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Unemployment rate to keep rising in uk


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Guest The Ropey HOFF




Some typical Ozzies (NOT the little kid in the middle)



And they say food is really dear in Australia, doesn't add up to me, i thought everyone couldn't afford the food and were starving.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I don't know where larger people get their clothes from, i weigh less than 16 stone, but i'm 6 foot 3 inch tall, i am a big guy and quite slim, but i struggle to fit into XXXL shirts, thats the biggest there is, i know there are shops that cater for bigger people, but in general i see a lot of men who are a lot bigger than me and wonder how they go on. Does anyone think the clothes are smaller fitting these days?

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Guest AKA63029

In an ideal world the government would be ploughing money into 'entrepreneurs/apprenticeships/schemes to get those with an idea off the ground.


There are many who have some great new and old ideas, but you try to secure advice/funding it is a bloody nightmare, paperwork, meetings, this and that.


I KNOW that money is tight, but unless we invest in the future there will be little hope. Plenty of younger and older peeps who have the most brilliant ideas are often shot down in flames at the first hurdle.


It's not only 'manufacturing' that I'm talking of, but with the dawn of the internet many could run a small but successful business from home, IF they are given the advice and yes at times funding, I'm sure many peeps would not only be able to look after themselves and family but also create many jobs.


I know from experience how blooming difficult it can be to obtain any kind of funding, and I admit I gave up in the end. But still haven't lose sight of what I want to achieve and am presently scrimping and saving to make it come to fruition, which it will, no matter the obstacles in my way.


The smallest 'seed' can sometimes bear the fruit of profit and employment.


Cheers Tony.

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Actually I've just had another look, I think Sharon from Brisbane might be a bloke. What do other readers think. LOL


I think that you're blind to the fact that there are so many "Sharons" in the UK...................you're not one are you?

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Reports today are predicting uk unemployment will continue to rise until 2016. Is this worrying those that are planning a move back? Or do you think that it's the media stirring it up?


The thing is though it's all speculation, nobody know for sure, it might get worse before it gets better...unfortunately.

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