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So confused!!!!!!


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My husband and I have finally got our 175 visa which we are extremely happy about, but this is where the confusion starts.


We originally thought that we would move to Melbourne as my hubby was on track to get transferred over with his current employer. However, on the same week of getting our visa's we found out that there is a global recruitment freeze and the transfer is off!


So he has been ringing agencies and talking to many people about jobs. He started in Melbourne and has then found that Sydney has the same situation. He's been told it would be very difficult to secure a accounting/commercial role in those cities from the UK. He has then been told that Brisbane has a growing market and we may be better off there. However, we know the salary would not be as good. I am also an accountant so will be in the same boat.


We've started getting quotes for removals and to rent out our house but we still have no destination secured.


Just don't know what to do.


Sorry for this message but I just needed to get it out to see what your thoughts are as I can't talk to anyone about it at work. I know this problem may be trivial to some so sorry. Oh and we're hoping to move mid-October.


Thanks in advance


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My husband and I have finally got our 175 visa which we are extremely happy about, but this is where the confusion starts.


We originally thought that we would move to Melbourne as my hubby was on track to get transferred over with his current employer. However, on the same week of getting our visa's we found out that there is a global recruitment freeze and the transfer is off!


So he has been ringing agencies and talking to many people about jobs. He started in Melbourne and has then found that Sydney has the same situation. He's been told it would be very difficult to secure a accounting/commercial role in those cities from the UK. He has then been told that Brisbane has a growing market and we may be better off there. However, we know the salary would not be as good. I am also an accountant so will be in the same boat.


We've started getting quotes for removals and to rent out our house but we still have no destination secured.


Just don't know what to do.


Sorry for this message but I just needed to get it out to see what your thoughts are as I can't talk to anyone about it at work. I know this problem may be trivial to some so sorry. Oh and we're hoping to move mid-October.


Thanks in advance


Although salary is Brisbane is lower, the living costs are also lower. This is my opinion.

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Thats true


It's just a weird feeling because we had everything in our head set on Melbourne, now its nowhere. My husband is determined to get a job before we leave but I've been trying to tell him that we might just have to risk it and get out there.


Thanks for replying

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Not sure about the info you have received, true you will most probably not secure a job before you are there. Think about it, there are 1000's of accountants, so they want to see you in person - makes sense really. It's not like a special skill set that would secure you something from the otherside of the world.


As for jobs - there are plenty, go on Seek.com.au and do a search for accounting roles for your and OH's postions. Both Melbourne and Sydney will have more jobs than Brisbane.


We started of choosing Melbourne and then changed our minds, probably the best city in my opinion but the weather is a bit up and down and we dont like the beaches there.


Sydney is just another big city and we are leaving London, so want a change - though it has nice beaches, but property close to the beaches is expensive and by close I mean walking distance.


My OH does not like Brisbane - no real reason.


So we went for Perth, never been there, so we will see. But we can afford a property within walking distance to the beach.


Oh and I am an accountant just in case you thought I was being negative about your career choice. The agents I have spoken to have all said the same, no chance of getting a job from the UK but no chance of not finding something when you get here - just be FLEXIBLE on the first job and then the next one will fall into place.


I think you should decide where you want to go and then research that city, all the big cities have plenty of jobs for accountants.


Good luck

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It can be difficult to secure any type of job whilst still in the UK, so please dont think this is specific to your trade. By far the best way to secure a job is to be here and apporach companys in person. Have you had a look on Seek.com to see what vacancies there are and in what area/ State ? Alljobs.com is another popular job site..


Good Luck with everything and i hope you can pin down a destination soon..


Cal x

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Thanks guys.


Yes we have been looking on seek and on hays, robert half etc websites. There are suitable jobs in all three cities. I like Melbourne as a city but as mentioned, the weather is not ideal. Sydney was nice but it would be expensive. We did like Brisbane although we weren't there very long. We had to get out quick as it was getting flooded!! We do want to stay on the east coast.


I think my husband was hoping that he could have skype interviews to secure something but I'm glad you've been told the same thing too.


I'll have a look on alljobs.com - thanks CalNGary


I think I am just going to have to keep re-assuring my husband that things will be ok.


Good luck in Perth Jamjar


Thanks for your comments

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Guest kerry19

My oh is an accountant and has been told he has to be in Australia to apply for jobs as they like to do the interviews in person. We are heading to Perth where there seems to be quite a lot of jobs in his role at the moment, we are just hoping that that doesn't change before we get there!!


