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Bristol Chris

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Everything posted by Bristol Chris

  1. Hello I think I read somehere, maybe here maybe not, that there were big changes on the lookout for immigration visas. I can't rememember which visas it referred to. :err: I can 't find the post now. Does anyone know of any big changes to visas and if so, which visas?
  2. I guess mate if you think if someone took your visa away and you had no other option to move to Australia ever how would you feel? If you're not really that bothered, I would be tempted to either not go or rent and go for a look see with a view to possibly coming back. If you think, geez, I would be devastated then that's your answer. What yo nneed is a big piece of paper and write on it with a realistic head on 'what do I want' and take it from there....
  3. Geez. Sorry you aren't happy but I wonder if you would be happy with anything at all in life. Do you think negative thoughts about everything? I think if you try to think positive and don't look for negatives in life you'll find a happier time.
  4. why is it concerning? I didn't hear it - as mentioned I went onto the immigration website and chose a date in the future. The cost is the same ie: NO FEE INCREASE
  5. Sorry if my message appeared rude, I meant it more as a friendly hug to a friend 'c'mon buddy, pull yourself together and let's do this' sort of thing. I did note you put a smiley tho ;-) Hope everything works out very smoothly for you and before you konw it the sun will be definitely shining down!
  6. You can have the most massive list of 'what if's' and you could think up more every second of every day. It won't do you any help as we never know if 'what if's' will happen ... if ... when... or at all. Spiders, snakes... may never happen. Why worry about stuff that may never happen? Think about the things you can control. Just go through each task as and when you need do. Tick it off, move on. The plane ride is just a plane ride. Yes it's long, but it's not a month. It's 24 hours maximum. And even if it's difficult, it will be over and done before you know it. And yes. Pull yourself together. Just do it.
  7. Sorry to hear that mate. What sort of work have you come from and what are you applying for? Is it really hard due to too many people looking for work or people being too picky (as in copanies being too picky?) Hoe you find some good work soon and that the government is helping you out mate.
  8. Heard the same too. Hwoever, went onto the immigration website and you can select the date when you were lodging the visa for the pricing cost. A week ago it said that the estimator could not give a price for partner visas after 1st July, however, I chose a random date in Aug and it now shows as the same cost as this year's visa.
  9. Boy, I've really enjoyed reading this, I agree with others, it will be a good post for people who are looking for pros and cons, although I can understand that everyone's life is different. May I ask, if not too rude, what industries you and your partner are in? I have heard that it is nigh on impossible to secure a role with a company before arriving (unless you were sponsored of course!). I myself are very much looking to seeing what Perth has to offer. I will go in with eyes extremely open (matchsticks in!) and try to spend at least a year before I make any hard calls. Thank you again for your post and please do keep posting updates.
  10. [h=2]Visitor visa (subclass 600) - external site[/h] Provides a visa for people travelling to Australia as a tourist, to see family or for business for up to three, six or 12 months. [h=3]More[/h] Visitor visa online application
  11. So I have been reading some reports online that Austalia, especially West. Aust. is heading for a really bad recession in 2017. What does everyone think?
  12. You know Sue, if I was in your position I would imagine that one of the options was taken away from me - what would you be most upset about, never being able to live in the UK or never being able to live in Perth? Good luck with your decision btw.
  13. Thanks mate, that's a good read. Is there not a lot to do like around Perth and wider? Markets, beach holidays, walking, forests, gigs etc..? I thought there was some things going on but perhaps not!
  14. Thanks Lady R. Thank you for your welcome. Your post is quite insightful, I'm not in the trades field however, but good to know your thoughts. Did you miss Scotland a lot? A friend on faceBook today said the sun is really hot there today! I'm presuming here (sorry if wrong) you will never return? You don't need to answer if personal, apologies. Can I ask, why did you not like BBQ's with kids there, or did I read tha twrongly? Is it not good to be family orientated? Sorry again if I read that wrongly. Although I'm not fearful of heat, I read today that Perth has really hot long summers. I guess something you can only experience once you're there. I would love to learn to surf, n fact the family wants to!! Wonder if I can build shark safe wetsuits ;-)
  15. I gueess you are right VeryStormy. Different strokes and all. If I can ask (s'cuze me) did you leave simply because you didn't enjoy it? I'm trying to decide between QueensLand and West.Aust for my family and I.
  16. Wowzers lady these are great photos. You have definitely made me want to be there now!
  17. New to this, can't find the post I was readign but someone was looking for H&S job in Perth, West. Aust. I found this if of interest http://www.alcoa.com/australia/en/careers/vacancies/IRC49650_Health_and_Safety_Consultant.asp
  18. Cheers for the comments folks. I was just reading the back to the uk thread or whatever it's called and it seemed there were quite a few people hating Perth. I just wondered why. My better arf, children and I are looking to move out next year, just sorting visa's now. Bit of a head spin working through the paperwork. wanted to get a good picture of people's stories, good and bad I guess. About others not liking Ozzie land - after reading as many posts on the 'back to the uk' section there seems to be quite a few who for their own reasons seem to really despite Oz and love UK. You know what, that's ok with me, every country in the world is not for everyone. It's the ones that try to be clever pretending they're level on both countries but it's easy to see through their comments, to me personally comes across quite passive aggressive. I wish these peeps would just say if they prefer one country over another - it's ok to do that, even if you're not from ther. Saw through a few comments that made me have a quiet chucke to myself, do the people writing realise it's pretty see through? NEway. I digress. New to Australian forums and spending quite a lot of time reading up everything I can. What I've gathered up so far is look, life won't wave a wand and make you happy if you're not happy yourself. Moving to another country won't do that for you. I've worked all my life here, poor childhood, no father, so I'm used to hard work from an early age. I guess if I go into this with really open eyes and be prepared to work hard it might be ok for me and the fam.
  19. cheers for your response. Perhaps these unsavory types will leave now the boom is over, lots of people not from Perth originally?
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