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i'm getting ready to jump !! someone find me a bridge


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Well its taken 4 days to come to terms with the fact,,but ,australia have pulled me on my medical and i now have to undergo further investigation with a specialist.We have known from day one we may have problems at this point due to a liver condition i have ,i guess you learn to blank things out and just focus on everything being ok ,but it still hits ya like a ton of bricks when you get that dreaded 'e-mail'.As Sparky said to me the other day ''at least they havnt said no''.i hope she knows them few words meant so much to me and gave me a kick up the bum to get motivated again ,so thanks mate,,,

Will HOPEFULLY get everything sorted as soon as and get the specialist report out to them so they can put me out of my misery either way ,,still cant quite bring myself to think ''what if they do say no'' as i live ,eat ,sleep, and breathe Oz at the moment ,,so come on guys ,,spur me on ,any tips welcome,,,!!!!!

Cal x



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Guest Alison1967
Well its taken 4 days to come to terms with the fact,,but ,australia have pulled me on my medical and i now have to undergo further investigation with a specialist.We have known from day one we may have problems at this point due to a liver condition i have ,i guess you learn to blank things out and just focus on everything being ok ,but it still hits ya like a ton of bricks when you get that dreaded 'e-mail'.As Sparky said to me the other day ''at least they havnt said no''.i hope she knows them few words meant so much to me and gave me a kick up the bum to get motivated again ,so thanks mate,,,

Will HOPEFULLY get everything sorted as soon as and get the specialist report out to them so they can put me out of my misery either way ,,still cant quite bring myself to think ''what if they do say no'' as i live ,eat ,sleep, and breathe Oz at the moment ,,so come on guys ,,spur me on ,any tips welcome,,,!!!!!

Cal x



They are just being thorough and chcking all angles. fingers crossed, no I'm sure things will be fine.





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Guest Nelson

When we went for our medicals I was worried because my husband had had major heart surgery when he was 31. However, my doctor reassured me that it's as much that the Australians want to know WHAT they are taking on board, NOT that they only want perfect specimens! Keep your chin up and think positively!


All the best,



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Guest Gollywobbler
When we went for our medicals I was worried because my husband had had major heart surgery when he was 31. However, my doctor reassured me that it's as much that the Australians want to know WHAT they are taking on board, NOT that they only want perfect specimens! Keep your chin up and think positively!


All the best,




Krista is absolutely right.


I know exactly how you feel though. I am handling my mother's application for a Contributory Parent visa. She is very elderly, plus semi-disabled due to a serious back-injury a few years ago. However, we consulted a Panel Doctor in advance of submitting her application. We thought it worth the cost of getting the meds done twice if need be, because meds x 2 is cheaper than application fee x 1. Also, we knew that there might be medical complications, so we wanted DIMA to look at the medical stuff first. If they were going to reject Mum on the meds, there was no point in either DIMA or us doing a stack of unnecessary other work.


Because Mum spends a lot of time in Oz as well as here, she has GPs in each country. We consulted both closely before Mum & I went to the Panel Doctor on top. Not one of the three said anything about a geriatrician's report, but the MOC wanted one. I nearly died. I nearly died again when I read the report, because it seemed highly equivocal to me (not that I have a clue about medical matters.) I don't think I've ever been as scared about anything in my life.


However, we have since had confirmation that Mum is OK on the meds, despite my having Worried For Britain about them.


So now, with the benefit of hindsight, I am sure that Krista is 100% right. Try not to worry (hard though that is) and I hope everything will come right for you in the end.


Don't lose heart and don't lose hope, hunny.





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Guest ABCDiamond

In case it helps:


I had to get a medical once, for an Insurance Policy, and after the medical I got a letter saying that I had to see a specialist before they would accept me for the Insurance.


Obviously that had me a tad worried. "what had they found" was one of the questions in my mind :)


But in the end it was all OK, and I got the insurance with no loadings.

I can't recall what it was all about now, but hopefully yours will have the same result.

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Thanks guys ,youve all made me feel a little better.Off reading the letter that i've to give to the specialist ,they seem to want to know whats going to happen to me over the next 10yrs,the condition i have isnt likely to change much over the next 20yrs so im now banking on this as my pass,,will keep you all informed and once again ,thankyou

Cal x



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Guest Beki

I'm sorry Cal, :( . Try not to let it get you down and stay positive, as the others have said there is still hope.

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Guest scoop

Hi Cal


Try not to fret hun, I know easier said than done. :roll:


I have a mate who had to have further specialist investigations and after the delay is now in Brisbane living the dream.


Chin up chuck





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Guest Missiemo
Thanks guys ,youve all made me feel a little better.Off reading the letter that i've to give to the specialist ,they seem to want to know whats going to happen to me over the next 10yrs,the condition i have isnt likely to change much over the next 20yrs so im now banking on this as my pass,,will keep you all informed and once again ,thankyou

Cal x




Hi Cal


Cheer up honey. do not give up.


It will all be worth it in the end.


