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Everything posted by Steve2

  1. Hi Julie Thanks for this. Hope one of your viewings turns into an offer very soon. Cheers Steve
  2. Great news - our buyers had their survey done yesterday so hopefully ours is progressing as well
  3. Haha - don't know about that - I bet the aussies living over here aren't doing the same!!
  4. T Hi The auto reply today says they're up to 8 October 2013 now!
  5. Hi You're quite right it's 10,000aud for the first applicant and 4,000aud for the second - prices don't go down eh?! Hope all's good over there.
  6. The auto reply from immi this morning says they're working on 143 applications lodged on 25 September 2013. I guess we're making some progress?!
  7. Hi Julie It's like watching grass grow, paint drying etc etc !!
  8. IMMI seem to work in weird and mysterious ways so hang in in there!!
  9. Hi Val That's a shame and so frustrating for you. We came unstuck as we didn't expect to sell so quickly and are having problems finding a decent rental. As you say - what have we all done! Hope you get some positive news soon on your house sale. All the best Steve
  10. Yes we didn't expect to sell quite so quickly and are chasing round to try and find a decent rental in a decent area, needle in a haystack time!
  11. I reckon we'll still be de-cluttering as the removal men are waiting to pack!!
  12. Yes, were in a state of shock and a certain amount of panic. The de-cluttering never stops!
  13. Hi Petina Thanks so much, the de-cluttering does indeed continue in earnest. All the best Steve
  14. Thanks Julie Hope you sell just as quickly, now it's finger nail biting until completion!! Have a good rest Steve
  15. Hi Joe Thanks. Not looking forward to renting at all, but as you say it's a means to end. Can't believe we sold so quickly. Had PSS round today and have already got the John Mason quote so I'll PM you when I have the PSS one. All the best (where's the brandy??) Steve
  16. Hi Julie Hope you had a good flight back and are getting over the dreaded jetlag. We're amazed at the amount of viewings we've had and even more amazed that we have sold today after just over two weeks on the market to our second viewers - now eagerly awaiting the "Sold" sign to go up. Panic starts now to find a rental! Aargh - what have we done??!! All the best Steve
  17. Yes it's getting beyond ridiculous! When did you lodge your application?
  18. Hi Julie Glad it all went off ok. We've had 10 viewings in 12 days and an offer pending them selling, they didn't go on the market until they'd seen our bungalow, but they seem really keen so fingers crossed. Hope you have a safe journey home. Steve
  19. Hi We're heading to Perth as well, love it there. Yes one thing we're all learning is trying to be patent, but you'll find everyone very supportive on here and we all try to help each other cope with the waiting. Don't hesitate to ask anything on here, someone will have an answer. Good luck
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