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Renting with a cat?!

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Hi all,


I wasn't sure whether to post this under Pets or here so I posted it in both!


My husband and I arrive in Melbourne on Friday 22nd June and we have accommodation for 1 month once we get there but after that we need to find somewhere to rent.


I have been looking on Realestate.com ever since we knew we were going and am getting slightly concerned that our requirements are going to cause us significant problems! We sold most of our furniture along with our flat and so will need at least a basic furnished rental initially until we can start buying our own stuff. However we are also going to need a rental which allows pets. Marks future colleagues have suggested that we just don't tell the agent/landlord about Tiggy and just rent somewhere furnished. I can't help but feel guilty about lying as soon as we move!


I'm just wondering if anyone else has had to go through this and what they did?! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!


Thanks! x

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If you did find somewhere unfurnished that you like, you could look on sites like Freecycle, Gum Tree and the Trading Post. A lot of people sell furniture because they change their decor or their home and you can pick it up for a song. Also fridges, washing machines etc. Freecycle stuff is free but you have to collect it.


Just recently have seen some good furniture in the Salvation ARmy and St Vincent De Paul. Beds of course new but there are a lot of cheap bed places around.


As for the cat, if she is an inside cat, just hide her but be aware if living in units and its animal free you may get dobbed in.


We rented and we always had a cat, most landlords not unhappy with a cat its dogs they worry about more.

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The idea of renting non furnished and making do until your stuff arrives is probably what a lot of people do. We got a sofa bed from Ikea and some outdoor furniture which we used indoors. You can get basic kitchen stuff from Kmart to make do.


If you only have 1 little cat I am sure you will find somewhere. If you offer up a pet bond you will stand a good chance, plus a written reference or a letter from yourself outlining how you deal with your cat i.e spayed/neutered, vaccinated annually, flea medication regular basis, grooming, house trained etc. etc. You just need to show you are a responsible person and will maintain the property in a clean state and that your pet isn't going to be a burden. Also, don't just look for pet friendly accommodation, go for a house you like as long as it doesn't categorically say No Pets. Once they like you they will take your cat too! Good luck.

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This is great advice, thanks guys. I have set up a pet resume for her so hoping that this helps. I am edging towards somewhere unfurnished as we have everything else & have noticed that a lot of furnished places come with kettle, toaster, pots & pans etc which we really don't need. Worked out we will only initially need a fridge, freezer, washer, bed & something to sit on & have been investigating some rental places. Some are quite expensive & offer to fully furnish your home whereas others offer individual items. Got a lot of thinking to do but appreciate all the advice. First hurdle is actually figuring out where we're going to live!!

Thanks again,

Kayleigh, Mark & Tiggy x

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The first house that we rented, we hid the cat from the estate agent for a full year! When they wanted to do an inspection, we hid all evidence of the cat and one of us took the cat on 'a drive' in the car! This was purely because we really wanted this particular house and were unsure whether we would get it if we declared that we had a cat. Our cat was currently in quarentine and we really wanted a place of our own that we could bring her straight to. I tested the water by asking the agent that if we were settled in, could we then get a cat to which i got told that they would have to ask the landlord when we decided that we wanted to get one. I think this was their 'get out' claus and if we had have asked them, they would have simply said NO. Our cat is so well bahaved that I didn't feel guilty hiding her and they never once guessed. The house that we are renting now know we have a cat as we told them upfront. They have since inspected the house and seemed very impressed.


From what I have heard other people say, I think that landlords are more wary about renting houses to those with dogs as they can do more damage than a cat, and are probably more likely to chew things/dig up the garden etc.

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Thanks for this chickibabes,


This makes me feel a little better, to know that people do go through this. Tiggy will be in quarantine until the 24th August & I want to have somewhere set up for her so she feels at home. Think 'testing the water' is good advice & was what I was planning to do.

I will keep you updated once we arrive! :)


Thanks again,


Kayleigh x

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You are welcome Kayleigh,


We were in exactly the same boat, and didn't want to be moving around with the cat and making her feel more unsettled after the plane journey, quarentine etc...especially seeing as they don't understand that they have travelled to the other side of the world!!


Definintely keep us updated and good luck with everything.


Danielle x

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Hi Kayleigh!


