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Everything posted by snowy5100

  1. Hello I would just email the Co and let them know, they will advise you what to do. Once the baby is born you will apply for Citizenship by Decent for baby which is pretty straight forward, very cheap and takes up to 4 weeks and then you can apply for an Australian passport for them. I have step children who are part of the application who will be coming with us and i also have two children have Citizenship by decent, they go on the form as non migrating dependants as they have the rights to australia anyway .
  2. Hey all If anyone on here is looking for information for 309/100 visa and you have applied from the Uk use this page : http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/58449-summary-spouse-visa-processing-times-offshore-uk-please-add-your-stats.html
  3. Wow that's Awesome... hope all goes well and you love your new life in Australia ;-)
  4. WOW thats awesome news, so glad you got it sorted and nice to see RN is on the ball ;-)
  5. Thats really weird that you weren't granted the 100 straight away as you do fit this criteria : ""You may, however, be granted a permanent visa without having to fulfil the usual two-year waiting period if:• at the time you apply, you have been in a partner relationship with your partner for 3 years or more, or 2 years or more if you and your partner have a dependent child of your relationship;""" i would be emailing and asking the question or give the call centre a call and ask them !! Congratulations for getting a grant anyway ;-)
  6. Its here! Got the 309 through this morning. 9 months 6days. Cant quite believe its happened. Im elated to say the least. Come on Snowy! WOW...Big Congratulations to you, that's awesome news you must be thrilled to bits !!!!!!!!!!!!.... must get the wife to check her email to see hers has come through yet, must be close as we applied the same day ;-)
  7. Fingers crossed your Grant will come before you leave for Melbourne..... have you got a tourists visa in place just in case? Well we are both coming up to 9m 1w so we have to be close now, cant wait to be home for good ;-)
  8. Hey all ... well its getting exciting now with more and more people who applied in December getting their grants through ;-) Wanted to ask i have noticed a lot of people apply for a pmv 300 visa rather than going for a 309/100, is their any particular reason for you doing it this way ?
  9. Not sure about that one ... a part from the Police checks and Medicals everything else we supplied was on time or when we were requested by the CO.
  10. The best thing you can do is email the CO and ask them when is the latest they require the Police/medicals. We applied 31/12/14 and we had until 30/09/2015 to submit ours. My wife is a school teacher and as she can only travel to validate during school holidays we needed as long as possible after the grant to do this, this will allow her to travel in summer hols 2016. We are not intending to move to Australia until 2017 as we have one child finishing GCSE and another A levels. It may be costly to go and validate but that's part of the process. CONGRATS to everyone who has been getting theirs recently..... hopefully some more of us will get ours soon as we are hitting the 9mth mark ;-)
  11. Well today we have heard from the case officer after submitting the Penal Clearance they requested!! ""All requested information has now been submitted and I will be in touch once we are in a position to finalise the application. Please note that current processing times remain at approximately 10 – 14 months from lodgement date. The application was lodged on 31/12/14."" Must be standard reply as they are still quoting 10-14 mths .... lets hope its closer to the 10 mths like everyone else ;-)
  12. We had read that people over 16 needed the Police check,but our case officer only asked for mine and my wife's at the start. The case officer did apologies and said it was an oversight on her part. Any way we paid and applied for an express service for the Police check on Wednesday night and it arrived on Friday so its now uploaded and now we sit and wait ;-)
  13. We had read that people over 16 needed the Police check,but our case officer only asked for mine and my wife's at the start. The case officer did apologies and said it was an oversight on her part. Any way we paid and applied for an express service for the Police check on Wednesday night and it arrived on Friday so its now uploaded and now we sit and wait ;-)
  14. Least i know the case officer is now assessing the application ...... hope fully we will both be lucky soon ;-)
  15. Well just coming up to 9 mths now and we had an email from our case officer (RN). Whilst i have been assessing your application we have noticed that one of your children are over 16 can you please supply a penal check asap, they have never asked for this before!!!. Well we applied on Wednesday night and paid for express service hopefully we can get this to case officer over the weekend or early next week... hopefully not to much longer now before we get the grant ;-)
  16. A lot of visa are now being granted between 12-14 mths.... Don't rush to get police checks or Medicals done as they only last foe 12 mths We lodge offshore Partner Visa 309/100 on line on the 31/12/2014 ... requested to go for Medicals after 30 June, spoke to case officer we have until 30 September to submit them. Doesn't matter if you submit them the first day you wont get your visa granted any quicker as you are already in the system to be granted on a set week, its just a process as they are only allowed to grant so many per week.
  17. Can any advise on the following. once a 300 or 100 has been granted and you have to go for the initial entry, does applicant and sponsor need to go? The reason I'm asking this is that we are not moving till 2017 , but visa will be granted hopefully feb 2016 and my wife will have to activate her visa on an initial entry , can she just go on her own or do I the sponsor need to go with her or be in Australia.
  18. We needed to send a few more bits of paperwork with regards to the children on the application ;-)
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