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Anyone know - Finding cover at work for when you are sick?


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Hi All

Maybe I'm naive but I have never ever come across this in the UK.


I'm in childcare and I was really sick just before my shift started before 7am in the morning. Now you have to be 'clear' for 24 hours before coming back to work, when working with children. When I called my boss to say I was ill, I was told that I had to find someone to cover me.


What! Sorry?! I've never heard of this, wasn't advised when I started the job. But I didn't have phone numbers or details of colleagues who have a day off - hopefully waiting and willing to drop everything to cover for me on their precious day off.


So has anyone else had this happen to them? Where is the NSW employment law that says a sick employee HAS to do this instead of the management?


I'm not in a union or anything and to be honest if I was I'm sure my bosses would find a way to get rid of me.


I can't believe this happens in Australia - one on hand I understand this sort of thing can be a problem for a small company but companies employ real people who do get sick, so this surely should be factored into their business plan.


Anyhoooo any help, advice and/or constructive feedback would really be appreciated as this is my first job here.



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I've never heard of anything like this happening and can't help wondering if there was some sort of miscommunication.


I would approach your employer and ask what the process is. If there is something they expect that you are not comfortable with you can discuss it with them.

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Hi All

Yes I work full time, all legal and proper like! And no, definitely not a 'miscommunication'. After doing a little research on the internet, it appears that this does happen in different work areas. BUT I want to know why!


Where is the Employer law that states its down to a employee to find cover replacement - can the employee just find anyone off the street to fill in or what? I was not given any criteria so assume I have to find someone who is qualified in childcare but my big worry was that I don't know if the person is on any file i.e not allowed to work with children etc.


I don't want to go through this again and I just want to be sure of as many facts etc before going back to my boss to voice my concerns.

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Yeah! well weird PaisleyLass.


I couldn't believe it...there were text messages flying left, right & centre. I'm just hoping this isn't one of those stupid 'rules' that isn't noted anywhere but you should by osmosis know all about it.


Like I have time and money to be phoning people so early in the morning when I'm sick. I've checked and re-checked my staff handbook and nothing in there. But I've seen stuff written about it on the net and was deeply shocked.

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If it's not in your staff handbook or in your employment contract then they can't make you do it :)


Have a chat with your boss (or your boss's boss) and ask them where in the handbook or contract this is covered ('so you can make sure you're familiar with the rules')

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I've worked in Personnel/Human Relations departments in Australia for decades and have never heard of this.

It's patently stupid, anyway - what if you had been carted off to hospital, or had a severe migraine or were constantly throwing up?

Contacting anyone on the phone in those circumstances is impossible.


I know that staff/children ratio is important in child care but that is the responsibility of management - to MANAGE - not employees.

And if they were competent managers all duties of employees should have been spelled out to you, either in your contract or handbook.

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Guest guest36187

In my workplace the only time we ask staff to find a replacement is if they come and want a day off/time off at VERY short notice. W tell them if they can find a replacement we will do it.

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