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Everything posted by Jbassi

  1. HI, Moving to Melbourne from Vancouver. How much does a couple need to make a year to live comfortably? Rough estimates?
  2. VISA HA BEEN GRANTED! I applied from Canada but also lived n UK for many years of my life. Had to supply both set of police documents. Took less than 8 months!
  3. Once the visa is approved, do we have to send our passports away to have a stamp/visa inserted into passport or is the visa send via email?
  4. I just received an email from high commission and a women wrote to me saying she has begun processing my file and attached document asking for further document(s). I opened it and it only asked for one thing my certified police check. I apparently sent in the wrong one and went to police station and did correct way. It will be with me in 5-7 days and I will upload online. My question is this: 1) does the fact she only asked for one further document likely mean the rest of my documents are in order? 2) how long from here once contact is made and I am notified "I have began considering your visa"? any advice or insight would be much appreciated.
  5. Does anyone know if an applicant can enter Australia on a working holiday visa while their partner visa is being processed? My partner visa was lodged in Feb and wondering if I can enter on working holiday visa and switch over once it is approved?
  6. hi! I lodged back in early February 2016. I have been asked to complete medical and police check. Uploaded everything I could and have heard nothing since. All it says is recieved so I'm wondering if this illusion CO will even contact me lol.
  7. How come some of you guys get CO's while some of us don't? I though UK and Canada would be similar and not have a CO. I don't have a CO just wondering why my UK friends do?
  8. I am submitting my application in a few weeks. I have attached a 6 page letter outlining exactly all the courses I studied and included the syllabuses and course content of all the classes I studied at law school and PLT here in Canada. Do you think this will help cut down courses when they see everything I have done?
  9. Thats an absurd amount of exams. With your experience I would think you would be welcomed in with open arms! That is how it would be if you came to Canada. Are certain states easier than others with respect to exams/courses to complete? It seems I am one of the younger more inexperienced applicants on this thread! If you guys are getting 4-7 exams with that much experience, god knows how many I will get assessed! I am applying to practice in the state of Victoria and I am hoping the fact I am a newly qualified barrister & solicitor in Canada will get my a good outcome. Did law school in both the UK and Canada and completed my PLT here. Canada and Australia have such a similar legal system and I am praying the board takes this into consideration. Anyone knows Canadian applicants who did the jump over?
  10. INSIGHT REQUIRED PLEASE Lodge a visa from Canada on Feb 8, 2016 and was asked to complete medical and police back in April. Have not heard anything since and wondering anyone offer insight on likely next step? Do I have to have a chat with CO on phone? I've been told I am low risk and it should be relatively quick, but I just want to make sure I am not missing anything. Thanks!
  11. It has been a total of 7 months since I lodged my visa. Since I am low risk, what is the next step? Do I even have a phone chat with the CO or what? I keep hearing that its around 7-8 month mark where one meets a CO but now I am hearing I wont even need that lol.
  12. Are you based in Pakistan? That's the only reason I would assume you would receive a call from Islamabad. I lodged my visa February 8, 2016 and my partner is Australian. I guess she is also going to receive a call just like you did. Did you lodge your visa January 3, 2016 or March 1, 2016? Sorry in Canada we use different method for xx/xx/xxx lol.
  13. thats sounds great! Not long now!! I think anyone can get a call to be honest. When did you lodged your visa and how long have you been waiting? I have done my medical/police check and am waiting for the same call your received! hope it comes soon.
  14. Thanks for the insight guys! It my gf who is worried and I explained its a process and we need to just relax. Do you guys think it would be a issue if I go travelling while I await a decision? My gf and I are planning on going through SE Asia but are holding off just in case the CO needs further documents from us. I hope all of you get your approval quickly an if your in Melbourne lets grab a beer!
  15. Do applications tend to move quite fast after I meet CO? I lodged my 309 back in February 8, 2016. I have completed my medical and police checks and have no heard anything yet. I am not really worried just curious whether where it goes from here. I should also mention I am applying from Canada and not the UK. I am a Canadian citizen and my partner is Australian. I have friends who did same process and their applications took 7-9 months. Any insight would be awesome! Thanks!
