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Everything posted by Catlady2014

  1. When did you apply? I'm assuming 2014, in which case you will start to hear something soon. Don't get despondent, it is really hard on all of us, because the original processing time in 2014 was said to be 18 months. If we had known at the start that it would take this long, we would have accepted it and not felt so bad, it's just that expectations were raised and then slowly sloooowly beaten down. I don't know if the quota has been reached but there really is no reason to think that is the case. When my granddaughter's application was being processed, Immi told her at one stage that the quota for her visa class had been reached and so she wouldn't get it until July but they carried on processing, and sure enough in July the visa was issued. In other words, they made no secret of having reached the quota but they carried on processing applications. I have no idea of the reason for the delay, and I think all that we parent applicants can do is to make quite certain we have all the info/documents in place and ready for when it is needed, and then try to get on with life as best we can, get your house up to scratch ready for selling, and get rid of all that clutter that everybody has in their house, attic, shed. I've sold thousands of pounds worth of clutter so far and I have a little more still to sell. And I know how difficult it is not to keep sending test emails and checking the exchange rate every hour, but I've pulled back considerably on both activities because I was just torturing myself. So, keep your chin up and carry on with life as best you can.
  2. My daughter has had her phone interview with Centrelink, and her Assurance of Support has been approved. They will send her a letter today to take to the bank and open the support bond account.
  3. Meanwhile, is everybody keeping an eye on the exchange rate? Silly question! And the £ is surging on the announcement of a UK election!
  4. It came by post, it was dated 8th April but only arrived today, and it was not even uploaded to my daughter's myGov account which she has been checking daily! If it had been, we could have had this bit all over and done with a week ago.
  5. My daughter had a letter from Centrelink today, she's going to ring tomorrow for the phone interview.
  6. My daughter was told they are currently taking 9 weeks to process the AoS application. She applied just over 8 weeks ago but still no phone interview yet.
  7. Well, Sue, I'm one of those inching painfully slowly towards the end of the process, but I don't usually post unless there's some news or if I can answer a question asked by somebody else, which probably goes for most members on here. The other things you mention are mostly covered in other threads/topics in other parts of the forums. If you take a quick look through the forums, you'll see what I mean. Anyway, hello - I'm still here. Here's a link to another topic that you might find interesting:
  8. $10,000 for a single applicant, $14,000 for a couple, and yes it's 10 years. I believe interest is payable on the bond when redeemed.
  9. My daughter called them yesterday and was told processing time for AoS is 9 weeks.
  10. Hi Clerk85, no more news on the AoS yet, no phone interview, nothing. I think it's about 5 weeks since the application was submitted.
  11. Maybe if you pose this question on the thread Forum Problems. I don't know if there is any way round it. I tried using the Search function but it wasn't successful.
  12. they've changed the procedure (I think they're trying to speed it up!). I've been asked for these things in advance if a Case Officer. It looks like applicants who lodged in October have been asked, but maybe they haven't got to November applicants yet. Your parents can do the Police Report any time they choose. But for both the medical and AoS, they'll have to wait until Immi provide them with referral letters.
  13. they won't be able to do the medical until Immi ask them to and give them their HAP ID number. The Police Report can be done on line at ant time, but remember that both the medical and Police report are only valid for 12 months.
  14. Hi Radlam. No Case Officer yet, but Immi now ask for the medical and Police Report to be done a little in advance. My guess is that they want everything in place when the Case Officer picks up the file. My daughter has also started the Assurance of Support process and that can take around 9 weeks. Tell your in-laws to check their junk mail folder regularly, in case anything has gone into that. It has happened in the past that somebody here had a notification go into their junk folder. What date did your in-laws lodge their application, because that's the important date, rather than date of acknowledgment.
  15. i used an alternative address just to check if the autoresponder was actually working. Otherwse we'd have no way of knowing whether it was or not, we would just assume no change. If they are bringing in the new updating process, I assume they will stop the autoresponder.
  16. I tried sending a Test email from one of my alternative email addresses and actually got a reply this time, so the autoresponder is obviously still working, but the bad news is that the processing date is still stuck on 19th August 2014. "In the 2016-17 Migration Programme year, 7175 Contributory Parent visa places are available for applicants applying from in and outside Australia. Due to high numbers of Contributory Parent visa applications lodged in May and June 2014, processing time for these is expected to exceed 24 months. OFFSHORE APPLICANTS (subclass 143/173) When your application is allocated to an assessing officer, you or your authorised contact may be asked to provide more documents, including but not limited to, Assurance of Support (subclass 143 only), police certificates and health clearances to finalise your application. We are currently assessing applications lodged up to and including 19 August 2014."
  17. I would think so but then the next step would be to take the 2nd vac, and I guess once that payment has cleared then the visa can be formally granted.
  18. Same here. And of course, AoS currently takes about 8 weeks to process, sometimes much longer. Geordiejoe I believe took an epic 16 weeks or so and Julie about 9 weeks. They'll correct me if I got that wrong!
  19. I'm not completely certain about this - I think the 143 is a paper only application and so it can't be managed via an Immiaccount.
  20. Fingers crossed fir you, clerk85. Out of interest, what is your timeline please?
  21. Yes, Julie, now I remember the full story - what a nightmare it must have been for you. Finally it all worked out for you, thankfully. Glad you're settling in.
  22. It's all down to personal choice. But for everyone planning to take everything with them, just remember that you will have to wait a while for your container to arrive and will need to source stuff to make do while you wait. My daughter was relatively lucky as she had friends who could lend her some things, but she still ended up having to buy a lot, and from memory I believe she waited around 2 months for her container. By that time, she had of course had to buy beds (they slept on the floor for the first week) , TV, fridge, washing machine, plus all the everyday things such as cooking utensils and so on. That's why she said with hindsight she wouldn't have taken her household goods. But everybody's circs are different.
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