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Everything posted by LaddermanUS

  1. Im afraid i cant give you a technical explanation as to why it takes so long. the offide deals with child abduction case so i guess first off a matter like this is not seen as urgent and secondly its my understanding that there are only 2 judges in Aus who will do it (sign off on a British order). My case was very contentious and so we asked and paid for a written recital of the judges summing up as well which was sent along with the order. We were not able to obtain much info during the process. Needless to say our visa app relied on the order being registered and all out docs were in and just waiting for the australian order. soon as we got it we uploaded it with a letter and 48hrs later GRANT
  2. sorry for lengthy delay in responding. your order needs to go through : Imogen Adams-Stiell | Senior Case Manager International Child Abduction & Contact Unit (ICACU) Central Authority for England and Wales Office of Official Solicitor and Public Trustee, Victory House, 30-34 Kingsway, London WC2B 6EX 020 3681 2608 (10am to 4pm Monday to Friday)
  3. YEEEESSS !! Ive just received my temp and permanent visa for me and my two children very very very happy. I had to get to leave to remove my children through the Courts, that was granted in Feb 2016. Applied for our visa's same month. Then had to have the UK court order registered in Australia which took best part of 7 months. We had to re=apply for police checks a week ago and hit submit yesterday only to be granted today, straight to permanent ! Delighted to say the least. Its been a very very long road which started 2 years ago with an application to the UK court for permission to remove my children permanently.
  4. No indication of timescales no the last case that went through this process last year took two months to have the UK Court order registered by a Judge in Australia. Despite what you may think, UK court orders are NOT recognised in OZ, they do not have mirror orders like some other countries. You have to have your uk order re-written by an australian judge so that its in australian law. And to do that you have to have the full transcript of the final hearing and suing up recorded and written down by a professional transcriber so that the australian judge can understand how the uk judge came to their decision ! Lots of red tape. My visa and my children visa's are subject to the order being registered in the australia so we can get granted until its registered.
  5. We are moving there because my wife is Melbournian and has lots of family there. Our chosen town is Traralgon, about 2 hour drive east of the city. Im used to country town living (live in Cornwall at the moment) so Traralgon suits me just fine. I am self employed and will be starting a business fresh when we land so nervous about how that might go....
  6. Very envious of all you guys getting grants My visa app was placed end of Feb, medicals and police checks done by end of March but I have a court order which has too be registered in Australia before i can get a grant. I had a leave to remove case awarded in my favour in Jan this year in the UK court (permission to relocate with my two children) but as part of the order I have to have a mirror order in Australia. So its taking quite some time. . I am also moving to Melbourne (how come everyone seems to be moving to Melb ??)
  7. it won't give me an estimate because we are in cornwall (out of their area)!±
  8. Ive called Sevenseas 2-3 times requesting a quote from them but i still have no idea on cost! We are in Cornwall so because its out of the area they needed to get to me........ the wait continues. Ideally im looking for a large one and a medium to be delivered to Melbourne
  9. Today we have had communication about registering our UK Court order in Australia (something we have to do before we can migrate). My wife is Australian and has family in Traralgon area (about 2 hours East of Melbourne) thats where we will migrate to. We applied for my Visa middle of Feb but have to have the court order registered in Oz before we will get granted I am preying we dont miss out in the quick granting that seems to be going on
  10. haha, she is amazing i can tell you. so hot she is actually a wifi hotspot !
  11. Wow Unzippy that is really fast. I placed my app at the end of Feb 2017. We have CO and some additional info has been requested by the CO (inc the medicals). Im guessing my case may be more complicated than most. Wifi is aussie and has 2 kids from previous marriage. I have two kids that live with me from my previous marriage (all under 15) and we have a 2 year old together! Had to go to Court to get Leave to Remove permission to take my two children, which we got. We are having to register the court order in Australia, which is not arraign forward We hope to go by the end of November 2017
  12. I have just applied using the online system. Wife is Australian, I am British. Child together. Hope and prey we get granted by December 2017
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