  16. hi guys! quick question, Does it matter if my partner (Australian citizen) goes back to Australia while I am waiting for my 309 visa? We are living together in Canada for last 2 years and here Canada visa will expire some time this year. We have already lodged our partner visa application (309/100) and are just waiting for approval. Does it matter if she goes back to Australia while I am here waiting for confirmation?
  17. THATS AWESOME! did you apply de facto partner visa as well? I have already completed medical and police reports. Any insight on what happens now lol?
  18. Hi, hoping you kind people would be able to offer me some insight on how the processing time will likely proceed from here. I am Canadian and my partner is an Australian citizen. We applied for the partner visa 309, February 2016. I was directed to complete my medical assessment and provide police clearance. This has all been done and now I have not heard anything. I spoke with the HC staff and they advised me that as I am Canadian my file would likely be processed faster than the times described on the website. Although, I am not sure how accurate her statement is, I am curious if anyone here has been in same situation applying from North America. I have supplied as much documentation as possible and wondering what comes next? Does a CO contact me? Do I interview on the phone? Any help or guidance would be great! Thanks!
  19. Why in the hell do they make you take contract law when contract law comes from the UK!? Andy, do you take any further course study during your professional training course?
  20. Hi Peachy, Thanks for such a prompt reply! I have two degree's one in Politics (prob doesn't matter) and LLB awarded in 2013 and with a 2.1. I have done company law, civil procedure and constitution. I have actually done company, corporate at university level and again during PLT training in Canada. I am hoping this is taken into consideration? I know from the uniform principles that your professional training in the UK does not count.....I am wondering if same applies to Canada? Because in Canada you have to take - Civil, Criminal, Family, Collections, Company, Commercial, Wills/Estates, Property, Ethics and Professional Responsibilities + 4 assessments + 2 exams (solicitor) and (barrister) and finally 10 months of training at a firm! It is a lot of studying and training before you become a lawyer in Canada and I hope it help reduce what I have to do in Australia!
  21. Hi Peachy, I am a newly qualified lawyer practising in Canada. I am relocating to Melbourne permanently with a Partner Visa. I been in contact with VLAB and advised I must provide my credentials for assessment. I am trying to gauge how many exams I will have and hoping you can shed some light? Or even provide guidance on finding job outside private route (I HATE BILLING!). Any help would be great
  22. Hey Snifter, I am Canadian and my partner is Australian. We applied from my 309 visa Feb 8 and we have uploaded all necessary documentation. I was also contacted by high commission and told to go do my medical assessment. We have literally uploaded everything possible and now curious how much longer it may take? I spoke with the staff at the high commission and she told me as I am Canadian it will likely be done pretty fast. Not sure if this is true or not - could you offer some guidance?
  23. You will get an email/phone call to go to medical. At least that is how mine worked. I applied for my visa Feb 8, 2016 and did my medical 2 months ago.
  24. Hi guys! any idea if the 12-15 time frame is realistic time frame if I am coming from Canada? The women from high commission office said Canada is processed faster than most but who knows if that true. I applied Feb 8, 2016 and already supplied everything possible and did my medical exam as directed. The women on the phone said wont be much longer but I haven't even spoke to the actual officer on my file! PS - I applied for 309 partner visa (temp PR) then hoping it goes (PR).
  25. Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and hoping you knowledgeable people would be so kind as to advise me. I am a newly called lawyer practising in Vancouver, Canada. I obtained my LLB from the UK and moved back to Canada to requalify as a lawyer here. I am now moving to Australia with my Australian partner (after just becoming a lawyer!). I have I have been in contact with VLAB and understand I must forward all my documents to this to have my credentials assessed. I have examined in detail the Uniform Principles for Overseas Lawyers and trying to figure out how many exams I will have to complete and whether I will have to do the PLT. Like Australia, I had to apply in Canada to have my LLB assessed and was assigned the relevant exams. Upon completing these, I completed my in-firm training and Practical Legal Training Course to be admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in Canada. Keeping my above history/qualification in mind (ie - UK LLB and qualified in Canada after completing similar assessment to Australia and completing Canadian Version of PLT) what is my re-qualification likely to be like? My situation is unique cause I have studied in both UK and Canada so I am hoping the board takes this into consideration when assessing my file. The staff at VLAB have been super helpful and explained I may very well only have to complete a few exams and may be exempted from PLT as I have just completed it in Canada. Any advice or guidance anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!!!!
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