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What makes (made) you stay in Oz??


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I was wondering those of you out there, what makes you stay or have stayed in Oz? For me it's been the fact that both hubby and I have jobs and we have a mortgage (albiet a bloody great big one).


My reluctance I think to jump on that plane back to the UK after 6 years here in Oz is that jobs are scarce (we would head back to same place we came from) and we would prob never have the chance again of owning our own home (age/no deposit etc).


Our lives in the UK were hard in that we worked a lot and paid out a lot but we had family there (I have always been close to my family). Here we have I would say an even harder life (work longer, bills more expensive, cost of living higher) and do not have the family involvement we had back in the UK. My oldest child wants to go back (14 yrs) and spend time with his grandparents and my youngest (10yrs) just seems lost and waits for visits from the UK relatives.


Just wondered if anyone else was in a similar position ??

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I was wondering those of you out there, what makes you stay or have stayed in Oz? For me it's been the fact that both hubby and I have jobs and we have a mortgage (albiet a bloody great big one).


My reluctance I think to jump on that plane back to the UK after 6 years here in Oz is that jobs are scarce (we would head back to same place we came from) and we would prob never have the chance again of owning our own home (age/no deposit etc).


Our lives in the UK were hard in that we worked a lot and paid out a lot but we had family there (I have always been close to my family). Here we have I would say an even harder life (work longer, bills more expensive, cost of living higher) and do not have the family involvement we had back in the UK. My oldest child wants to go back (14 yrs) and spend time with his grandparents and my youngest (10yrs) just seems lost and waits for visits from the UK relatives.


Just wondered if anyone else was in a similar position ??


If this is the case then go back, and go back now before your kids get any more unhappy and any further locked in to the education system - otherwise you are closing off Uni in the UK as a realistic choice (because you wil be paying overseas fees) which will essentially commit you for the next 11 years+ to Australia, somewhere you're not happy after 6 years? Go


Sod "owning your own home". If you have a massive mortgage then you don't really own it here either, and there's never been a better time to convert what capital and equity you do have in A$ to Sterling.

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If this is the case then go back, and go back now before your kids get any more unhappy ando any further locked in to the education system - otherwise you are closing off Uni in the UK as a realistic choice (because you wil be paying overseas fees) which will essentially commit you for the next 11 years+ to Australia, somewhere you're not happy after 6 years? Go


Sod "owning your own home". If you have a massive mortgage then you don't really own it here either, and there's never been a better time to convert what capital and equity you do have in A$ to Sterling.




If we stayed it would be for financial reasons. We are far better off here financially, but we dont feel better off in any other way whatsoever.


We will be returning to a world of hard work and potential debt and I know we have responsibilities as parents but I just dont think you can live your life as a slave to money, it makes you so unhappy even if you are rich.


I have vowed never to make decisions purely based on financial reasons. You have a way out OP, your kids want to go and I feel particularly sorry for your 10 year old (I feel like him, "lost"). Get them all back home while you can!! Ask yourself (under the circumstances you describe "what they hell are we doing here, our kids are unhappy, we have a huge mortgage and we have to work hard, we dont see our familes...."


You have answered your own question....go and book your flights!!!

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What makes us stay? .... because we're happy. Having said that we weren't unhappy in the UK, my hubby was dissatisfied with the UK but we had a comfortable life and for us moving meant an opportunity to live and work in a different country. My children are happy and content with thoughts of visiting places other than the UK for holidays - there isn't a big draw for them as yet to go back (we haven't yet been back in 5 years), my daughter (17) says she's glad to have had her teenage years here and has thoughts of Uni here with possible a semester in the US or Canada as part of her degree (rather than a uni near her grandparents were she could stay rent free lol).


I think it is all about contentment - if you and you're family aren't happy and content then do consider what other options are open to you. As my dad says "you're a long time dead - life is for living"

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My husband was the cause of me staying as long as we did - he's an Aussie who thought he would wither and die if he ever had to move to UK. He has moved and he is having a ball although I fully expect he will want to return to Aus once the need for us to be in UK has gone. To a degree, we didnt move when we had chances because of financial/work/education reasons and, in hindsight, that was a mistake I made, we should have made active decisions and moved much earlier then I wouldnt have got stuck there


If your kids are unhappy then I reckon Pintpot is right, GO!

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I was wondering those of you out there, what makes you stay or have stayed in Oz? For me it's been the fact that both hubby and I have jobs and we have a mortgage (albiet a bloody great big one).


My reluctance I think to jump on that plane back to the UK after 6 years here in Oz is that jobs are scarce (we would head back to same place we came from) and we would prob never have the chance again of owning our own home (age/no deposit etc).


Our lives in the UK were hard in that we worked a lot and paid out a lot but we had family there (I have always been close to my family). Here we have I would say an even harder life (work longer, bills more expensive, cost of living higher) and do not have the family involvement we had back in the UK. My oldest child wants to go back (14 yrs) and spend time with his grandparents and my youngest (10yrs) just seems lost and waits for visits from the UK relatives.


Just wondered if anyone else was in a similar position ??



I wonder how scarce jobs really are . I know u employment is high at the moment but how many of that % are the ones that can't be arsed to work and are better off on the dole !

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Jobs are very hard to come by in the UK. I know people who have been out of work for a long time and no - they do not want to be on the dole and have worked hard all their lives. It will obviously be easier in some parts of the UK than others to find work of course however having said that I do know someone who is applying all over UK and would move to get a job. In one local council in Scotland they advertised a very basic and low wage admin position and had over 350 applicants - some people are desperate for work.


Anyway Stitch you sound very unhappy and 'stuck' - you only have one life and life is too short to stuck - I think you should go back - regardless what I said about jobs being scarce you might just have to go back to a different area but you should GO

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Cheers everyone for your comments....I think I know what I want to do in my heart of hearts. For some reason coming here didn't take half the decision making it has to go back.....I'm a firm believer in one life and live it and all that.


Do appreciate all your views.



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If this is the case then go back, and go back now before your kids get any more unhappy and any further locked in to the education system - otherwise you are closing off Uni in the UK as a realistic choice (because you wil be paying overseas fees) which will essentially commit you for the next 11 years+ to Australia, somewhere you're not happy after 6 years? Go


Sod "owning your own home". If you have a massive mortgage then you don't really own it here either, and there's never been a better time to convert what capital and equity you do have in A$ to Sterling.


Very true. Happiness should be a prime consideration. I'd advice to get out before the Aussie dollar begins its downward move to a more normal level. As has been stated the bank owns the house anyway.

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