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Everything posted by Kathss56

  1. Hi Please can you give me an idea of costs to ship? My car is about to die on me unfortunately....More problems!! ? Wondering if to buy a nearly new car here and ship over whenever my visa comes!! Than you
  2. All I can see is just the cost of $5k for 3yrs by the looks of it! But weigh that up against renewing the 600 visa and popping in and out of Oz etc., Also private health insurance may be more expensive too on this new visa. I am hoping to go on a 600 if need be, but time it so that I don't need longer than the 12mths expiry date !
  3. On a normal tourist visa it's only 3 mths in a 12mth period, so think you would have to do a 600 one
  4. Hopefully they have revised this due to last lot of extra applicants. However, when the new parent visa starts in Nov, will it take away staff processing our applications to theirs! This is so disheartening! People's lives are seriously being messed about with! ?And yes I'm on the Pimms!
  5. Hi Did you say you are flying to Perth ? only I hear they don't have animal quarantine there? So are your dogs going to Melbourne etc?
  6. Ask this question on The brand new PIO parent visa thread
  7. My take on that is if you don't pop out of Oz before the 12mths is up you then have to wait 6mths to re apply so leave on 11mths then re apply, have heard it only takes 2-5days to renew?? There was a post a while ago.
  8. Yes it is 4yrs. Like many of us it will probably be a 600 visa if and when needed / limbo land ? Can you not just pop out of Oz and then back again for another 12mths on the 600? A lot are doing it that way as the have no home in the UK
  9. Recent topic we discussed the pros and cons on here a while back
  10. Link for latest newsletter-which I have just UNSUBSCRIBED from in error!! ??????losing the plot ? https://www.pomsinoz.com/newsletter/2017-june-newsletter.htm
  11. No problem! I must have ticked a box that subscribed me when I originally joined up on here.
  12. Yes, go to top of this page click "more" (Which is on the right of the tab that says leaderboard -on 2nd row down )
  13. Pomsinoz newsletter received this morning tells you of the 355 less visa staff. Not looking good at all!
  14. Hopefully they will sort for me in time for Xmas. However, my daughter is due home in 3 weeks via Qatar airways !
  15. Six Arab countries have cut ties with Qatar. Very worrying as my flight at Xmas is with them. It effects Etihad and Emirates to some degree in case any of you have flights coming up. Best to check! ?
  16. Sorry I can't remember. Think my daughter just sponsored me and then her partner signed the form in the part where it says about him agreeing for her to do this.?
  17. Join in on the PIO brand new parent visa thread. Loads on there
  18. Sounds reasonable for door to door. What sort of size is it please? -sorry lol
  19. Sounds perfect!! I think it is the silly little stuff that helps feel comfy like my years old sewing box, jewellery box, quirky items! Have you had a quite for a movecube? Unfortunately my daughter has recently moved away from the beach! ?So instead of a 3min walk it's a 20min drive now.
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