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Everything posted by Sandgroper

  1. Lets remember this thread is about the state of the NHS though we know how much you dislike taking a thread of topic so lets not worry about the Australian system, you could always start another thread if you are bothered about it Ranked No1 service in the world depending on which list you are reading today, Melbourne is also the best place to live in the world apparently! Don't be naive enough to believe everything you read. If you feel certain parts of the NHS should be run by private companies and you are happy for that to happen you really have no understanding about why it was founded and for what reasons, you will have a system based on the US before you know it but like I said maybe not in your lifetime.
  2. 'we must remain diligent' it's pretty obvious if something doesn't fit your rose tinted view of everything the UK has you will choose to ignore it, major changes are already starting to happen in the NHS. Maybe not in your lifetime but certainly your childrens the NHS will see massive wholesale changes in the way it is run and delivered. But she'll be right eh.
  3. I blame global warming I know Mr trump will deny it though, an English winter is supposed to be frosty crisp and fresh it's a shame the English seasons just seem to merge now and people seem to be actually glad about it! I used to love frosty mornings as a kid.
  4. You have to be honest with yourselves if the weather was that good in the UK you wouldn't feel the need to post pictures of a blue sky when it occurs. I spent about 35 years in the UK and from memory the weather was pretty crappy the majority of the time not all the time though there were nice days I remember them well everyone put photos of them up on social media
  5. Rubbish lol drizzle is a British tradition!
  6. No it's not! English weather is pretty crap I was being diplomatic before
  7. I love how in one breath you defend the weather in England to the hilt then totally dismiss the weather in Scotland as crap! Whilst I agree the English weather isn't always cold and it's not always raining it is bloody dismal it's grey so often! The seasons are non existent when people defend the English seasons they are delusional try living Canada some parts of the US or Northern Europe where they have proper seasons the English seasons just merge together.
  8. Yes there is certainly something reassuring about Australia's stance on asylum seekers.
  9. Well it seems the bomber had been reported to security services by family members and other members of the Muslim community but was allowed to slip through the net wether he was considered low priority or just lack of resources available within the security services let him carry out the atrocity I'm sure some sort of inquiry will happen.........at least we have trident though that'll come in handy.
  10. The difference is the PIRA's action were as a result of what they saw as inequality and wanting a untited Ireland. Islamic fundamentalist's are following the teachings of a fictitious book and choosing to interpret them how ever they want to justify killing people who do not conform to there way of thinking are you starting to understand yet? If you are naive enough to think this is happening purely as a result of Western governments actions in the Middle East you are gravely mistaken, 68 Syrian children didn't get blown to pieces as a result of Western policy wake up!
  11. You seem to be the only person on the thread saying that, not very nice is it.
  12. WOW you are so far off the mark the sentiment was completely different. The only similarity was they both attempted to use terrorism and fear as a means to achieve there individual aims which are poles apart.
  13. Tut tut not all muslims are terrorists haven't you had that drilled into you often enough......but all Islamic terrorists do come from within the muslim community though lose lose situation really.
  14. The two are totally different scenarios don't even entertain comparing them.
  15. Ah true colours showing now 'bile' 'tribe' your an apologist weak minded and your 'tribe' will never reach a resolution because you aren't strong enough to confront and address issues.
  16. Having just read your post again I begin to realise just how much you really do not understand what is going on. The fact is, the bomb was absolutely a special infidel killing bomb in your words and it totally discriminated against people of all ages and races enjoying what everyone in a civilised democratic society should be able to do enjoy a music concert without the fear of getting peppered with nails!
  17. Yes many were both and have gone back to being so.
  18. I have no prejudices to drop, I speak about things as I see them, fact this bomb was an attempt by an Islamic fundamentalist to strike fear in those that do not align with there contorted views. You harp on about the extreme right? What extreme right a few EDL idiots who that try and jump on the band wagon after an event like this. Your an apologist scared to admit that this terrorism has it's roots in the Islamic faith. I know all Muslims are not terrorists I'm fed up of hearing it repeated but this stems from within there community the community that will never integrate fully in a Western society.......................keep dreaming if you think they will because you are wrong.
  19. And you think what? Nothing has been going on in the meantime? That they have suddenly woke up and thought 'you know what we've not hit the UK for a while lets go blow up a few infidels' ??
  20. This will never go away, there will never be any co operation, the divide is permanent, it a cultural divide here to stay. The root of all this terrorism (the Islamic faith) is not compatible with Western society. The Islamification of certain countries in Western Europe will continue over the next few decades and the problems will just get worse.
  21. You will probably find though these people protesting against radical Islam (and I don't know this for a fact in this instance) are from minority muslim groups like that poor chap In Glasgow where the normal run of the mill muslim travelled across the UK to stab on his shop doorstep just because he a was from a minority muslim group! WTF!!
  22. He didn't mind his prophet marrying and raping them so hardly going to bat an eyelid at a few getting blown up.
  23. I should imagine the apologists will be on the UK media soon....it's just a minority blah blah blah
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