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Everything posted by Catlady2014

  1. I hope so! But having seen my daughter's experiences with her move, I thought I would just take the bare minimum - no white goods, no beds or furniture, just a few side tables etc that I especially like, crockery, cutlery, and the usual paraphernalia that you can't do without, plus all the personal items you gather over the years. And I've already sold £3,500 worth of clutter on ebay.
  2. thank you Sue. I hope things start moving for all of us - so stressful.
  3. i'm only taking what will fit into a Movecube. Selling some stuff to buyers of house, some via ebay and to neighbours, anything leftovers will go on Freecycle or to BHF, and any dregs to the tip. My daughter took quitea lot of stuff but then had to wait a couple of months for it to arrive, so she had to buy anyway in the meantime. You can of course buy secondhand make-do stuff though.
  4. My daughter has been trying without success to phone Centrelink to ask why they sent her another application form for AoS when she already submitted one with all the documents, which they photocopied and logged onto computer. She can't remember whether or not the Officer witnessed her signature on the form, so it may be that they missed this and so they want her to do another one; however, they offered no explanation, so we just don't know. She can't go back in there until Friday unfortunately because of working. So, just a tip for everyone who reaches this stage - you need to watch very carefully to make sure Centrelink do what they are supposed to do. I know that somebody else had this exact same problem but I can't remember who it was - Julie maybe?
  5. i think the medical and Police check are just preliminaries, so that this info is in place for when a Case Officer finally looks at the application. It could still be quite a while before I get to visa grant stage. However, medicals and Police checks are only valid for 12 months, so I don't think they would be asking for these if they didn't expect a Case Officer to be allocated fairly soon, or at least in less than a year! With regard to selling the house, it's all a bit of a gamble really. If you think you could sell easily and quickly, then you could wait for the visa and then go on the market. But everything is so uncertain following the Brexit referendum, and who knows what will happen to the housing market in a few months time, that's why I decided to sell now.
  6. Yes, you're right - all the time when nothing whatsoever is happening, it just feels that it never will; but then you get a few indications that somebody has actually looked at the application and you start to get your hopes up, only to slide back down into hopelessness. And yet, I know that I will get there eventually. Oh well, time for a large glass of wine and try to relax, I think. My daughter lodged the AoS application and yesterday received a letter from Centrelink which says 'thank you for requesting information about Assurance of support' and encloses an application form for her to fill in - which obviously she had already filled in and lodged!!!
  7. At least I'm not in rented accommodation - I suppose that's something to be thankful for. This extended waiting time and lack of progress is dreadful, coming on top of the collapsing £ etc.
  8. I've been waiting nearly 29 months and they're assessing just 6 weeks prior to my date. My house buyer is wanting to exchange contracts, I can't book quarantine for my dog and there is a 6-7week waiting list for the kennels anyway. Despite having done the medical and Police check and my daughter having started the AoS process in Australia (and therein lies another story!), everything is still up in the air. This is the most stressful experience of my whole life!
  9. oh dear. That's absolutely horrible, to get your documents stolen. Good luck with recreating your application. I don't suppose you will be asked to send your documents again, but your immediate problem is likely to be identity theft, depending on what was taken. I do hope you reported this to Police and that everything is ok for you.
  10. Hi, I have not personally been asked for extra copies of documents already supplied, but that's not to say I won't be. However, I don't know what stage of the process you are at as there is no timeline signature on your post. Have you received an acknowledgment of your application, which would imply DIBP have received your documents? And bear in mind that you may be asked to complete more forms which may include questions already answered in your application, so it is useful to have a copy of the application for ease of reference, unless you have a fantastic memory and have all the data stored neatly at the forefront of your brain! I would be inclined to have a really thorough search for the missing copies, and if you still can't find them then go to the website and download the application, complete it again (but this tine it will only be for your own reference) and gather all your originals that you needed when you applied and copy them again, then put all these new copies somewhere safe and also scan them onto your computer. But, if you used a migration agent, then your agent will have copies of all your stuff anyway.
  11. Yes, it's very disheartening but at least the dates are now moving forward again - after being stuck in May and June for months on end. And you never know, they may speed up to the rate of processing we were seeing during 2015 - MAYBE ...
  12. well, it appears that Bryan was right - I do not have a CO after all. My agent apologised for referring to a CO, and has admitted it was not a CO who asked for the extra stuff and Police check. But it appears that the processing has changed slightly - extra info or docs can be requested, as can Police checks, ahead of a CO being appointed. This appears to be an effort to speed things up in advance of the CO stage, unless anybody else knows something different. I am happy that progress is being made though - finally! - after nothing happening at all for 29 months.
  13. I've only been asked to do Police Clearance and provide some more docs that are peculiar to my circumstances. I think they maybe don't ask for the medical until they know the other stuff is right. Likewise with the AoS, that would only be asked for once they are happy with everything else. But it's still progress and I'm happy.
  14. I think it was a Case Officer, because my agent told me that "the Case Officer" had asked for more documents. When I questioned why they hadn't asked for the info before, she said that was because they hadn't previously assigned a Case Officer but had only just done so. She didn't mention the PVC Team 1.
  15. Not sure I understand the progression of cases because I now have a CO and my agent has been asked for extra docs and to get my Police check done. So maybe the "assessing" date doesn't have as much significance as we thought.
  16. I really hope the end is finally in sight. I've applied for my Police Cert, accepted an offer on my house, applied for an import licence for my dog. I didn't dare do any of these things until now because of all the delays. I just hope it all comes together. My daughter is planning to come to the UK when the visa is granted, so that we can travel back to Australia together.
  17. My agent also said they are requesting medicals and Police checks in advance of the Case Officer being allocated. I haven't been asked for my medical just yet, but the agent expects it to be any day and has said I should go ahead with the Police check.
  18. oh so near, Geordiejoe - exciting days for you and yours. Wish you all the best.
  19. oh, sorry, I just assumed you'd been to Bali and back again, with that long awaited visa under your belt. Have they told you when it will be issued?
  20. Hey Geordie Joe, would a little updating to your timeline signature be in order? I'm guessing, and hoping, you're finally done and dusted now? :biggrin:
  21. A rather late Christmas present! Have fun in Bali, and congratulations. :xmas16:
  22. they could still have received applications on those days, though? Or maybe at least on the Saturday? Or am I grasping at straws, haha.
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