristy but there are good reasons for that. There are some really good pubs in the area, I love the Australian Hotel the most. It's slightly away from the main touristy bit down by the harbour so has a more mixed crowd, always plenty of Sydneysiders in there as well as tourists. Also does a great range of excellent Aussie beer - one of the best places in town for that


Where are you staying?

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Cheers for the advice Nige, sounds like the flight/jet lag takes it out of you!

I dont sleep that well on planes either, though one time i was in a fairly deep sleep, and was having a mini dream, and woke up screaming "arrrhhhhhh" so I will avoid that this time round. So when do you head back out? Did you come back to see Hull in the premiership? :)


There are several lines of thought really and it depends on what state you are in, not area but mind and body.


1. I arrived last year at 0830, hotel 1130 and out on Darling Harbour, asleep in the hotel ffrom 4 to 8 then back out again till 11pm. It didnt stop the jet lag and took me a week to get sorted properly, loved the ferries, Manly, Darling Harbour, The Rocks. There is lots to see and do fill your boots so to speak


2. This year landed 0600 hotel 0900 aim was to stay awake sat on the bed and 6 hours later was woken by the cleaner. Three days I was sorted and into the swing. Dont know why this year was easier but it was.


3. Biggest thing for me is dont rush into things get adjusted and acclimatised


Good Luck

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I think the first day will be a blur, but I managed to get a room at the hotel Shangri-la, Exec Grand Harbour Suite! Bargain price, and I wanted to make it special for me and the wife, even though it might be a bit blurred!


The Rocks does sound nice!! I hear there are some good bars there, especially some of the micro brewery ones (i think)

I think touristy is fine to begin with, and yeah its about acclimatising like Nige says.

It must of been tough to have a full on party! I think I will be going to the opera bar for our welcome drinks, if the weather is nice for it.


I can't wait, I am so counting down now... but 2 or 3 more leaving parties first :)




The Australian is almost next door to you - come out of the hotel, turn right under the bridge and walk 100 yards down Cumberland St, it's right there. Great place IMO. Harts is even closer (turn left out of the hotel) and not bad


The most famous micro-brewery pub is the Lord Nelson which has to be visited (allegedly the oldest pub in Sydney, but there are plenty of them that claim that), but it is usually packed and the staff always seem to be rude IME. Leave the Aussie and cross the road and walk through the walkway under the bridge approach, then along Watson Rd next to Observatory Hill. The Nelson is in front of you on the junction of Kent & Argyle streets. Since you're on a pub crawl now, you may as well go back along Argyle Place and then EITHER straight ahead through Argyle Cut where you'll find a bunch of pubs/bars around the Rocks Centre at the junction of George St & Argyle St. Fortune of War is probably my favourite but it's a bit of an acquired taste (a bit spit & sawdust), Orient (big and brash) and Argyle (big, loud, DJs, expensive) my least.


OR go left down Lower Fort St instead for a quieter time at the Hero of Waterloo (also claims to be the oldest, good winter pub, real fires) and then round to the Harbour View (bit ropey but has, err, a great view) and then round to the Mercantile (decent Irish boozer)


There you go, that's your drinking sorted out for a couple of days



PS The Opera Bar can have a really cool vibe, IF the weather is right but at this time of year it's liable to be a bit cold. So give it a go but be prepared to change your plans if it's cold or especially wet, it feels pretty bleak down there in bad weather and Sydney can get a lot more wintry than many Brits think it's going to be

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Guest AKA63029

Arrived tired and exhausted, hadn't made any plans for hotels as normal etc.


So got in the first cab and asked to be taken somewhere 'cheap' to sleep for the night, bad idea.


Dropped off in Kings Cross and the 'seediest' hotel you could imagine, even the roaches had moved out.:yes:


Watched the Australian Open tennis until I fell asleep.


In daylight the err, room was even worse, the sheets had seen better days, but at least it gave me something to do, trying to identify all the stains and figure out 'Who Done It'.:goofy:


Went for a wander to the Botanical Gardens, where 'Tree Of The Week' (seriously) was I think a type of Eucalyptus.


Had a look at the Opera House, which lived up to expectations, even when I was trampled underfoot by several coach loads of Japanese Tourists, learnt a lot about photography though.


Sat down and had a coffee and cake, (after taking out a mortgage) and watched the world go by.


Had a wander through the city, still rather jet lagged and at one point walked into a young lady and knocked her over.


Went to Greyhound and booked my ticket up to Cairns for that evening.


Still rather dazed and confused I found myself back at Kings Cross. I know I kid about it, but it is indeed a 'unique' place and I enjoyed a few drinks in a bar or ten.


Booked out of 'The Squalor Inn', tried my best to get rid of the Roach 'hitchers' that had hidden in my bag.


Got on the coach, full, and my 'company' for the trip was a young American fella who was on 'secondment' from a church in Texas, spent the first three hours talking about sin and the consequences. My final words to him were, 'Look, Is Killing Someone Who Talks Too Much A Sin'.:biglaugh:


And the story goes on...............


Cheers Tony.

