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Keep me in oz

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Everything posted by Keep me in oz

  1. Yea my offshore visa will still stand if MRT affirms the Departments decison. MRT and the Department have confirmed that they are completely seperate processes and each has no bearing on the other one. So I can get the Offshore one, then if the MRT comes through in my favour, great ( i will be eligible for permanent residency) if not i have the offshore visa anyways... sorta win win... although very stressful and expensive! but it was a better option than if i had to leave oz to wait for my offshore visa should I only have applied if MRT was unsuccessful.
  2. I have it in writing from them, there isn’t much more I can do, I cant afford to engage another migration agent! Oh and I already know too well that they fck things up, I have already complained to the Commonwealth Ombudsman about the Department and have a compensation claim being processed for defective administration. The question isn’t all that complex anyways, would a new visa granted by the Department supersede the old one. Its quite a common thing really.
  3. I did thee forbidden and asked the Department! They confirmed that im good to go with the plan above
  4. Well i find myself in a sticky spot.... My Onshore visa was declined earlier this year and I am currently waiting for a hearing date with the Migration review tribunal. In addition, I applied for an offshore visa in June this year as my plan B. I was hoping MRT hearing would be first and then if that didnt work in my favour the clock had already started ticking on my offshore one. After talking with the MRT it looks like I am 6 months away from getting a hearing and the Offshore visa will come through first. The aim of my game is obviosuly permanent residency, If I am successful at MRT then I would have completed the 2 years temporary residency and would go straight to the 801. So I wonder... can I activate the 309 visa, when my turn comes up in approximately March and then still go to MRT? If I am approved for the 801 visa after the 309 will the 801 overide it? Any thoughts?
  5. Can. I ask where u are located? I'm in Perth so perhaps that's why mine is soooo far from getting a hearing date!?!?
  6. Hi Tywin Thanks for all that info! Mine me was declined before yours, how odd! I got told by them this week to expect my hearing to be June 2016! My fingers are crossed for you! I hope it all gets sorted with DIBP soon! Keep eps me posted on how it goes : )
  7. Its great to hear from you Tywin! i have sooooooo many questions for you! when did you get declined? how long until u heard from MRT about when your hearing would be? how long after u applied to mrt was your actual hearing? any tips or info about the hearing? has the department of immigration said you are now eligible for the 801 visa? Sorry for all the questions! thanks in advance!
  8. Hi all, its good to hear from a few people going through the MRT process... man its hard to find people in that boat! I am awaiting my hearing for a decline partner visa, have been waiting 8 months almost, hopefully I get a date soon! its good to hear that the process after MRT seems to be a bit quicker, i have valid medicals and police checks until May next year so hopefully I can get it all sorted before they expire!
  9. Yea that is interesting! Great, 18 months after your UK Police check and Medicals is great news for me
  10. Hey bobby122, the activation date is a really important one for me, can I just check... you said your activation date is 12 months from your last Police clearence? does that mean you did your Police clearence was dated 2/10/15, did you only just supply that just before the grant? I can see from your signature that you did your UK one in May 2015 and your USA one came through Otober 2015, so its 12 months from your USA one right? I wonder why its not from the UK one?
  11. Yea I couldnt agree more the 4 months has come around quickly! I cant wait for next year for all of this to be sorted!
  12. Poms in oz doesnt allow you to post email addresses so the second half, after the at symbol is... dfat.gov.au
  13. You can use this email address if she is an applicant from England: familymigrationlondon**************
  14. This certainly makes an for interesting read.... I am still wrapping my head around it all, but essentially the federal court has ruled that de facto partners no longer need to be lving together prior to applying for a De Facto Visa! The Migration Tribunal held that there was no requirement in the Migration Act that the parties live together before a de facto relationship can be found to exist. The Tribunal concluded that the requirements for a “de facto” relationship had been met. Conclusion The appellant’s construction of s 5CB of the Migration Act, which does not require that the parties physically reside in the same premises prior to the application, is supported by the plain meaning of the section. It is consistent with other provisions of the Migration Act. Have a read.... http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCAFC/2015/69.html
  15. The visa process doesnt need a hand making a mockery of itself. It is a mockery already. The fact that people have to come to this website to find out things, which should be readily available from the Department, is a joke!
  16. I totally agree with majority of what you are saying. I just think that its more common than not that they extend the medicals. Looking at the grants that have happened people tend to have 18 months after their medicals have been taken... approximately 6 months from medicals to the grant and then a year from grant to validate. Plus the Department has told me that they can extend your medicals for 6 months. My opinion is that life is too important not to ask the question and I cant see any harm in asking. I too find myself in a situation where I need as long as possible for activation date and just wish I had known to hold off on my medicals for as long as possible.
  17. Its easier said than done, flying over to oz to validate, Its not a cheap trip! I would email your CO and explain the situation and ask whether doing your medicals later would help with your situation. It does certainly seem like the later you do them the more time you have to activate
  18. ah yea Bobby122 is totally right, you can do them anytime! Some people do them before their application even. Perhaps do it before you go so you can just enjoy your holiday
  19. you can do your Medicals in oz, I did mine here, you can only book them a few days in advance though they dont let you make furute appointments... here is the website you need to use. http://www.bupamvs.com.au/
  20. I would totally throw a sickie! go celebrate! u will be leaving that job for good soon anyways right?
  21. Congratulations!!!! Im so happy for you! im sooo happy you can return to oz after the wedding and with your Fiance! You must be sooo excited! even though it is so early!
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