Take Care



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Guest wfourie

From reading lots of other medical threads it would sem to me that loads of people have to go for further specialist reports so this is not unusual and they seem to get the all clear. SO keep Positive, remain focused try not to stress so that you remain healthy! You have all my sympathy as if the waiting isn't stressful enough!

I think you will be absolutely fine and I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you


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Thanks again guys ,i should get the specialists details tomorrow so i will give his secretary a ring and try to '' charm'' my way to a quick appointment ,,will keep you all informed


Cal x



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Guest forshac

Hi Cal,


I have been away for the last few days and just picked up your thread..


Really thinking of you guys and really hope that you get the green light really soon. Thinking of you all..



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thanks Claire i was hoping to speak to specialist yesterday to try and get a quick appointment but its constantly an answerphone so im abit peeded off this weekend was hoping to have set an appointment to put my mind at ease,,but heh i will try again Monday ,,thanks for the reasurances,,

Cal x



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The panel DR sent a letter to the private specialist last week on 6th,managed to get hold of specialist secretary this morn (12th) and have got appointment for 20th,even though she said they havnt got letter yet ,said she couldnt fit me in any sooner . i had to asked what paperwork if any to bring ,wheter its cause its Monday morn or what i dont know but she didnt come across as very friendly or helpful ,,BUT at least i've got an appointment even if its not as quick as i wanted ,so fingers crossed for me guys ,,will keep yas all informed,,


Thanks for the support

Cal x

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Guest lilac

Good luck Cal.

By the way are you a diabetic? I have PM'd you too.

Hope all goes well for you. I have every thing crossed for you.



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Hiya ,

No im not diabetic just got an OAP's liver at the grand age of 32 ,wouldnt mind as much but ive never really drank either !! Thankfully it dosnt give any symptons now but may do in another 25 yr,,Oz seem to be focusing on the next 10 yrs so im praying i will be ok.


Cal x

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Guest Gollywobbler
Hiya ,

No im not diabetic just got an OAP's liver at the grand age of 32 ,wouldnt mind as much but ive never really drank either !! Thankfully it dosnt give any symptons now but may do in another 25 yr,,Oz seem to be focusing on the next 10 yrs so im praying i will be ok.


Cal x




Hi Cal




The above link is to Austlii, which is a huge database of case-Law among other things. It is essential to put +4005 in your search parameters. That is Public Interest Criterion 4005, which is the Health-provision for most type of application for permanent migration.


I have used the vague term “liver” because I don’t know what else to put. If you can tell it the exact same of the condition, it helps.


The specific liver-ailments in the cases are probably nothing like your own. I think that where the MRT cases are useful is that they illustrate the things that the MOC takes into account when considering whether or not an applicant can meet the health criteria for migration.


I hope that this will help to reassure you. People DO NOT get rejected simply because they are not perfect specimens of health in the human race, lassie!


Try not to worry, and if you want any moral support in the meantime, please shout.


All the best on the 20th



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Thanks guys

Gill - will check out that link ,thankyou


It seems easier talking to people on here rather than friends as when they ask how im doing i have to explain the process and whats happened, what i have to do etc ,i've even found im trying not to mention Oz at the moment cause im sick of repeating myself ,maybe its just cause of everything thats happening ,i dont know !



Cal x

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Guest Gollywobbler
Thanks guys

Gill - will check out that link ,thankyou


It seems easier talking to people on here rather than friends as when they ask how im doing i have to explain the process and whats happened, what i have to do etc ,i've even found im trying not to mention Oz at the moment cause im sick of repeating myself ,maybe its just cause of everything thats happening ,i dont know !



Cal x

Hi Cal


You are So-O-O right! The minute a visa-application goes in, suddenly one speaks fluent Visagabble. The only other people who speak Visagabble are other applicants and migration agents. Friends can't understand why all of us are completely obsessed with Australian visas. As far as they are concerned, "I want = I go." They give you about 30 seconds to shut up about Visas. 45 seconds and they think seriously about sending for the nice men in the white coats......!


Aaaarrrrggghhhh! :? :mrgreen:

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It's awful isn't it when every other person asks you what news you've got of aus or if you're any closer to going and all you can say is "we've posted this and we're just waiting now". I try not to talk about it at work especially, but I'm sure everyone thinks the process takes a couple of months and wonder why I haven't gone get!!


This forum in particular is so helpful in offloading worries, and talking about dreams of lives in Aus - there's some helpful advise thrown in for good measure!!


Keep smiling :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to keep you all up to date

I went to see the specialist yesterday who turned out to be a great guy and basically confirmed what i thought ,,Oz want to know what will happen to me in the next 10 yrs,, Thankfully he had studied my condition when training and knew all about it ,he more or less said he thought we would be ok as 'IF' i do become ill it will be at least 20yr ,

so im smiling again and hoping between him and the panel Dr they get the paperwork back to Oz quickly to get me out of no mans land once and for all,,can a say a big THANKYOU to everyone who has given me support especially SPARKY you have been a saviour ,,


Cal x



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