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Everything posted by LindaH27

  1. Only the initial form. They ask for payment only when they are ready to grant visas - so it means many years in the future!! Applicants who applied before April 2015 are only now being granted their visas so many have waited 40 months so far. Later applicants such as yourself will have a much longer wait. They are only now processing applications for visa grant on applications dated on or before 5 May 2015. Also you have to apply for 143 after two years on 173 then wait again on a bridging visa with all its associated problems and then parents will have to have another medical I believe plus visa charge could have increased again. I’m not sure whether it depends on Medicals etc as I don’t know whether going from 173 to 143 is guaranteed. Some posters on here are having problems on changing from one to the other.
  2. Apparently they are now processing 5 May 2015. Given that applications from UK parents are a lot lower than from other countries and that immi appear to be cutting back on numbers granted it would appear that it’s going to take a very long time for UK parents to get the visa. I’m just hoping they bring in the temporary 5 year visa soon.
  3. I don’t think it’s that. 2015 applicants were told 18-24 months and they’ve stretched to over 3 years! I think it’s more simple maths. Divide the number waiting by the ceiling figure - that gives you a more realistic number although that does stretch to 6 years at present. Maybe it’s the 2015-2016 waitlist figure divided by the ceiling?
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/jun/16/the-225000-campaign-to-dislodge-peter-dutton-from-dickson?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+AUS+v1+-+AUS+morning+mail+callout&utm_term=278219&subid=25730370&CMP=ema_632
  5. @Pertenhall What!???? That’s disgraceful. They should have contacted her to let her know she was short and given her the opportunity to find a co assurer! I’m so sorry for you having come so far and waited so long and I really hope it’s a speedy solution in July!!
  6. Have a wonderful life in Oz! Keep popping in if you can with any snippets of advice for the rest of us patiently waiting
  7. No apologies needed! Yes most get more than £125 as they get the added SERPS and also something called GRB. - graduated retirement benefit. All that changed in 2016 Widow/widowers could also have inherited some of their late spouses pension as well. So that’s why some pre 2016 pensioners do get more than £125 and also why new pensioners aren’t getting a very good deal! I don’t believe any government has got this right despite tinkering around with increasing pension ages etc and wonder whether we will eventually see a system whereby we each pay into our own “pot” like Australia and New Zealand. Every country is facing the the problem of an increasing aged population - and no one seems to have got it quite right yet!
  8. Link pasted and copied instead..... Written on Oct 2015 so figure of £155 is now £164 But in the first five years of the new pension, only around a third of those reaching state pension age are estimated to get the full “flat-rate” pension of £155 per week, worth around £8,000 a year. By 2021, those eligible for the full rate will rise to just over 50 per cent, but it will be more than three decades before the state pension is paid to nine in ten retirement savers. System shake out The chief reason why many won’t get the full state pension is due to how the government has dealt with previous periods of contracting out as the old system converts to the new.
  9. Pre 2016 new pension changes the maximum you could get was a lot less. Many if not all of the pensioners on here with pensions paid before 2016 would, I suspect, getting a much lower figure than 164 p.w even after adding on what used to be called SERPS. This was state earnings related pension which would give you an increased amount if you earned more than a limit and therefore paid more but this was means tested in that if you also paid into a private works pension this would be taken into account in the SERPS calculation. Pre 2016 category A full state pension was £125.95 Even with the new state pension very few people will actually receive the full amount. This is what’s causing the big outcry - see a good explanation here https://www.ft.com/content/6564a2c4-6cd5-11e5-aca9-d87542bf8673 sorry link doesn’t appear to be working - will try to copy and paste
  10. Interesting read! Shows cuts in immigration in general breaking it down to work and family streams. As family includes partners and children, who I believe cannot be “capped”, there a definite decline in parent visas. Some very clear charts etc https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/jun/13/australias-immigration-rate-to-fall-again-as-work-visa-approvals-drop?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+AUS+v1+-+AUS+morning+mail+callout&utm_term=277888&subid=25730370&CMP=ema_632
  11. Many congrats to all!! As many of us suspected, immi were hanging fire till end of financial year. According to another forum many applicants up to 30 June 15 have been asked to start preparations!
  12. @Ferrets the U.K. NI contribution rate is 12% Employers also pay in for every employee as well - I believe that is 13.8%? So there's a fair bit going in for every person who pays in which will increase the number of years pension is paid for. Given that not all people survive that long some may in fact not receive what they've paid for and their contributions will go towards funding other people's It also sounds as though Australians are also not paying in enough according to your figures and wonder how how much the "average" pension is in Australia given full UK pension is £8546 pa Im sure I read somewhere that Australian means tested pension is claimable if your income as a single person is below approx $55000? That sounds way more generous for your 9.5% contribution than £8546 for UK 12% contribution!! I'm not an accountant so obviously my figures are just based on my musings!!
