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About nava24

  • Birthday April 18

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  1. Thats lovely Happy birthday to your daughter when the day arrives! Thank you!
  2. Flights are FINALLY booked for 23rd Jan 2018 [emoji4] Melbourne im comin for ya! Just for anyone new here my stats were: Applied 17th may 2017 Agent contacted a few weeks later requesting more info. Info sent and medical processed. Visa approval on 3rd July 2017 ????
  3. As far as i am aware, your subclass 100 can be granted up to 2 years later. Hence why it also costs so much! ????
  4. Huge congrats!!!! mine didnt take very long either with only contact from the CO for more evidence as i reached the limit on my immi account. Good luck with the move ????
  5. I did not submit a form 80 with my application. And it was never asked for either. However try and load your application up as much as you can. Just be aware to upload more important things first i.e proof of marriage. ????
  6. Hey i think with the court order it will be just a matter of time as said above. Fingers crossed for you but at least you were honest! Just make sure you go with plenty of money saved when you reach the border! Good luck ????
  7. Do it why not hire one after your wedding and go for a trip!! Thats awesome, hope all is going well with planning!!! Good luck ????
  8. Yeah super fast no idea how! Are you in process of yours? If you make it a goal then youll achieve it! What's your plans? Gladstone Park ????
  9. Thank you!! Yes extremely fast did not expect it at all. Was thinking at least 6 months Hubby is an aussie and from Melbourne so heading there for a bit and then saving to buy a camper to travel round aus! When is your wedding for? Good luck ????
  10. 309 approved!!!!! Application date: 17th May 2017 Case officer asked for more info: 31st May 2017 - all sent off within 2 weeks Visa granted: 3rd July 2017 They have said 09 June 2018 is the date we have to be in Oz by however We are heading there November this year! [emoji198][emoji198][emoji198] ????
  11. Are you applying in the uk? I applied may this year and heard from c/o not long after to submit more docs. Medical and police checks all done just waiting to hear back. What did they ask you in interview? I reckon youll get a letter and approval in the next few months or so. Hang in there ????
  12. Applied: 17th may 2017 Heard from case officer to provide more info:31st may Went for medical on 21st june and submitting last bit of info tonight (24th june) Anyone had to go for an interview at all? I was surprised how quick they assigned a case officer! ????
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