We arrive Melbourne the same day as you - scary how close it's getting now, isn't it??!! We're still looking to get our one month rental sorted, picked out a few places near the CBD, you mind me asking whereabouts you got one? Did you go for a serviced apartment?


We're also bringing along our two babies, sorry I mean cats, and too are worried about finding a long term rental - ours will only be in quarantine for one month (out about 22 July), so we need to definitely make sure we have somewhere in place!! After we sold our house here, we took a four month rental to cover us, and decided not to tell the agent about the cats because we couldn't risk not getting the short term let me needed - was pretty nervous at start but don't think much about it any more!


Our two our indoor cats as well, so perhaps we could hide them....and agree with one the other posts, unless it specifically says NO PETS then I'll assume they are going to be ok with it!lol


Do you know which part of Melbourne you are hoping to settle in?



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Guest cardffslim

Hi DundeeBoi and Kayleigh, we arrive in Melbourne on the 19th June. Also with our two cats!! We have a week of accom paid for by my new company then we're on our own. The boys get out of quarantine 3 weeks later, so we need a place sorted out pretty quickly. I've been looking on realestate.com.au cos they have a tick box for "pet friendly" but it really reduces the number of properties the search returns (by over 90% i'd say). So maybe we'll be "hiding" cats too!! Be good to hear how you all get on though.

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As mentioned previously don't tick the box for pets allowed as it will severely restrict the choice. Most do not state. We never say pet friendly on our adds but so far have had one tenant with a dog and one with cats. We look at each case individually and take up references.


TBH kids do more damage!

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Hi G & Cardffslim,


How exciting that we're all going to be arriving at roughly the same time & that we've all got the same concerns! lol I think we've come to conclusion that we are going to 'hide' Tiggy, at least at first to ensure we find somewhere. We're lucky that we've got 4 weeks accomidation and that we also have a month after that until Tiggy arrives.

We've been doing research on where abouts we want to live and we've made up a short list for me to go and visit when we arrive. Do either of you have any idea where you're going to be? Elsternwick was highly recommended and it does look perfect but we'll see when we arrive!


Be great to keep in touch with you guys to see how you're getting on :)


Kayleigh x

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Hi Kayleigh, just sent you a PM, hadn't been in the site for a few days - and yes, nice to hear from folk heading out at same time!! Short term accom is still proving a nightmare (so any help, anyone would be appreciated!!lol), and longer term... well we're going to spend the first few weeks getting our bearings and exploring the place, hopefully we'll get work lined up quite quickly and that'll help us choose where to live, but if I spot a place I love, I'll probably be happy to travel (esp. if they'll accept the Holly and Neko as well!)


And Cardiffslim, agree with the OP about not ticking that box....unless they specifically state no pets, I'll assume they may be ok with it - might mean having to put down a larger bond, but so be it - are you going to try and secure a short term 3/4 let after your first week, or you hoping to get something sorted in first week? That could be stressful!!


And rammygirl, i agree, cats are far less destructive than kids, although it would have been cheaper to take two kids lol


In terms of accommodation, I've also joined a few flatshare type sites - tbh, we'd prefer our own place, but if we got a big enough place we'd probably be happy to share to keep costs down for the first year....plus it's good way to help make friends...hopefully lol


Graeme x

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have successfully hid our two indoor ragdale cats for the past 4 years in rentals. In my experience of renting in Melbourne, if landlords can find an excuse to increase the rent they will and this includes keeping some money at the end of your tenancy ( the bond) to cover "damage" done by pets. Which if you have a fairly docile cat, is likely to be just general wear and tear of the property and the fact the place is badly decorated anyway ( you'll understand once you start viewing places to live!) Yes, I am fairly cynical when it comes to renting in Melbourne!!

i don't have a problem with lying, as I consider us to be good tenants, keeping the property in great condition and never missing a rental payment.


Re: furniture etc.. Try fantastic furniture as they are cheaper than Ikea and do package deals. The good guys are good for white goods and electricals. Have found washing machines to be very expensive and I always go for a front loader which seem to be more expensive than the top loading ones.


As an aside, can recommend a really lovely cattery if needed in Melbourne!

