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Everything posted by LindaH27

  1. Sorry I’m confused - You can only become a citizen after a 143 application I thought ? And a sponsor is usually for the AOS?
  2. Ha! My acknowledgment was emailed to me but showed a previous address - one I left a few years ago! It was used for earlier visitor visa applications but unsure why they thought I was still there especially as the application for 143 visa had my current and different address. A phone call established that they did in fact have my current address on the 143 visa application and they couldn’t understand why they had used an earlier address in the acknowledgement! ??
  3. Could you let me know as a matter of interest which other visa allows adult dependants please ? I wasn’t aware of one.
  4. Given that there is now a large anti immigration policy in Australia it does seem unfair that adults of 27 could take up a scarce parent visa space. I understood that only the adult dependants up to age 23 who were mentally and physically disabled were allowed. Then of course they would have difficulty passing the medical! The policy concerning adult dependants needs to be changed in the light of the cut backs in parent visas - it would be almost unheard of for UK applicants to have dependants aged 27!
  5. LBee If you look at the link it seems to imply it’s for ALL permanent visas, including parent visas which is why I posted it. We are all waiting and wondering why things are taking so long so as Ramot said we occasionally post about other news which we think could be relevant or of interest to other members of PIO. We all come together to share experiences, ask questions , voice different opinions and yes even have a good whinge! I really learn a lot from PIO and find it a great help on the ever lengthening journey to a parent visa
  6. Cerberus posted more details of speech about this in Aussie chat
  7. I think it’s because they seem to want to apply it to ALL applicants for permanent residency whether skilled workers partners or parents. It’s very recent news - I’m guessing family streams up to now have not been subject to this test?
  8. This what they’re talking about .... https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/jun/14/migrants-could-face-primary-school-level-english-test-says-turnbull
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/jul/20/australia-ethnic-segregation-minister-alan-tudge?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+AUS+v1+-+AUS+morning+mail+callout&utm_term=281597&subid=25730370&CMP=ema_632 Govt definitely making immigration harder especially with elections coming up!
  10. I’m beginning to wonder whether the proposed 5 /10 year temporary visa will now actually go ahead!
  11. Given that they’re reducing the number of parent and other visas granted and the huge wait list it wouldn’t surprise me if that they run out of visas half way through this financial year. May and June traditionally seem to see huge rises in applicants in those months - perhaps because charges are usually increased from 1st July. And perhaps because people fear the 2nd vac will also increase - which looks more and more likely. It seems from recent news that the cause of the slowdown is due to the huge number of people living in Australia on bridging visas which need to be dealt with especially if the govt are losing money on this as it’s only the contributory visas that raise large sums of money. Ive resigned myself to a very long wait and just hope I’m not too old and decrepit by the time they get round to me!!
  12. Wow big drop in visas granted https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/jul/18/coalitions-immigration-crackdown-could-be-an-illusion-expert-says?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+AUS+v1+-+AUS+morning+mail+callout&utm_term=281360&subid=25730370&CMP=ema_632
  13. @SusieRoo according to home affairs you have to completely withdraw 173 application before decision and lodge new 143 application. Doesn't say whether you keep your original lodge date or not ? Scroll down for relevant info https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/about/corporate/information/fact-sheets/39contributory-parent
  14. I think the original poster queried the charges from 173 to 143 visa? Many of the first vac charges increased on 1st July by the consumer price index and will now continue be increased annually .. so far no changes to the second vacs but as they have jumped from approx $33000 to 43600 (for straight 143 visa) in the last eight years or so and given Australia's seeming desire to reduce Immigration , particularly by parents who they feel will cost the taxpayer too much, many people feel that the second vacs will increase substantially in the future. They have already tried to vastly increase the AOS but because they tried to make it retrospective it caused a huge outcry and it was withdrawn. That doesn't mean they may not try to increase it for future applications! I think the first vac is now $340 for 173 applicants applying for 143. The first figures quoted for second vac seem about right but that is for one person so two parents or two parents and an adult dependant would pay more and also more AOS. So best advice is for any 173 applicant wishing to change to 143 is to apply as soon as possible bearing in mind the possible gamble of an increased second vac and / or AOS
  15. Sorry Im not sure - best to check on home affairs website. I do know it’s more expensive doing it as a two step process and it’s also subject to possible rises on the 2nd vac and also AOS has to be paid. Again best to check on website for hard facts.
