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Everything posted by taggstigress

  1. We decided that the bureaucracy about transporting my husbands low mileage Volvo to Australia was just too much so he sold it. Good luck to you
  2. When my husband applied nearly 2 years ago I as the sponsor had to have a police check.
  3. Try and do as much as possible before you leave. You MUST change passport details with airline - but yes you can do it online with manage my booking. Let me tell you what happened to me- I sponsored my husband but discovered that I had become a non Austrlian in 1999 when I became a British citizen, I had lost my Australian citizenship - despite having Australian passports reissued. I resumed my Australian citizenship and asked Australia House whether I needed a new passport. They said no so off I went with my old Aussie passport to Australia last November. -- My husband with his new permanent residency visa went through passport control. It was me who is an Austalian citizen who had her passport impounded because unbeknown to me it had been cancelled. I was allowed in but had to apply for a new passport. In August we decided to make a trip to the UK to see my 97 yr old father-in-law. I arrived at the airport in Sydney to be stopped. My UK passport had not been linked to my new Australian passport so a phonecall had to be made to Canberra before I could leave.
  4. After a lengthy process we arrived in Sydney in November 2016. We finally found a hoime and moved in on Monday -May 1st and overlook a park within easy distance of the grandchildren Hooray
  5. 12 weeks- gosh that is quick. A year ago it was quoted as 10-14 months. It took us from Feb - Sept to get ours. It wasn't even looked at until May. They have obviously upped their quota and employed more people. I was told that there was a monthly quota that was why there was a delay.
  6. We waited 4 months before getting a CO and was told that was common. Once you get a CO, if there are no problems it can take another 2-3 months, My son-in law- was granted his in 6 and was told that was very speedy.
  7. Ok - no -it was straight forward but when we finally got a CO 3 months in, I was told that although I was born in Oz of Oz parents, grandparents etc and held an Oz passport that was current and had been reissued, that I, the sponsor was not an Australian and could not sponsor my husband until I applied and had granted Australian citizenship. NB I had dual citizenship which I applied for in1999 and unbeknown to myself it invalidated my Ozzie citizenship. So for 4 months the application went into hold. My husband did his medical 3 months in- he kept being told to wait and finally they said to go ahead
  8. When did you get your British citizenship? If after 2002, you have no worries
  9. No But paying the fee was one of the bureaucratic nightmares. They insisted on returning the fee and me paying again but when I finally got my Australian citizenship back I discovered there had been an error and the money hadn't been sent. So I say well keep it on the new application. But no. They had to formally return it - and this took 3 weeks!!! To return and accept the new one again. The new application, including payment had to be sent by snail mail and not online. Then it went in the wrong in tray
  10. They discovered that I, the sponsor had had my Australian citizenship taken away when I took up British citizenship in 1999. This was news to me- I had a new passport etc etc, therefore the visa for my husband was put on hold while I resumed my citizenship- this took 4 months because of bureaucratic bungling - but that is another story. We were told that no one looks at application before the CO is appointed. I was told that they can only look at a certain number each month and when the quota for that month is full, that is the delay- bureaucracy!!! Once you get a CO, it is much quicker if there are no issues
  11. That was amazing. I thought ours was straight forward yet noone looked at it from Feb-May when it was discovered it wasn't
  12. Also you only hear when something is not right .e.g. at the very end we had a phone call as they had not received the police form and we thought they had so we scanned it in and emailed it across and had immediate confirmation. If all is going well it is a waiting game. We never had any problems with quality of scanned documents
  13. I think you were very lucky getting a case officer a month after applying. We didn't get D (CO) until 3 months had passed. We applied in Feb. We were always told it was 10-14 months process. Any contact with D was either by phone( he rang us) or by email from a generic email address marked with for the attention of...... to reply to. We finally got my husband's visa 2 weeks ago. I am an Ozzie by birth, my adult children are Aussies and ......... We are off on 24 November- one car is sold, the other on the market, removalists are booked and yesterday we found out our home has a tenant. If you are waiting for Australia to ok it, good luck. I believe the reason everything takes so long is that there is a quota that they are allowed to agree to each month and no more. Your date for startting your application was June so do not do anything too hasty
  14. Application submitted309/100 1/2/16 Assigned CO 5/5/16 Visa granted -TODAY!!! 5/10/16
  15. Wow, not long for you Mark! Super fast timings. We are still waiting to sell our house - been on the market for nearly 4 weeks. My husband may be offered a job in Sydney (we find out in the next couple of days), so we may end up starting our Oz journey there! Exciting times for us all. X So so so envious. We submitted 1/2.CO assigned the same time as you BUT I then discovered that I wasn't Australian -I am the sponsor! I took out British citizenship in 1999 and unbeknown to myself, I lost my Ozzie citizenship- I have renewed passports -no trouble but obviously cannot sponsor my husband without Ozzie citizenship. If you thought that applying forthe visa was bad -try resumption of citizenship. You can onlydo it through Canberra- Australia House can't help- Theywont respond or accept any evidence by email; they deny receiving certificates which you resend but then it is held up by Border Control for 3 weeks. Eventually 2 1/2 months after starting the process they agree they have everything they need but it will take another 77 days to process. Why? When I finally become an Aussie again we can restart visa process. We wanted to go out in October- seems highly unlikely as obv have to sort out our house here!!!!
  16. We were phoned. There is no change on account status. Still says Application Received - obviously I was not approved
  17. What is a PR holder? The kids are ok. They both have Australian citizenship
  18. My case officer has requested this from Canberra. They will either simply resume the citizenship retrospectively ( best case scenario) or send me details on how I do this. In the latter case,we have to withdraw the application for partner visa until I become an Ozzie citizen again because you can't sponsor a partner if you are not an Ozzie citizen and start the process again. I was told that the date of our original application would stay (x fingers). Of course there are cost implications but hey ho
  19. I would have thought so but apparently before 2002 if you voluntarily took out citizenship of another country - ie not because of birth, you lost your Aust citizenship. Thing is no one told me and they reissued passport.
  20. We have Case Officer too BUT he says I may not be an Australian citizen!!!! I am the sponsor. I was born in Oz of Oz parents with Oz birthcertificate and passport. I became a British citizen in 1999. He says that invalidated my Aus citizenship. No one told me. My children are dual nationality so assumed I could. How wrong I was. Disaster
  21. It shows an error then it shows -with me the application. We put ours in on Feb 1st and nothing has happened since, nothing to track
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