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Sally, I am glad you do not rent one of my properties. I think you will find when you tell an agent or landlord you have a pet, they will size you up for being a responsible pet owner or not. Owners do not put the rent up if you have a pet. If you look like you will be a good tenant that is what counts most. I will not renew a lease for any tenant who I think is lying to me. Good luck with your approach and I hope it does not put off landlords from renting to the next pommie who applies for a property after you.

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Sally, I am glad you do not rent one of my properties. I think you will find when you tell an agent or landlord you have a pet, they will size you up for being a responsible pet owner or not. Owners do not put the rent up if you have a pet. If you look like you will be a good tenant that is what counts most. I will not renew a lease for any tenant who I think is lying to me. Good luck with your approach and I hope it does not put off landlords from renting to the next pommie who applies for a property after you.


Unfortunately not all landlords are like you! We are landlords ourselves and agree to an extent with your stance on my post. However, being a tenant in Melbournes competitive rental market over the past 5 years I have a different and a much more realistic approach to renting. We have a toddler and limited funds and so we do what we need to do to live in Melbourne. It's easy to make sweeping judgements on people without knowing all the facts. Do you know how competitive and difficult it is to secure a decent property to rent in the Melbourne region?


I also don't consider my actions to be representative of, or to be held up as " pommie " behaviour. No comments have ever been made regarding our nationality since we started renting. Plus we are Australian citizens and we try and stay away from such segregated, them and us comments and language.

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In our experience pretty much all rentals say no pets! We don't feel at home unless we have pets around us so we've ended up renting a pretty crappy house which allows us our two little dogs. Everyone lies about their animals, don't worry about it just as long as you have the finances to put anything right that they may damage. Good luck x

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  • 2 weeks later...


My cat is in quarantine and flew out 20th June, collect him 19th July so I can't wait!! Asked the landlord if this was OK and he was not bothered. Like others have said I think they get fussy when it's a dog!

Good luck with settling in!

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Guest cardffslim

hi, that's good news! we've found somewhere and the landlord was fine with it too. only thing was that they put a clause in the lease saying we had to have the carpets cleaned and fumigated at the end of our lease. not a big deal i guess.

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we made sure the new house allowed pets. We then put in a call for a second cat and it took 3 mths for them to get back to us, by then we would of lost the 2nd cat we picked, so got her anyway and luckily it was approved!


We also have to sign for flea treatment when we leave, which is fair enough....

the kids cause way more damage than any pets I have had!

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Guest GeorgeD

If there's somewhere you really fancy, ask if they will accept pets, even if it says they won't. half the time the agents just put that up as standard. ask before goign to the open house, it might save you a trip.


If it's a unit in an appartment or townhouse in a development you might struggle...the rules aren't always the owners, it could be the Body Corporate of the development don't allow them. Stand alone houses are more likely to be up to the individual owner. We've had a cat at the last 2 rentals we stayed in. One was even a unit in an apartment, and as he was a house cat, that wasn't a problem for him or them! We couldn't have stayed there and lied about our cat. The Chairman of the Body Corporate shared our floor and we saw him most days. On the plus side...he had his springer spaniel living on the 5th floor of a riverside tower block, so our little cat wasn't a problem!

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Guest GeorgeD

Check the local council's website of the area you want to live in to make yourself familiar with cat ownership laws.


For example, my council (Logan City) requires all cats to be kept indoors at all times, unless they are outdoors in a fully enclosed cat run. Cats are not allowed to roam. You also need to de-sex your cat unless you are registered with Council as a breeder. These laws are to reduce the number of strays and damage to local wildlife. Naturally, all cats need to be registered, but even a registered one with a collar and tag on isn't allowed to be outside (even in your own garden!) if it isn't cat-escape-proof!

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Hi all you pet owners out there, tenants and landlords! I am all three of these at the moment.


I totally understand those having difficulty renting and hiding a pet..... Just thought I would add, the problem then arises if you get a surprise visit from your rental agent! Most write and book the appointment, some people have had them just turn up... You also have to register your pets to the address so in theory you will be declaring this at some point.


When trying to secure a rental we have always written covering letters including information on the cats, offering copies of vaccinations and providing references and offerings of extra pet bond. I know it is a competitive market out there....and horrible being a tenant actually, but so far even with the furries we have always got accommodation, the latest house we were chosen over others too.


If I had to choose, peace of mind for me is more important and not having the pressure of living with the worry of having to hide a furry friend every 3 months...

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