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Everything posted by Patphillips47

  1. We took our Ford Taurus to the UK in 2006 and did everything ourselves an absolute nightmare we got the speedo and had that put in ,fog light was put on the bumper but when we took it to the test centre he did not like where it was and we had to take it and get it cut into the bumper ! Then he said the windows were too dark they were no different form anyone else's but with a winge he eventually passed it 2013 when we took our Captiva back we let someone else do the work ie the speedo as it had fog lights I think there are two tests an Iva or an SVA depending on if the car is of a type that is type cast in the EUn
  2. If you can avoid the family court do it at all costs The court we were involved in was told by a pysologist and my granddaughters own lawyer that she should not have to visit her father as there was no realtionship between them and forcing her to visit would be detrimental to her well being The bloody Judge took no notice at all said she was sick of hearing kids who would not do as they were told and gave the father visitation rights !!
  3. I have all of my photos ,family stuff etc in faux leather boxes that are very solid They are scanned ( the older ones ) to my laptop ,on discs and an external hard drive Justin Case I also do family history as a hobby so have boxes full of mementoes too - again scanned and copies kept in different places I have decluttered each time we have moved but won't part with my precious bits and bobs as my grandchildren call them My Mum was almost 100 when she passed away so I have all of her bit and bobs as well Its like Christmas when you get your personal stuff shipped and then open it Must admit sometimes think What did I bring that for then pop it back into its place Memories are very precious
  4. Laughed at my son when he phone last week he said Its gone cold here now ,Adelaide I checked the temperatures his was 15 overnight ours was 8 during the day lol Think he has gone soft !!!
  5. Thinking they could as you can't be sure or origin or treatment I always tell the tale of us having a wand all of 4 inches long taken off Santa and they want around $ 100 to fumigate !
  6. To be honest you would need to ensure it was treated timber and also if there is cane on it there could be a problem with quarantine Company shipping our dog to Oz stamp on their hand made timber crates that they are treated
  7. I started a post in news chats and dilemmas about the same thing Julie ,£ has plummeted like the proverbial stone and wondering if it will get worse ! On paper we have lost thousands over the last few weeks ,luckily we are dual citizens and returning to Oz so don't have the added worry of waiting for IMMI to make decisions !
  8. Arent you in NZ its not meant to be hot LOL Keep that sense of humour and she'll be right as they say
  9. Hopefully it will if not our son has a beaut ute we can use in the meantime lol
  10. I am used to it we have dual nationality and honestly find red tape is bad everywhere in Oz and UK it's part and parcel of every day life in both countries
  11. It's a Holden Captiva LX we owned in Adelaide brought to the uk in late 2013 and will now bring back We figure the cost of bringing back both car and furniture outweighs buying another car in Oz So should it just be a simple matter of it being checked at Regency and then registered Have allreasy contacted Service SA and they said I need a permit to drive it from shippers to Regency I know there is a test centre at Lonsdale could they do the test seeing as it's an Australian approved car anyways
  12. Thinking Hankook can get them for 125 quid fitted and wheel balance it has Hankook on paid 355 aud in 2013 We ' belong ' Adelaide we returned to the UK in 2013 to retire but miss family and place so hey ho it's off we go we have the import permit for the car to come back and will get a permit to get wheels aligned and into Regency hopefully will be fine
  13. Hi What's you opinion on having a wheel alignment before the or car leaves the UK We are taking a Holden Captiva back to Adelaide and it will need to be checked to register it again Looking at new tyres in the UK as they are cheaper but thinking if we get a wheel alignment would it after being shipped possibly need another wheel alignment after it's been on board ?
  14. Don't know about immigration but with Centrelink login I can take a photo with my phone and upload as a jpeg works fine and no need to scan Am thinking its officialdom in general that's on go slow in Oz I applied for a permit to import our dog through BICON supposed to take 7 days er no it didn't Same with quarantine booking took much longer than expected having said that we just got a letter from the DWP and they never changed my hubbys address 2 years ago when we came back to the UK and bought a place after renting Worldwide endemic of pen pushers not pushing ?
  15. fingers crossed and I know how hard it is trying to be in two places at once To me Centrelink is like the DWP it all depends on who you speak to I have over the years had some really good help from them but also some negativity I didn't hear my name called out in one office and when I eventually got seen to the lady was really rude and asked me if I was deaf !! Er yes actually I am I put a formal complaint in that day and got a huge apology letter I am sure it will al work for you so get those bags packed and enjoy and try not to stress ,easier said than done as I know only too well
  16. In your dealings with Centrelink have you been able to create and online account with them ( again not sure how your visa app works ) or has your daughter been able to create an online account with them I ask because we have an online account ,but we are Oz citizens ,and can upload an also get electronic letters I always when going to a Centrelink office put what I am asking in writing and get a recipt for the documents Just trying to think how you can get that letter urgently
  17. Surely if others can leave and go to say Bali you could leave and go to NZ i don't understand the Visa process I am afraid as we emigrated many years ago when life was a lot simpler ! Hopefully it all pans out for you as you must be worried sick
  18. We are taking an Aussie car back it will need to go over the pits in Adelaide as we deregistered it before we left Iron Chef in the transport and shipping forum can give you lots of info on what needs to be done for a UK car to go
  19. Quote is for sole use don't forget we are taking furniture plus car an SUV
  20. We are using Pickfords around 5200 for a 40ft container that will include our car Furniture will get loaded into vans from home then into container at the depot Car goes through to the depot a few days later so that we have it to the death Were in the north east of England going to Adelaide Furniture wise we put a value of about £5000 as our stuffs not new but we fell cost of a full container is worth it as we get the car and everything else tucked in Thier insurance is excess plus covers for some storage either side of the pond if needed
  21. Mums worried cats haven't a clue ( same as me with my furbaby lol )
  22. Tried to get the boys photo uploaded properly but he's sideways lol
  23. Ralphy who will travel to Oz in a few weeks
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