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Keep me in oz

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Everything posted by Keep me in oz

  1. @Wheat92 I am currently in Australia so have to leave to have it granted. Therefore its Scheduled for grant on 9 March when I am offshore! you must be getting close now! exciting times!
  2. My Visa Grant is scheduled for 7 March, at which point I will be in Bali! I am super excited and cant wait for a holiday and to come home with a visa! yay! Thanks for all your advice on the job front... I will just hold out hope that MRT goes in my favour and I then should have PR as the two yeas would have lapsed.
  3. Ah well you know what the government is like hey, they like it all firmed up in writing that I have permanent working rights, which I doubt think im gonna be able to get in writing from them ha ha!
  4. Thanks Snifter, I too read this earlier. I wonder whether the grant letter says anything more about working rights than this information?
  5. I would be eligible for the 100 so just the 309... In order to obtain a permanent job with my employer i need permanent working rights. even though I have a temporary visa, do you think I will have permanent working rights then?
  6. Hi everyone... anyone on the 309 visa can you answer this for me? What is listed next to working rights on your visa? i'm hoping with a bit of luck it says permanent??!
  7. Woop woop! Got my request to depart Australia! I uploaded my police check about two hours before and then bam! There it is! I have 28 days to confirm my departure from Australia and until 26 May 2016 as my first date of entry! ( this is exactky a year from the date of my earliest police clearance) its time for a holiday then! Woop woop!
  8. I just heard from my case officer and have somehow forgotten to (or they missed it) upload my police clearance. I uploaded it now within like an hour of getting the email, any ideas what happens now and how long it might take to get finalised?
  9. im over the moon for you Nollie! you stayed soooo strong whilst waiting, even though those people got it before you! Im not gonna be as patient I can tell already! I hope the move all goes well
  10. oh deary me, i am driving myself crazy! I am checking my emails constantly! its great to see that there were more grants though yay!
  11. oh my god its all too exciting! It soooo great to see all these grants coming through! yay! 7 months and 1 week for me almost! hopefully im close, i do have a feeling im in the hard basket though Just to add my two cents worth... I live in Oz and most public servants here finish at 3:30 - 4:30! so thank god its being processed in London where they seem to work later hey!
  12. Im wondering whether all of these 6 and 7 month grants are for people who are going straight to the 100! could it be they are getting the easy ones out first?
  13. if you have been in a de facto relationship for more than 3 years or 2 years with children you dont have to wait the two years. and yes it starts form date of lodgement
  14. Congratulations Maverick! ooooo I hope they keep coming through this week! im already getting impatient! lol!
  15. Hey Bound4Tassie I would love to know how it works too, how can some take sooo much longer than others! it doesnt seem to be a first come first served type thing hey! Im thinking my case isnt straight forward as I had my onshore visa declined so mine could be ages...
  16. Which visa waqs it you were denied Jayzo?? I am currently waiting on a hearing for my 820 which was declined in March 2015.
  17. oh god im at that stage where im checking my emails every 5 minutes! Its not even office hours in the UK and Im still doing it
  18. ooooo its all a bit exciting! I love hearing the news about the grants! yay!
  19. ooooo thats really odd! I would contact immigration and tell them that it wasnt you logging in!
  20. Wowzer what a long distance relationship you are in! I dont know how you did it! I hope it all works out for you and they accept your reasons for being apart! do you have joint bank accounts and what not? keep us posted
  21. My fingers and toes are crossed for you! It would make a great weekend for you if it did come through
  22. Where is it in Australia that you are heading to? There are some great popup wedding companies in perth!
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