All the best


Kerry x

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Hi Jit7, Congrats on your visa, what a relief it must be. I don't think your worrying is trivial. This is our third migration (are we mad, probably!) anyhoo it is quite a daunting prospect to move to the other side of the world without a job already secured. As we have done it twice before, we know what is to come and are prepared for it. You are lucky in that you have a 175 visa so you can pick and choose where you settle. We lived in Sydney before. Yes, it can be expensive, but we lived right in the city (Darling Harbour) as we wanted to be right in the middle of things. If you are looking for a home very close to the city and the beaches, it will be expensive. Wages are often higher in Sydney so it could average out. You also have to remember that Sydney has changeable weather, it is not particularly cold there in the winter, but they do have a lot of rain. This year, they even had a lot of rain during the summer. Brisbane is a more laidback, family orientated city. As has been said the wages would be lower, but the cost of living will balance this out. Each state have their pros anc cons and they are all incredibly different. I agree with what has been said, there are lots of accounting jobs in each state, you just need to decide which one is best for you. There is no good on going to a state just for the work and you are not happy. You have made a big step already and you have to make sure it is right.


Wishing you the best of luck in wherever you go.

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My husband and I have finally got our 175 visa which we are extremely happy about, but this is where the confusion starts.


We originally thought that we would move to Melbourne as my hubby was on track to get transferred over with his current employer. However, on the same week of getting our visa's we found out that there is a global recruitment freeze and the transfer is off!


So he has been ringing agencies and talking to many people about jobs. He started in Melbourne and has then found that Sydney has the same situation. He's been told it would be very difficult to secure a accounting/commercial role in those cities from the UK. He has then been told that Brisbane has a growing market and we may be better off there. However, we know the salary would not be as good. I am also an accountant so will be in the same boat.


We've started getting quotes for removals and to rent out our house but we still have no destination secured.


Just don't know what to do.


Sorry for this message but I just needed to get it out to see what your thoughts are as I can't talk to anyone about it at work. I know this problem may be trivial to some so sorry. Oh and we're hoping to move mid-October.


Thanks in advance



If you set your hearts on Melbourne, go to Melbourne. There are roles for accountants in every city but lots of accountants too and it will be hard to secure a role in any from the UK. You need to be on the ground, perhaps one of you can go on ahead and test the water. Most people who obtain the skilled migrant visa have to take that plunge.

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Thanks Candygirl - all very valid points. Wow I can't believe you gone through so many moves! Good luck for the third!


You are totally right - we can't just go to a state because of the job as we have to like it there too. That's the problem - we like all three!!! To be honest I wish I could move Melbourne up the coast a bit to a warmer climate - now that would be ideal. Darling harbour must have been amazing as your home. It was great there when we visited.


Rupert - it has come up in conversation that my husband goes over first - but again you are right, now that we have the visa we just have to take the plunge. I just thought we'd be ready for it but obviously the nerves are kicking in.


Thanks Freckleface - I think we would like to experience the city life as we currently live/work in small cities. A lot of the big companies are based in the cities which is where we would like to start our Oz adventure.


Well there's so much to decide on. I really appreciate your comments and kind wishes everyone.

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Definitely expect to have to get here before you can get a job, my hubs had the same problem and he was advised that a lot of the time they won't even look at your CV if it doesn't have a local address on. Look around on seek, to get a feel for the jobs available, and then pick a city, go for it, and dive in. You're not tied to anywhere and you can always move on if it doesn't work out or if you hate it or feel you want to live somewhere else. It's a big step to take, but it's worth it!

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Ha Ha, told you we are mad!!! Darling Harbour was a fantastic place to live. 15 min walk to work each day. Right in the heart of the action. We never needed a car as the public transport was brilliant and we just hired a car when we wanted for long weekends away. Would it help if you wrote a pro and con for each state. Apart from work, what are you hoping for from Oz. Is the weather a deal breaker? Although Melbourne definitely has four seasons, it is moderate compared to say Brisbane. They seem to go from hot to very hot:biggrin:. My OH loves the sun and the heat, but after working the summers here in Spain for 7 years, we know it can be very draining and you long for the cool breeze of autumn. Perth's weather is very similar to here, very hot in the summer, but cold to mild in the winters. Although it gets cold in Perth, it is nowhere near as cold as in the UK and not for so long.


I am trying to decide which suburb in Perth (there are over 200), that's bad enough, so I sympathise with you on trying to decide on a state and then picking a suburb.

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Thanks sunniecat - it's definitely a dive from the highest platform!! I think we will spend some time looking at job descriptions and packages in each of the cities and go by which has more on offer.


