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Everything posted by Steve2

  1. Welcome to the mad house sue Never be afraid to ask anything - we're all here to help and support each other. Good luck Steve
  2. Hi Amanda We did them online on the 21 February and they arrived in the post today - scarily quick!! At least something is eh?! All the best Steve
  3. Hi Amanda We're with NAB over there, I'll try and see of they have a sterling account over there. Got our police checks back today, have you done yours yet? Steve
  4. Hi Amanda Thanks, not sure they sound convincing to me though - what are your thoughts? Cheers Steve
  5. Up Brilliant news - so pleased for you - good luck in your new life! Steve
  6. Hi Joe My thoughts exactly. I can just hear it ...... ooooooH we forgot to ask them to do medicals, never mind we'll all go walkabout whilst they run around like scalded hens trying to get meds done! I don't think I'll pass my medical at this rate cos my blood pressure will be through the roof! Julie Yep - I think we're thinking the same thing - especially as they don't like answering such questions when we email them! Lots of table tapping to come I reckon.
  7. Great news - I bet you're so happy, relieved and a touch nervous about the next step! I look forward to your next post. Steve
  8. Hi Patricia Welcome to the forum, or as we all call it "the mad house, waiting room etc"!. How long are you wanting to go for? If it is as a visitor then it can be an e651 (free and valid for 1 year but you have to leave Australia every 3 months), an e600 (this one costs and is valid for up to 1 year without having to leave the country every 3 months). If you are looking to emigrate, then you first of all have to pass the balance of family test; which means that at least 50% of your children have to be Australian citizens or settled permanent residents (settled means they must have had residency for at least 2 years at the time of your application). If you meet the balance of family test then you have a choice of subclasses 103, 143 & 173 visas, each with varying costs and timescales. You can get more information from www.border.gov.au or get advice (free in the first instance) from a REGISTERED MARA migration agent. I hope this helps and the best of luck in whatever you decide to do. Regards Steve
  9. Hi Amanda I seem to recall that there was a price increase in March 2014; and even more worrying rumour had it that there was going to be another one in June 2014, this never happened but I reckon we're in for another backlog in June/July 2014 applications as a result of that rumour. Was wondering if you had any joy finding out about a GBP account in Aus? Cheers Steve
  10. Nn Hi Amanda Yes it's been a worry how the pound has dropped because of the pending Euro vote. I'd be interested to hear the results of your enquiries but not sure the pound would fare much better against the dollar over there? Cheers Steve
  11. Hi As far as I know immi only accept payment by credit card or bankers cheque. When/if our time comes we have set our son up on our NAB account so that he can organise the bankers cheque on our behalf, much cheaper than credit card! Good luck Steve
  12. Hmm Hi For what's it's worth, my understanding is that if you ship your belongings before your permanent residency is granted you are liable to pay import duty on them; if you wait to ship once you become a PR you don't pay duty. Don't know whether it's more cost effective to pay for storage in the UK or pay the duty. Hope this helps. Steve
  13. Yes I think we will too - it's only money! It'll make us feel we're achieving something.
  14. Hi Amanda Great news on the house sale - congratulations. We're thinking of having our police checks done so that at least we've achieved something and I don't think we need anything from Immi to get them done and as they last a year I would hope that there's little risk in them expiring. Hope all goes well. Steve
  15. Can't blame a bloke for trying though eh?! I know that Maisie would scupper the idea long before Immigration. Oh well - back to trying to keep sane before the medical!
  16. Hi Maisie Don't panic Captain Mainwaring - if the stress is too much we'll swap places in the queue!! Hope all's good. Steve
  17. Agreed, could be like swatting a wasp. Aussie sense of humour test??!!
  18. Hi Phil Yes extremely frustrating but at least there's been a bit more progress this week. We've put a deposit down on some land in Yanchep, not bad prices at the moment and when the freeway and railway goes up there it will thrive (hopefully!). We've covered lots of k's when we've been over and we feel that is the right area and estate for us, 5 mins for the beach/lagoon and 5 mins the other way to the national park and a bowls club! Fingers crossed for "Happy Days!" All the best Steve
  19. Hi Kim Was a great trip as usual thanks, but not glad to be back. I don't think we've visited that area as yet. We've put a deposit down on some land in Yanchep, it's beautiful there and very up and coming. Regards Steve
  20. Great news - it's encouraging to see some long awaited progress. All the best Steve
  21. Hi Phil Didn't know what stress was until we started to put ourselves through all of this! Perth was as beautiful as ever and we've located exactly where we wish to settle over there now, unfortunately Elizabeth Quay didn't open until the evening we flew back so that'll have to wait until next time. We just wish we could get a start on our medicals, police checks and AOS, but in the absence of any HAP ID etc we're stumped. Do you know if our son can start the AOS procedure without us having the go ahead from Immi? Cheers Steve
  22. Hi Many congratulations and I wish you the best of luck with the house sale. We went on the market early and sold in 2 days, this makes the long wait for the visa worse in many ways but we had to sell to pay the 2nd VAC. I wish Immi would get a grip on understanding the tensions felt by all of us in the queue and at least have the good grace to respond to emails rather than seemingly ignore them. As has been said many times on here you would think that for the money we are all prepared to pay that customer service would be important. I find it hard to think of any other service that costs this much that we would accept such poor communication from - rant over!! All the best to everyone Steve
  23. Hi all Auto reply today says they're now assessing for finalization 143's lodged 24 February 2014. We're in Perth on holiday and its much better waiting in the sun than the cold. Hurry up immi!! Cheers Steve
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