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Everything posted by AlanSteel

  1. Hang in there everyone! Beginning to feel so close yet so far away! We are the same as you Kim, in so far as I gave up my job just before Xmas, thinking worse case scenario we would be in Oz, all done and dusted back in Feb! Fortunately Karen (my missus) has a mate who has let us use her flat all in at mates rates! With no debts, and Karen on a half decent salary, we coped, but mentally and emotionally we are drained. It will all be worth it, you see, this time next year............ :wink:
  2. Morning Julie, and I thought it was just me getting up at silly o'clock each day!
  3. I've sent a couple with no reply, hoping its because they have jumped forward a few weeks, which is causing the delay!
  4. Hi Kath, thanks for the info, just had this confirmed also.....looks like a flight somewhere instead
  5. I will swap your tent, for my place in the queue!!.................. thought not :biglaugh:
  6. The bank balance may have looked so much better last week, but how much brighter is the future?? Gotta be worth it :wink:
  7. Julie, remember as each day passes, be they good or bad, the day we all dream off is forever closer! But I know where your coming from!
  8. Hi Julie, no offence taken, just showing off as trying to get "Oziyfied' learning dates and events special to the Australians.
  9. As each day dawns, and still no case officer, we are beginning to resign ourselves to having to go 'offshore' after we arrive in Perth on 2nd June, to comply with the regulations around the 143 Visa. Does anyone know if going on a 12 day cruise to Asia, constitutes going 'offshore'? Has anyone else done this? Just curious :daydreaming: I can ask my MA, but wondered if anyone else had done this.
  10. Yes, but it a very important bank holiday it's ANZAC day, :wink:
  11. Fantastic!!!! Now leave in an orderly fashion please! Good luck
  12. Hi, my answer is similar to the one @Fisher1 has already given, in so far as, we have used an agent, and have a simple application we think, but chose to use a MARA agent. The reason mainly are, we cant be bothered with paperwork and processes! (Lazy basically) So for us, to engage an agent was a no brainer. Yes people will say its an easy process, but for us, its worth paying the cash, knowing that, we wont miss part of the process, as our agent is holding our hands, and leading us. Costs are as stated previously by @Fisher1. Timings, well these seem to be 'flexible'!! When we started the process on 30th May 2014, the timescale was suggested to be 18-24 months. However, it would now appear to be 23 months minimum. All this said, this is the right place to ask further questions, as most people here offer some cracking advice. Good luck whatever you choose to do.
  13. Hi @Sadge Did you ask for the referral letter for the AoS from IMMI? Did they make any comments saying this was a bit premature at all? Asking as I may ask for this also Thanks Alan
  14. Stick in there Steve, not sure what the correct answer is, but we have planned to go offshore if our 143 hasn't been granted by the time we fly. We have read this and seen others do this over the 2 years we have waited to get to this stage, and to be honest, taken it as an action we need to take. We don't have a dog to consider granted, but don't give up!
  15. We asked twice, as the first time they refused, but on the second occasion they gave us the HAP numbers, so for the sake of an email I guess it's worth asking for them. Good luck
  16. Given the lack of movement by IMMI this week, this might cheer us all up! Maybe not every word, but the sentiments I'm sure :wink: Anything else we can keep ourselves amused with in the waiting room this weekend?
  17. Disappointing, but hey ho, its almost the weekend (well I'm trying my hardest not to show my tears of disappointment!!) And to prove I am over the news, here I am with my Friday face (Note gritted teeth!!) Have a great weekend everyone!
  18. Thought I would share something we found the other evening, as we sat debating what clothing and essential stuff to take with us when we finally depart. Although we get 40kg weight allowance each, with suits for job interviews etc this may still not be enough, and too be honest I don't want to be dragging this weight with me! So so we are going to send another 60kg via the following people https://www.sendmybag.com/quote and thought the costs were reasonable. if anyone has anything similar it would be good to know so we can do a cost comparison.
  19. Oh don't worry about being behind you on this one Kim! And as for a nudge........
  20. Hi Kath, one per applicant is required. Karen's ( my missus) took next to no time, from school to one job! So this was simple, plenty of travelling but we were able to copy and paste from mine. Me on the other hand, an Army career, plus a few jobs since I left the Army in 1993 meant it took ages! As Steve says good luck with them, they are a pain but simple enough to complete.
  21. Fingers Cave in Ireland a must see place to go. Legend says it's the other end to the Giants Causeway, which we have also seen, but Fingles Cave blows this away in our humble opinion
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