Candygirl - Darling Harbour sounds fantastic! We've just written up a pro and con list over lunch (over email) - we will go through it later. What are we looking for Oz? ...well better weather than UK, have a more outdoor life ie go to the beach, go for walks, be able to enjoy our time outside of work, be able to have dinner outside, be a bit more comfortable with money(although that may take time), - enjoy the aussie way of life.

I really like the heat but my husband is can't take it as much - he put that on the cons list.


Have you been to Perth before? How are you trying to decide on suburbs?

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It's worth differentiating between heat and humidity too, my hubs is much better with dry heat (which is what we will mostly get in Canberra, I hope!) than humidity. Brisbane is hot all year round but gets very humid during some seasons... people describe Melbourne weather to me as very British, 4 seasons in a day... Sydney seems to have a warmer climate that will get hot in summer but not as humid as Brisbane, but I'm not speaking from knowledge, just making assumptions.


Personally I found Sydney felt too big-cityish (which I also feel about London, though Sydney is much much nicer than London!). I don't know Melbourne at all to comment though.


The other thing I've done, if you're really stuck, is to flip a coin - but rather than going by the actual decision it makes, ask yourself what your response is to the decision (so if you say Melbourne tails and Sydney heads, and then find yourself disappointed if you land on Sydney, then maybe you should go for Melbourne!).


Good luck deciding!!

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Thanks sunniecat. We've written up a pro and con list, looked at potential jobs and been talking extensively about what we want our lives to be like once over there. I want to check that flights would be easy enough if we decide on brisbane. TBH our conversations have been veering towards brisbane which is a complete 360 as that city was on the list when we first started the process. we ruled it out as we thought we wouldn't get jobs there.

Its so stupid that we cant just pick and stick to one city. Just shows how many options , opportunities , adventures are available in oz.

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Thanks sunniecat - it's definitely a dive from the highest platform!! I think we will spend some time looking at job descriptions and packages in each of the cities and go by which has more on offer.


Candygirl - Darling Harbour sounds fantastic! We've just written up a pro and con list over lunch (over email) - we will go through it later. What are we looking for Oz? ...well better weather than UK, have a more outdoor life ie go to the beach, go for walks, be able to enjoy our time outside of work, be able to have dinner outside, be a bit more comfortable with money(although that may take time), - enjoy the aussie way of life.

I really like the heat but my husband is can't take it as much - he put that on the cons list.


Have you been to Perth before? How are you trying to decide on suburbs?




Yes, we have been to all the states except TAS and ACT. We travelled around WA extensively and have also been back for holidays and lived in Sydney 12 years ago. I agree with Sunniecat about flipping the coin. Not saying that you should go along in life flipping a coin on everything, but it kind of makes sense to see how your feel if the decision is made for you so to speak.


We were always toing and froing from Brisbane and Perth. For the same reasons, we did not want to go to back to Sydney (even though we have great friends that live there), we felt that we done that and it was brilliant when we were young, but feel we want to live in a "slower" more laidback state. We have done some research on the suburbs and have a short list. If we ever get there, we have decided to rent a short term let and take a proper look. There are so many things that have to be taken into account and you just cannot do that by internet surfing alone. There is a sister site to this for Queensland (sorry I cannot remember the name) but someone will know it. If you register on there you can ask loads of questions about Brisbane and this may help with your decision.

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Yes, we have been to all the states except TAS and ACT. We travelled around WA extensively and have also been back for holidays and lived in Sydney 12 years ago. I agree with Sunniecat about flipping the coin. Not saying that you should go along in life flipping a coin on everything, but it kind of makes sense to see how your feel if the decision is made for you so to speak.


We were always toing and froing from Brisbane and Perth. For the same reasons, we did not want to go to back to Sydney (even though we have great friends that live there), we felt that we done that and it was brilliant when we were young, but feel we want to live in a "slower" more laidback state. We have done some research on the suburbs and have a short list. If we ever get there, we have decided to rent a short term let and take a proper look. There are so many things that have to be taken into account and you just cannot do that by internet surfing alone. There is a sister site to this for Queensland (sorry I cannot remember the name) but someone will know it. If you register on there you can ask loads of questions about Brisbane and this may help with your decision.


Flipping a coin....might need to throw a dice instead as have more than 2 options!!!!! Maybe one of those octagonal ones! lol


I will search for the Queensland forum later. I have already been looking on the Vic forum.


I think its a good idea to get a short term rental when the area is so new to you. Its a good way to look at whats around I guess. You seem to have a plan and lists are always good. You have obviously experiences so much of Oz you know what to expect or at least know what to expect from your emotions. I hope Perth works out well for you.



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