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Everything posted by jess6

  1. Interesting thread. I love Australia, the country has a stunning beauty but I also love Europe and I hope I will convince my Aussie Fiance to give it a go at some time of our lives. I understand and respect that you guys love Australia but to me, Europe is amazing too for different reasons. In Australia I love being able to go somewhere without anybody around. That's really peaceful. I also love the gorgeous nature and wildlife. This is just unique. Still, I just find it very expensive to travel within Australia and it is quite painful to me to have to fly at least 8 hours to be in a completely different country with a different culture and a different language (i.e. South East Asia). I do not mean to be disrespectful or arrogant but really even though there are many different European communities here. This is just not the same as being able to visit the actual countries. On the topic of New Caledonia, I have relatives who lived in Noumea, got homesick and decided to get back to France after a year. I have never been to Noumea, but with all due respect, I doubt it'd be the same as being in "l'Hexagone". I personally love Europe because I find it freaking awesome to be able to work in 26 countries. When I was working in Hamburg, it was so amazing to go to the airport in 20 minutes and fly for a weekend to Milan, London, Amsterdam, Paris, Prague, Copenhagen or Barcelona without having to go through customs. Travelling was also much cheaper there than it is in Australia and it is just so convenient to be able to pay in the same currency (I know not everywhere ;-)) So yeah, I do not see why people would judge other people based on what country or culture they are the most happy in. This will really depend on the person and on their lifestyle. And I clearly understand the many people I know who spent several years in Oz and decided to go back to Europe. Because Europe is far from being a bad place to live. At least all my friends who went back are happy to be back there.
  2. Congrats!!! :-D This is awesome - thanks for your recommendations - I have never contacted immi and was tempted to do it today but I will hold off.
  3. It's a DE 186 application, so technically I am still within the communicated timelines. My previous 457 visa and my current DE 186 application are for the same job and same occupation (marketing specialist) - I have been in the same position for over 2 years - my employer is a big international company (no turnover issue).
  4. I hear you, my 457 has expired in January and since then I am on bridging visa.
  5. That's pretty stressful. Has your agent any explanation on why your file is taking so long?
  6. Hey guys, does anybody know if the department is still processing April? I am curious on how the timelines will look like for DE once they are updated this month: http://www.border.gov.au/about/access-accountability/service-standards/global-visa-citizenship-processing-times
  7. Sure. I guess it's always good to have the option to give a feedback.
  8. Congratulations - this is very well deserved. May I ask you if you applied onshore or offshore?
  9. Finally!!!! I am so happy for you and your family This is a wonderful way to start the week and the month of May!!! All the best xoxo
  10. It's likely she will not be able to - you can give feedback until June 1st. This article shows an official government email address to express your views: http://www.sbs.com.au/yourlanguage/hindi/en/article/2017/04/21/6-new-requirements-acquire-australian-citizenship
  11. People still have family in their home country. Life is full of unexpected events and a committed person can have reasons to return back "home". Would you want them to be unable to go "home" if they had to take care of a loved one in a critical situation? I believe in a free world and have no problem seeing people wanting to explore the world. At the end of the day, during their time in a country, people participate positively to its economy and support the community. Why would you prevent them from becoming a citizen after a few years? I also do not see why it would be positive to prevent Australian Citizens to have dual citizenship. Why is that good to prevent people from going "home" if they want or need to? Loving people is mostly accepting to let them go. Otherwise that's not love, that's self interest.
  12. Yes indeed because the UK is still part of the EU. You will find a lot of Brits in France, Germany, Poland and the Netherlands as well.
  13. We will see pretty quickly on how positive this changes will be on the Australian job markets.
  14. Hi Maggie, I am sorry to jump in - maybe not officially but unofficially this is difficult to believe. I have been around on that forum for close to a year and while I long believed that the rules were clear and fair, I have learnt through experience and observation that this does not seem to be the case.
  15. I am on a Bridging Visa A waiting for my 186 visa with Marketing Specialist occupation. During my 5 years here, I have helped small Australian Businesses to grow and create jobs through my marketing skills which are not transferrable. I also paid taxes of course. I think there is a big lack of understanding when it comes to that specific occupation. This is a broad occupation that requires more than a degree, it's about experience, innovation, relationship and industry knowledge.
  16. You should reach out. If they process 75% of DE applications in 10 months and 90% in 12 months. Yours should now be processed after more than 14 months. Oh and you are transition? So yeah, your file should be processed. They process 75% of transition applications in 8 months and 90% of 9 months.
  17. For those who prefer an open spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15vELBrMvzNYP9qesILSVBlozJZ7o04VXUhfiX-dBA0k/edit?usp=sharing
  18. Anthon Souman - Can you re-open the spreadsheet? You are currently pushing people to ask access to it by giving away their email address to you.
  19. I completely agree, I have been on that forum for almost a year and the spreadsheet has always worked well as an open document... On top of that, people should be allowed to remove their info if they wanted to... At the end of the day, that's personal info and people do not necessarily want to share their email address... If they even have a gmail one...
  20. This is also likely to impact the local tech industry, this article is quite interesting: http://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/the-100000-job-no-australian-is-qualified-to-do/news-story/400cbc76d5b8fdb0e427481b0435e7d8
  21. I actually called my MA today for peace of mind because Marketing Specialist is on the STSOL. She was super reassuring and told me that my application (186 DE) would not be impacted by the changes. Still after 10 months in the wait, it's hard not to be concerned by the current changes. Anyways, coming from the tech industry, I find that the following article explains pretty well the consequences the recent changes might have on the ability for Australia to innovate in that sector: http://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/the-100000-job-no-australian-is-qualified-to-do/news-story/400cbc76d5b8fdb0e427481b0435e7d8 The most disappointing part for me is that Malcolm Turnbull knows better than anyone else how valuable the tech industry (check OzEmail) can be.
  22. Unfortunately the whole world - not only Australia - is entering an era that is everything but open. This is very sad, irrational and led by fear.
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