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Everything posted by SydneySister

  1. Any midwives on here who have successfully got registration meeting the new guidelines; I cant remember the section number but it was to have a minimum of 10 caseloads caseload midwifery isnt common here ( I am not yet qualified) and without this 3 months supervision in the workplace is required. How many employers will want to sign up to someone with that baggage?
  2. Any young single parents on here, or even young parents who are still together? Heading out will not even be in the pipeline for another couple of years before application etc begins once I finish my degree, work, gain experience and save for a while by which stage my son will be maybe 5. Any experiences would be super to hear. So far my research has led me to the conclusion that this isn't going to happen for us unless I find a very rich man between now and application time lol x
  3. SydneySister

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