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I think the first day will be a blur, but I managed to get a room at the hotel Shangri-la, Exec Grand Harbour Suite! Bargain price, and I wanted to make it special for me and the wife, even though it might be a bit blurred!


The Rocks does sound nice!! I hear there are some good bars there, especially some of the micro brewery ones (i think)

I think touristy is fine to begin with, and yeah its about acclimatising like Nige says.

It must of been tough to have a full on party! I think I will be going to the opera bar for our welcome drinks, if the weather is nice for it.


I can't wait, I am so counting down now... but 2 or 3 more leaving parties first :)


Just pm'd you mate with a thought

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Well, if you're as lucky with the weather as we were on Sunday (beautiful, sunny, about 20C in the sun so a great winter's day) then the Opera Bar would be brill. I had to nip in the SOH shop on Sunday for a couple of presents and the bar was really busy with a great atmosphere. I couldn't believe the city was so busy on Sunday actually, place was packed.

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I am getting excited, i thought it was going to be a bit cooler and raining. I will quite happy not bring the UK weather with me! Opera bar looks like it does some nice beers too!

I can't wait :)


Whats a SOH shop?



Well, if you're as lucky with the weather as we were on Sunday (beautiful, sunny, about 20C in the sun so a great winter's day) then the Opera Bar would be brill. I had to nip in the SOH shop on Sunday for a couple of presents and the bar was really busy with a great atmosphere. I couldn't believe the city was so busy on Sunday actually, place was packed.
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Just pulled out my diary for 1978 to see what I did. Walked down Pitt St from the YMCA - long gone but the building is still there - to Circular Quay and walked around to the Opera House. Had a counter lunch in the Edinburgh Castle Hotel, went to Bondi Beach on a double decker bus - they are long gone too. Went to the Brooklyn Hotel in the evening for a few middies and when I got back to the YMCA the bloke on the counter gave me three cans of Tooheys New. Both the pubs are still here.

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Just pulled out my diary for 1978 to see what I did. Walked down Pitt St from the YMCA - long gone but the building is still there - to Circular Quay and walked around to the Opera House. Had a counter lunch in the Edinburgh Castle Hotel, went to Bondi Beach on a double decker bus - they are long gone too. Went to the Brooklyn Hotel in the evening for a few middies and when I got back to the YMCA the bloke on the counter gave me three cans of Tooheys New. Both the pubs are still here.


I had a 'counter lunch' there on my last day of work in Aus in December last year.

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Yeah, it is, sorry



I have a really bad habit of abbreviating things. In my defence that abbreviation features strongly on lots of their stuff (like programmes)


It's a fantastic arts centre by the way - tons of stuff on, and some tickets are really reasonable

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Just pulled out my diary for 1978 to see what I did. Walked down Pitt St from the YMCA - long gone but the building is still there - to Circular Quay and walked around to the Opera House. Had a counter lunch in the Edinburgh Castle Hotel, went to Bondi Beach on a double decker bus - they are long gone too. Went to the Brooklyn Hotel in the evening for a few middies and when I got back to the YMCA the bloke on the counter gave me three cans of Tooheys New. Both the pubs are still here.


The Brooklyn is undergoing a big refit at the moment. Re-opening as a "Bar and Oyster Room". I don't have high hopes



The old brooklyn hotel url redirects to the above....

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I am getting excited, i thought it was going to be a bit cooler and raining. I will quite happy not bring the UK weather with me!

You can't rely on it at this time of year but we've had quite a settled autumn/winter - been pretty nice in the main. If it's fair and not windy then it'll be quite pleasant down there in the afternoon


Opera bar looks like it does some nice beers too!

The Aussie is better


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The Brooklyn is undergoing a big refit at the moment. Re-opening as a "Bar and Oyster Room". I don't have high hopes



The old brooklyn hotel url redirects to the above....


I hate it already! It's the name change that irritates me, being somewhat of a conservative, although I did not go in there much after 1980 or so. Mind you, the Trinity is at least the third name since I moved to Surry Hills. It was ?The Elephant's Foot?, and before that ?The Surry Club Hotel?


I don't like going out much in the city, despite it being so close to Surry Hills, and there seem to be new places springing up everywhere. I walked from Druitt St to The Rocks last month and passed half a dozen pubs and bars (at least) that I did not know existed. It's the same in Surry Hills, and probably everywhere, not so much the hotels, as the new, little bars. I'm too old for pub crawls, or even those Thursday night p*** ups that someone on British Expats organizes, different pub every week???


Actually, I don't LIKE those new bars, full of young, trendy, yuppie, poseurs, as opposed to old, grey, had-it, has-beens, like myself! I don't know where all my peers are now? Even in the Trinity or the Strawbo, I'm the oldest bloke there - by a couple of decades!


On the train from Penrith last night, I was listening to these two young girls discussing a pop trivia quiz (I think.) They kept going on and on AND ON about Johnny Marr, some 'in-joke' that kept them sniggering to each other for an hour. But then one of them played 'Yes Sir, I Can Boogie' and I called out the name to them. 1977? I was in Mallorca when it was a hit. Odd thing in a way is that in 1977, I would never have been interested in any song from 35 years before, although I AM now, both for 1977 and 1942!

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