  16. No work is allowed on visitor visas however long they are valid for, sorry . And you’re looking at about 5- 6 years wait! The queue is already over 46000 and only 7175 visas can be granted but in the last couple of years they’ve granted around 1000 less.
  17. Probably not till end of this year /beginning of next year. They are only just processing May 15 applications now
  18. Taken from home affairs website saying funds must be available when requested Second VAC A second VAC is required for each individual applicant included in the application. Payment of the second VAC is not required until just before the grant of a visa.Note: Processing times for contributory parent category visas can vary so it is important that applicants ensure they have available funds for the second VAC at all times in the application process as payment may be required at an earlier date than was originally anticipated at the time of visa lodgement. Im not sure if delays are allowed but check with immi or your agent
  19. I believe there are very large numbers who have already added their names to waitlists at migration agents to be notified as soon as announcement is made - and have probably already been given their agents “take” on what they think will be required to complete the application. In the last few years India and China have made a huge amount of applications, far more than UK so yes you will need to be very quick off the mark with your application. Actually calling it a temporary visa for 10 years with private health insurance sounds very much like the 405/410 which have now been discontinued leaving people to scramble for other visas if they wish for PR. i probably sound very negative but that’s what happens when you see what govt have done in only the last two-three years! Would be much fairer to allocate 143 visa places as a percentage rate per country then everybody gets a look in. UK and other countries may eventually be given the newish 10 year multi entry visa with visits valid only for 3 months but a quick trip offshore should do the trick to meet that condition! At the moment it’s only available to China Also your comment about centrelink - I believe the sponsor has to be checked and granted before you can apply so that’s also a delay. I hope you get lucky I really do but I’m not sure I will take the chance! They are looking at reducing visas to only 10 instead of 99 and contracting out the processing. I note there will also be provision for “premium services” - in other words you will probably be able to pay even more to get your visa earlier - maybe even less than the $15000 for the temp visa??
  20. Won’t let me edit previous post - I meant govt putting stricter criteria on being intwo visa “queues” concurrently. Another thought - imagine if most of 46000 etc applicants applied - after all it’s a cheaper option than 143 and is also open to more parents as there’s no balance of family test - how hard would Australia have to be to deport elderly medically unfit to fly temp visa holders - it would certainly hold things up and put a spanner in the works. At 15000 places a year and would be applicants dramatically increasing it would still be years before you got the temp visa!
  21. Not meaning to cause offence to anybody as we are ALL in the same boat But.....This has been handled so very badly by the govt, it can only lead to a stampede for whatever various other options people can find, arguments about queue jumping and then ending up with the same “queue” situation on different visas and probably the govt then putting stricter criteria on whether two visas can be held concurrently. Only my thoughts but given the underhanded and fast way some things have been introduced over the years Im not holding my breath thinking that couldn’t possibly happen!! Realistically Australia only wants young highly skilled immigrants - partly to take care of their own ageing population.
  22. Also don’t forget that out of those 7175 places some are going to be reserved for 405/410 applicants and possibly some for South African farmers - and also that figure is now referred to as a “ceiling” so they don’t have to grant that many if they’re told not to!!
  23. You will be told by immi when you will get your visa so you have to wait
  24. I think immi posts processing time according to the visas they are currently processing. Many applicants who applied before end April 2015 are only just getting their grants now. Many have waited 40 months or more as they’ve been told they will get their visas but not until after end of financial year this month so after July 1st The high figure comes from an earlier post detailing an query from a senator McKim about parent visas. - think it’s a post on page 681 by Kathss56
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