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  1. @elwoodthedog to add to this, I've also heard from more than one source that Immigration typically won't look into case delays, unless it's passed double the "expected wait". So if the expected delay is 5-6 months, they won't bother looking into it until it's at least 10-12 months old - and even then, it's unlikely anything will happen from there. There are just so many circumstances - you can never be sure. It's all a waiting game
  2. @Nneeri Other than the interim having an expiry of 1 year, I don't recall any difference in benefit's or coverage. I do know that, although we were able to get Medicare whilst waiting for PR, we were not able to claim any CCS (Child care subsidy - this we had to wait for PR). Hope that helps.
  3. @ohmoomtang I'm not sure if the rules have changed around this due to COVID, however, ~2 years ago, we were told that we had to physically go into a Centerlink to get this changed. - It was a real quick process and I think we were out of there in ±20-25min (for 4 of us) - we also ALL had to be present.
  4. @helppls Not sure this will help but when I was at my interview the other day they said that my status would only change to "approved", if they don't need to run any background checks against me. My suspicion is that they are awaiting a few checks to come back before updating. Just my thoughts.
  5. @CanOz Yes, it can and does in same cases. If you go back (likely a long way), on this forum you'll see a few instances of this. It's all case specific but the short answer is yes. - I've seen some been approved within the same day and others that have been well over 12 months.
  6. @bluejazz although you'll find many people have received responses and approves within 12 months, there are many people who've waited for longer that 12 months for approvals. Rest assured that Immigration will get back to you and your case - the question (which no one can answer) is when. The wait is the worst, good luck!
  7. @Ahmed.AK a quick Google search gave me this: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/employing-and-sponsoring-someone/sponsoring-workers/pmsol There are a few lists out there, hopefully this one helps. PS - it was last updated on the 27 November 2020
  8. @hiral Congrats! Would you mind elaborating on the rejection please - this is typically helpful to those who may come across similar situations. Thanks
  9. Thanks guys for the help and advise - did the interview and test. Comments: - The entire process took about 10-15 min (really quick). Interview was simple and about 4-5 questions (ever been to jail / arrested etc.) - The test was on an Ipad, sitting on a chair. Although it was more difficult than I expected, I still managed to get 100% so it's do-able, just don't underestimate it (there were 3-4 questions that had me thinking). They said I'll need to wait 3-6 months for the ceremony invite. PS - my application was updated to "approved" by the time logged back in (within 30 min)
  10. @ohmoomtang haha, get used to it I used to force myself to only login twice a day (morning and afternoon), however, it gets really tough not checking for all those hours... I've never seen any consistency from the timestamp of the emails, so don't think that is actually a thing I'm afraid. Good luck!
  11. @Laura Zorzi Thank you for that, you're correct - I took that question in the incorrect context. You're right - the 2 years starts from when the visa is granted
  12. @Bob Y it's 2 years of working for the same company, hence, the date of VISA grant is irrelevant. So 2 years (full time) working for the same company. A couple notes here though: 1. This is more a general rule of curtesy than a law (although, if you leave early and the company feels you only joined them to gain a visa, they could open a case with Immigration about it). 2. If you need / want to leave after the visa is granted, I suggest you speak with the employer. As long as it's agreed mutually and with best intensions, there'll be no problem. Immigration would only investigate if there's a complaint made from the company. 3. Any "unpaid" leave is not counted towards "full time employment".
  13. @restaurant.manager Although I'm not sure it's relevant to the context of this forum, I'm very well, thanks for asking.
  14. Hey guys, we have our test date coming up (finally) and was wondering, for all those who've recently done the test, if it's tough now, with the new change? Ay advise / suggestions for someone who has 3 days before their test? @Khan12 / @Mazen
  15. @TooGoodToBeTrue I was in a similar situation (child being born). My child was to be both and we were waiting on the finalization of the visa. If we didn't get it in time, we would have to do ALL the work of getting birth certificates / passports etc. - from another country (South Africa) - which, lets be honest, has a failed public system at best. Long story short, our visa never came in time and hence, when my daughter was born (in Australia), we had to frantically get all the paperwork in place for the visa. In hind sight, we actually had ample time as the visa was only complete when my daughter was ±1 year old. Still, it's not fun! Personally, if you have to wait 3 months before you can do your medicals - I'd start planning the process of getting started with the paperwork, unless you go to ta different state / medical center (which I would strongly consider), it's unlikely things will change. PS - We received notice of a medical for my son (which we took as great news), only to then get a "request for more information" about 35 days later (my wife had only completed 9 years of the required 10 years of previous addresses) - this should have been picked up by the first Immigration agent but wasn't. Good luck!
  16. Welcome @Steve.weee and congratulations on the start of your journey. Unfortunately, there is no direct answer to your questions(s). What I would suggest doing is like the most of us, going through previous pages of posts to get a feel of how things are tracking at the current stage. In my opinion, for your occupation - your application is still "fresh" and I would hope for the best but expect the worst in terms of timelines. One good thing is knowing that immigration WILL get to your case, it's just a matter of when (mine took 9 months before someone even opened it.). I've seen cases where an application (including full visa) finalized within 1 month, and others that have waited well over 25 months. Good luck! Hold on tight and enjoy the ride - the wait is a killer!
  17. @restaurant.manager Not sure I follow, why would we be happy about this? I understand the process can be stressful - I was there and still am (with the citizenship - going on 12 months), however, it's important to not miss-direct any frustration you may have, especially to people who actively try help in these forums. Stay positive @MaggieMay24
  18. @rukz If the ABN hasn't changed then no, this shouldn't affect your case file. - It's still suggested you inform immigration on ANY changes to your circumstances (company name change included), however, it shouldn't affect your case.
  19. @raj4949 I hate to be the one with the news but there is no set timeline for this. I've seen some get a response within 1 day and others take up to 10+ months... Really it all depends on the case officer and application (what checks they doing etc.) as this typically implies they need to do some additional checks / work on the application file (this could be anything really). Sorry it's not useful, nor what you'd want to hear - but it does mean someone has your file and that you will get an update / response. Which is good news! Have patience and stay strong.
  20. @LaurenUK My understanding here is that this will only affect the main applicant and their "counted days" to fulfilling the required permanent work period. For example, any days taken as unpaid cannot be counted towards "working" at the company.
  21. Thanks @Mazen - sounds like I'm getting conflicting stories then. On the one hand, I've been told that appointments are being done via Zoom / electronically but then on some threads I read otherwise (everything is on hold). Pity there isn't definite way of knowing what's happening... Simply "hurry up and wait"
  22. @PRWaiting4u remember that this forum only represents a small group of applications and people going through the immigration process (on the relevant streams). So, although tough to see, remember there are other people and role's getting approved / worked on, outside of this forum. Stay strong!
  23. @WhenWillWaitBeOver? haha, she can be as upset as she wants... This will not affect your application in any way (as long as you don't update you application with bad / incorrect information). Importing purely for viewing and updates is perfectly fine, she can't do anything about it. It's your visa application that you're viewing, you just paying her to manage it - you have full rights to import and view your own application. - These entitled agents
  24. Thanks @Mazen - have you not heard from the department at all for 17 months?
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