  13. Can you do the same calculation for Australian super funds please. It would be interesting to see the comparison as perhaps it’s something UK govt can look into. Also Nzi is a percentage rate therefore the more you earn the more you contribute Also perhaps how many expats left Uk before paying full amount of contributions and now pay a relative pittance to claim full UK pension? Its all mathematics at the end of the day and yes the govt need to sort it out and there have been various attempts over the years including raising the pension age which I believe is also going to happen in Australia.
  14. quote from Marisa.... “We're talking about two totally different things here. I am talking about the misconception that the UK pension is something you pay into, therefore you have a right to get that money (and its profits) back. My cousins are getting their knickers in a knot because of that perception, because they feel the UK government is stealing theirmoney. It's not. Why you should get offended because I criticise the government for not increasing the contributions beats me. I am not disputing your right, or anyone else's to claim the pension which you have a legal right to claim (though the legal name for it, by the way, is a "contributory benefit"). I am not aware of anyone rubbishing people's credit ratings.” My view for what it’s worth. ...As mentioned in the quote above the legal term is contributory benefit. The key word there is “contributory” ie it’s something you have to pay into. In fact you have no choice it’s part of your NI contributions. So Brits pay a contribution towards the pension whether it’s to fund the previous generation or their own - the underlying premise is that you contribute to something in order to get something back. The more you earn, the more you pay in NI therefore the more you pay towards the pension. It’s also contributory in the sense that people can and do make extra contributions in order to increase the amount they get back in pension!! I believe, though am not sure, that the extra contributions are in fact less than someone might pay on a good salary If you have less than 10 years contributions you don't get anything at all and currently need 39 years of contributions to get the full pension, so yes Brits contribute to get something back. I rather think it’s like the debate about 143 visa cost and Medicare. I would suspect there are examples where peoples’ eventual payments from Medicare exceed the amount paid in!
  15. Wow think I need to move wherever you are in UK ! My last GP appointment took 3 weeks to come through. I was referred to a specialist in March - but won’t see him till mid July! Your GP sounds fantastic! I asked for a call out at 8 am once and had to contact surgery as GP still hadn’t arrived by 6 pm and I thought they had forgotten me! They only offer call outs to over 65s as well. Not an isolated example, all my friends have had same problems and indeed it’s always being mentioned in the media about how the NHS is struggling. I do have one friend who moved to the Lake District and as a rural community they do very well with their doctors but I live in a small market town where a local college has over the years been allowed to expand and now has more students than there are local residents!! So perhaps that’s half the problem - but that’s a whole different story!
  16. But isn’t that true of all pensions even private ones? You will nearly always get out more than you have paid in - especially as private funds invest in stocks and shares and therefore earn a much bigger potential increase? In UK what has happened is that govts haven’t looked at increases in population aged or otherwise. There’s no personal “pot” as such. So current worker state pensions contributions are actually being used to pay current pensioners. So in effect my generation paid for my parents pensions and my children are paying for mine! I paid for my own private pensions though and yes having done my sums I’m getting out more than I’ve paid in!
  17. And then the fun starts - finding homes, trying to get a place with gp, checking on residency for any benefit etc! House prices will have increased over the years, very few dentists offer nhs treatment and you wait 3 weeks for a gp appointment unlike same day appointments in Australia and up to 18 weeks to see consultants. I think long term expats would have quite a shock on returning home!!
  18. According to another forum quite a few applicants with lodgement dates up to 30/6/15 have been asked to prepare docs! Anybody here been asked? Wonder if immi will not now be giving out any visas till after July but are keeping busy working on requesting preparation of docs instead? There doesn’t seem to be any logic the way the queue is going at the moment.
  19. @ramot I’m guessing that perhaps it’s because the govt know/think self funded retirees have/will have sufficient income/savings to pay for aged care in the future? But I don’t know financial requirement for self funded visas and I dont know how much Medicare funds towards aged care. Perhaps it’s like UK where you end up using all your assets until a very low level remains? Also self funders are already in Australia and by using up some of the 143 places the govt could argue that they are in effect cutting migration levels as well???
  20. Thanks very much for letting me know about that. I did look again at the website but couldn’t see anything about self funded having higher income assessment levels. Could you point me to the right place please ?
  21. Anti parent immigration feelings are strong within the government and within a certain section of the Australian public - you’ve only got to see some of the comments on Nick McKims Facebook page when they overturned the AOS changes! I’ve also seen comments on online newspaper articles. They are not not personal attacks against any one person it’s just the posters railing against perceived costs to taxpayer etc Having said that in my annual 3 month visits for the last 12-13 years like you I’ve met nothing but kindness !
  22. https://www.australia.gov.au/information-and-services/benefits-and-payments/older-australians/seniors-card The above is for all over 60s https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/commonwealth-seniors-health-card You can’t get the Senior health card until you have aged pension which is granted because of low income and obviously you can’t claim aged pension for 10 years. So yes you have to wait 10 years AND be on low enough income to get the aged pension which then gives you the card. To to be honest people really have to be able to support themselves in old age as far as Australia is concerned - this is why there’s a lot of anti parent immigration feelings at present so people shouldn't expect to go over and claim benefits
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