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Hay fever in Oz


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Guest AKA63029

Hi Peeps.


Have a look at these links, they may help.












Please remember folks, some of these are very old threads and some members aren't about anymore, but the info should still be relevant.


Cheers Tony.

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ive never suffered from hayfever, but on a trip to NZ i was bunged up for the 1st 4 days...all chemists had huge displays on the shop floor so i guess they expected holiday makers to suffer from new types of pollen, mind you it was their spring

i guess it is the same in oz, new plants = new pollen so ill guess you'll have to wait and see

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Guest scrumpy

I gort a mate in Melbourne, and he suffers big time from it. Hayfever remedies are rediculously priced over there ( AS WITH EVERTHING!!), So I send over Tescos hayfever tablets and lots of them.

Sorry but if you get it here you are going to get it over there and maybe more so, as hopfully you should get more sun but unfortuantley more pollen

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I only get mild hay fever these days, but what I have noticed is that I seem to be allergic to mould spores. We seem to live in a mould-prone area and sometimes find a fine mildew-type mould on things like the back of furniture. That gives me a stuffy nose and mild asthma type symptoms. Not too bad if you keep your eye on the furniture and clean it with bleach if you spot anything.

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Guest littlesarah

I find that my symptoms tend to be less severe here, but I get them more frequently. I suspect it would vary depending on where in Australia you are (seeing as different types of plants flourish in the different climatic zones).


BTW, it's not 'new' types of pollen (or other allergens) that cause problems - it's repeated exposure that leads to a hypersensitivity reaction (we need at least one exposure to a protein before our immune system will mistakenly identify it as harmful).

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My daughter had it badly in England. We haven't had a full year here yet but she hasn't had it so far (and not during the Oz summer). She's still taking preventative tablet every other day on the advice of the doc, until we've been round one year, because the doc said she could still get it at a different time of year.


Sadly, her grass allergy is still there (different to hay fever) and she did the 'incredible inflating face' trick at school. A valuable lesson for her PE teacher who insisted she did press-ups on the grass!

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